Log in to lxplus.
ssh -Y [email protected] -o ServerAliveInterval=240
bash -l
Go to the Prerequisite section of the BRIL Work Suite and export the PATH that corresponds to the centrally installed virtual environment on lxplus.
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:/afs/cern.ch/cms/lumi/brilconda-1.1.7/bin:$PATH
Do this the first time. Do it also if you want to update the brilcalc version.
pip uninstall brilws
pip install --install-option="--prefix=$HOME/.local" brilws
Check your brilcalc version.
brilcalc --version
Get the 2017 luminosity. Based on the PdmV2017 and on the TwikiLUM TWikis one should use the following.
brilcalc lumi -b "STABLE BEAMS" \
--normtag /cvmfs/cms-bril.cern.ch/cms-lumi-pog/Normtags/normtag_PHYSICS.json \
-u /fb \
-i /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSCOMM/COMM_DQM/certification/Collisions17/13TeV/Final/Cert_294927-306462_13TeV_PromptReco_Collisions17_JSON.txt
| nfill | nrun | nls | ncms | totdelivered(/fb) | totrecorded(/fb) |
| 175 | 474 | 206564 | 205445 | 44.172 | 41.530 |
If you want to get the luminosity by trigger path.
brilcalc lumi -b "STABLE BEAMS" \
--normtag /cvmfs/cms-bril.cern.ch/cms-lumi-pog/Normtags/normtag_PHYSICS.json \
-u /fb \
-i /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSCOMM/COMM_DQM/certification/Collisions17/13TeV/Final/Cert_294927-306462_13TeV_PromptReco_Collisions17_JSON.txt \
--hltpath "HLT_Ele8_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_PFJet30_v*"
| hltpath | nfill | nrun | ncms | totdelivered(/fb) | totrecorded(/fb) |
| HLT_Ele8_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_PFJet30_v10 | 27 | 56 | 23305 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
| HLT_Ele8_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_PFJet30_v11 | 18 | 47 | 19043 | 0.001 | 0.000 |
| HLT_Ele8_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_PFJet30_v12 | 67 | 144 | 90816 | 0.002 | 0.002 |
| HLT_Ele8_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_PFJet30_v13 | 6 | 27 | 14589 | 0.001 | 0.001 |
| HLT_Ele8_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_PFJet30_v14 | 2 | 13 | 4469 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
| HLT_Ele8_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_PFJet30_v8 | 9 | 21 | 5909 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
| HLT_Ele8_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_PFJet30_v9 | 20 | 84 | 23011 | 0.001 | 0.001 |
#Sum delivered : 0.004
#Sum recorded : 0.004