Simple C++ code that reads nanoLatino trees. It compares the Lepton, Electron and Muon collections, both for data and MC.
cd AnalysisCMS/test
root -l -b -q runTestNano.C
This has changed with respect to the 2016 latino trees. While in the past we were using the sign, now we take the full Generator_weight
baseW * Generator_weight * puWeight * lumi
In the current (August 2016) nanoLatino production there is only one tight electron that can be used in the Lepton collection. It is Lepton_isTightElectron_TightFall17
. To redefine offline other tight leptons one should require thresholds as in the example below, following the Multivariate Electron Identification for Run2
Electron_mvaFall17V2noIso_WPL[Lepton_electronIdx[idx]] < -0.86 (barrel high pt)
Electron_mvaFall17V2noIso_WPL[Lepton_electronIdx[idx]] < -0.72 (endcap high pt)
DATA and MC: HLT_Ele23_Ele12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL
DATA: HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ (run <= 299367)
HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ_Mass8 (run > 299367)
MC: HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ
We need to apply a lumi weighted DZ efficiency SF, which is 0.860 for emu and 0.986 for mue.
DATA: HLT_Mu12_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ OR HLT_Mu23_TrkIsoVVL_Ele12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ (run <= 299367)
HLT_Mu12_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ OR HLT_Mu23_TrkIsoVVL_Ele12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL (run > 299367)
MC: HLT_Mu12_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL OR HLT_Mu23_TrkIsoVVL_Ele12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL
DATA and MC: HLT_IsoMu27
DATA and MC: HLT_Ele35_WPTight_Gsf