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LooseSeal2 edited this page Jul 10, 2019 · 140 revisions
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Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. Access Information
  3. PG YouTube
  4. Library Location
  5. General Configuration
    1. Media Management
    2. Folder Management / Importing
    3. File Management
  6. Configuration /w NewsGroups
    1. General Information
    2. Adding Indexers - No NZBHydra
    3. Adding Indexers - /w NZBHydra
    4. Setting up the Downloader
    5. Downloader Settings
      1. Path Mappings
    6. Recommended NewsGroups
  7. Configuration /w Torrents
    1. Setting up Jackett | Indexers
    2. Setting Up a Downloader
  8. Plex/Emby/Jellyfin autoscan
  9. Summary

1. Intro

Radarr is one of the most recognized programs utilized in order to obtain, maintain, and upgrade a user's movie quality content. Radarr operates in a hasty and efficient manner and provides a high degree of confidence in organizing and renaming files to be recongized both by Plex & Emby. For USENet, Radarr works both with NZBGET & SABNZBD.

Radarr is a PVR for USENet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new movies and will grab, sort and rename them. It can also be configured to automatically upgrade the quality of files already downloaded when a better quality format becomes available.

2. Access Information

i. General Access

Protocol Address Notes
traefik** radarr:7878 Only for Internal App-to-App Communication
https Traefik must be Deployed; Remote Servers
http Poor Security Practice - Stop with PG Port Guard
http ipv4:7878 Ideal Only for Local Servers

** Ideal for Apps to communicate between with one another. Click Here for more info!

3. PG YouTube

4. Library Location

This is where the renamed/organized files are for playing on plex and where radarr will look your library. /mnt/unionfs/movies

5. General Configuration

Important! Ensure you setup the required Downloader Path mappings for hardlinking, super fast importing to work! See here

Start off by ensuring that the advanced view is turned on and is on when making any changes! Certain things will be hidden if you fail to do so!

Next, select media management. From here, scroll down until you see Episode Naming. Make sure to turn that on. If not, file names will be stored as is and may complicate the setup with Plex and/or Emby

i. Media Management

  1. Rename Movies: Yes
  2. Colon Replacement Format: Yes
  3. Standard Move Format: Optional - Copy & Paste Below

{Movie Title} ({Release Year}) [{MediaInfo VideoCodec}-{Quality Full} {MediaInfo Audio-}{MediaInfo AudioChannels}]

ii. Folder Management / Importing

Disable: Create Empty Folders Enable: Skip Free Space Check Enable: Use hardlinks instead of Copy

iii. File Management

Next, scroll down to file management and [TURN OFF] analyse video files. If left on, it will ring up the API usage for G-Suite and result in slower scans being conducted by Radarr.

After making the following changes, it's recommend to save the changes before moving on to anything else.

6. Configuration - NewsGroups

NOTE: Ensure that you followed the steps in Step 4 - General Configuration First

i. General Information

Note that you setup your indexers in two ways. A user can post their indexers here directly, or setup NZBHydra which will sort and attempt to utlize the best nzb to download user connect. NZBHydra is completely optional.

News Group indexer information is generally easy to setup. The great thing about Radarr is that there is prebuilt list of indexers to select from (meaning you do not have to discover them on your own). Select the [+] symbol in order to add an indexer.

ii. Adding Indexers - No NZBHydra Usage

Next, you will see custom and presets. Custom should only be selected if the indexer that's being utilized is not on the preset list. If on the preset list, select it.

After selecting the indexer, the only thing that has to be done is add the API Key. Indexers provide API keys outright or buried within the settings of their website. Ensure that the key is not known or shared to others. Some indexers may ban the use of your key if excessive IP address are detected.

Warning: NZBGeek even though advertising unlimited usage; they truly are not. If utilizing PlexGuide to search 100's of items daily, NZBGeek will accuse you of scrapping their website. You have been warned!

Once done, conduct a test to ensure that the Indexer is working. Click save and repeat again if required.

iii. Adding Indexers - /w NZBHydra

Before proceeding onward, you must have NZBHydra deployed with at least one working indexer configured. Failing to had have an indexer setup will result in being unable to connect to NZBHydra.

To Setup, goto the Indexers Tab and click the [Custom] button!

Next, setup the following:

  1. Name: Anything You Want (NZBHydra Recommended)
  2. URL: http://nzbhydra:5076
  3. API: Obtained from NZBHydra

When Finished, select [Save] in the upper right corner.

iv. Setting Up a Downloader

a. General Information

It is recommend to have NZBGET or SABNZBD deployed before moving on to ensure that connection is working when teseting. First, start by selecting download clients and then selecting the [+] symbol. For Google GCE, it is recommended to use NZBGET due to it's ability to keep up with mass downloads!

You only have two choices primarily to choose from. Select either NZBGET or SABNZBD and then follow the instructions below based on your choice.

b. Setting up NZBGET

Prior to setting up, ensurue to have NZBGET deployed first!

  1. Type in the Name nzbget
  2. For host, type in nzbget (not localhost or the ip address)
  3. Ensure that port is 6789
  4. Put the username and password of NZBGET (if one was set)
  5. Must be movies (all lowercase)
  6. Test the connection
  7. Select [Save]

Once complete, exit!

c. Setting up SABNZBD

Prior to setting up, ensurue to have SABNZBD deployed first!

  1. Type in the Name sabnzbd
  2. For host, type in sabnzbd (not localhost or the ip address)
  3. Ensure that port is 8080
  4. Paste your API key from SABNZBD
  5. Put the username and password of NZBGET (if one was set)
  6. Must be movies (all lowercase)
  7. Test the connection
  8. Select [Save]

Once complete, exit!

v. Downloader settings

a. Advanced Settings

Ensure that advanced settings are turned on. You will fail to see the remote mappings if you fail to do so!

b. Completed & Failed Download Handling

By default, nothing has to change as shown in the picture below. The remove options are optional; if you wish to change them.

c. Remote Path Mappings

For each downloader you use, you need to setup a "mapping" per downloader. A mapping is required per downloader for hardlinking to work. This is required for the best performance. For more information, read Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr Remote Path Mappings

vi. Recommended NewsGroups

Top 5 tier news-server recommended by PlexGuide for SABNZBD & NZBGET! Very well known for completion and speeds (and my actual personal use):

  1. NewsHosting
  2. UseNetServer
  3. EasyNews
  4. Pure USENet
  5. XLNED

7. Configuration - Torrents

NOTE: Ensure that you followed the steps in Step 4 - General Configuration First

i. Setting up Jackett | Indexers

  • Visit the Jackett Wiki to obtain the URL & API.
  • Paste in the URL, but once your done; change the address to match http://jackett:9117 as shown below.
  • Paste in your API key
  • Select Save

ii. Setting Up a Downloader

a. General Information

It is recommended to have your torrent client deployed prior to configuration!

Now select a torrent program as shown below.

(1). Setting up RuTorrent

Next, enter the following information!

  1. Name: rutorrent
  2. Enable: Yes
  3. Host: rutorrent
  4. Port: 80
  5. Url Path: RPC2
  6. Username & Password: Add if one applies
  7. Category: movies
  8. Recent Priority: High | Older Priority: Normal

(2). Setting up qbittorrent

Next, enter the following information!

  1. Name: qbittorrent
  2. Enable: Yes
  3. Host: qbittorrent
  4. Port: 8080
  5. Username & Password: Add if one applies
  6. Category: movies
  7. Recent Priority: High | Older Priority: Normal

(3). Setting up deluge

Next, enter the following information!

  1. Name: deluge
  2. Enable: Yes
  3. Host: deluge
  4. Port: 8112
  5. Username & Password: Add if one applies
  6. Category: movies
  7. Recent Priority: High | Older Priority: Normal

Once complete, exit!

b. Downloader Settings

(1). Advanced Settings

Ensure that advanced settings are turned on. You will fail to see the remote mappings if you fail to do so!

(2). Completed & Failed Download Handling

By default, nothing has to change as shown in the picture below. The remove options are optional; if you wish to change them.

(3). Remote Path Mappings

This step is required. Click Here for instructions! Failing to do so will result in things not uploading.

8. media autoscan

Radarr has improved its plex autoscan capabilities. It no longer scans the entire movie directory. This has eliminated the need for third party scripts. For this functionality to work, you need to connect sonarr to plex/emby/jellyfin. You also need to disable library autoscanning inside plex/emby/jellyfin server settings. For plex, you want to keep partial scans enabled. See their wikis for more info. Note: If you are using the legacy path /unionfs instead of /mnt/unionfs for your media, you will have scanning issues until you update your library paths to /mnt/unionfs

Settings page: Radarr >> Settings >> Connect >> +


On Import: Checked
On Upgrade: Checked
On Rename: Checked
Host: `plex`
Port: `32400`
Use SSL: Unchecked
Update Library: Checked


On Import: Checked
On Upgrade: Checked
On Rename: Checked
Host: `emby` or `jellyfin`
Port: `8096`
Use SSL: Unchecked
Send Notifications: Optional
Update Library: Checked

9. Summary

Radarr is a very easy program to utilize. As long as you follow the basic information, any user just be good to go. If you have any questions, please visit our forums at

Installing PlexGuide

  1. PlexGuide Install Information

Preplanning & Information

  1. PG Folder Structure

Domain and Port Control

  1. CloudFlare Tunnel

Primary Applications

  1. Plex

Useful Links

  1. PG YouTube Channel
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