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Deiteq edited this page Jan 14, 2018 · 44 revisions

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Torrent VPN - Still in Beta testing

DelugeVPN and rTorrentVPN can be selected to be used with PIA (Private Internet Access) VPN.

Both sources are from Binhex's Github where you can find more info about using a different VPN provider.


To access Deluge either use port 8112 with (your-ip):8112 or https://delugevpn.( or use http://delugevpn.(

  • Please visit our wiki page for more info on how to setup your subdomain

The default password is deluge

  • We recommend changing it asap!
  • You can do so by going to Preferences and then Interface

deluge password

You shouldn't need to change the default Downloads locations but you can select them as I have

deluge downloads


To access rTorrent either use port 3000 with (your-ip):3000 or https://rtorrentvpn.( or use http://rtorrentvpn.(

  • Please visit our wiki page for more info on how to setup your subdomain
  • This version of rTorrentVPN is using the Flood interface

When first using rTorrentVPN you will be greeted with a login page

  • Input anything you want to use

rTorrentVPN Login

You will then see a page with a list of setup processes that should all have green ticks next to them

  • If after a while nothing has changed then just refresh the page
  • You will need to input the login info you chose before to continue

rTorrentVPN Ticks

Now you should see the Flood main interface page to begin using

rTorrentVPN Actually

Please use the Subnet Calculator to calculate your CIDR (LAN Network) address if the subnet is different from and edit the environment using Portainer's Duplicate/Edit function found in the Actions section at the top.

rTorrentVPN Actions

Then scroll down to bottom and select Env in Advanced container settings and edit the LAN_NETWORK /24 to whatever yours is

ENV edits

Then hit Deploy the container under Actions just above

Deploy Actions

Still trying to get it to work flawlessly with PlexGuide but do not have enough knowledge to figure it out, so if anyone can see where I'm going wrong, please let us know or better yet, send a Pull request with your solution.

Installing PlexGuide

  1. PlexGuide Install Information

Preplanning & Information

  1. PG Folder Structure

Domain and Port Control

  1. CloudFlare Tunnel

Primary Applications

  1. Plex

Useful Links

  1. PG YouTube Channel
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