diff --git a/.github/README.md b/.github/README.md index 0aaa4b3..bbe8549 100644 --- a/.github/README.md +++ b/.github/README.md @@ -86,9 +86,11 @@ To get started with nvimDev, you’ll need the following: - **Operating System**: Linux/MacOS/WSL (Windows support coming soon) - **[Neovim](https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/tag/stable)**: Version 0.10.0+ (built with LuaJIT) -- **[Nerd Font](https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads)**: Optional for enhanced UI -- **Terminal**: One with true color support (optional for better aesthetics) +- **[Nerd Font](https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads)**: For enhanced UI - **[Clipboard-Tool](https://neovim.io/doc/user/provider.html#clipboard-tool)**: Essential for integrating with the system clipboard +- **Optional(but Recommended):** + - Terminal: One with true color support (For better aesthetics) + - [Ripgrep](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep) - Live grep telescope search (Fl) --- diff --git a/lua/nvimdev/plugin_config/whichkey.lua b/lua/nvimdev/plugin_config/whichkey.lua index 3dd82a6..622fed6 100644 --- a/lua/nvimdev/plugin_config/whichkey.lua +++ b/lua/nvimdev/plugin_config/whichkey.lua @@ -4,11 +4,36 @@ if not status_ok then end local mappings = { - { "N", " enew ", desc = "New buffer", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "N", " enew ", desc = "New Buffer", nowait = true, remap = false }, { "c", " BufferClose ", desc = "Close Buffer", nowait = true, remap = false }, - { "e", " NvimTreeToggle", desc = "Nvim Tree Toggle", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "e", " NvimTreeToggle", desc = "Nvim Tree Toggle", nowait = true, remap = false }, { "q", " q! ", desc = "Quit", nowait = true, remap = false }, { "w", " w! ", desc = "Save", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "f", " Telescope find_files ", desc = "Find Files", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "p", " Telescope projects ", desc = "Projects", nowait = true, remap = false }, + + -- Diagnostics + { "d", group = "Diagnostics", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "db", " Telescope diagnostics bufnr=0 ", desc = "Buffer Diagnostics", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "dp", " Telescope diagnostics ", desc = "Workspace Diagnostics", nowait = true, remap = false }, + + -- Finding files/texts etc + { "F", group = "Find", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "Fa", " Telescope find_files follow=true no_ignore=true hidden=true ", desc = "Find All", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "Fl", " Telescope live_grep ", desc = "Find Text", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "Fb", " Telescope buffers ", desc = "Find Buffers", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "Fh", " Telescope help_tags ", desc = "Help Page", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "Fo", " Telescope oldfiles ", desc = "Find Old Files", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "Fk", " Telescope filetypes ", desc = "Find Types", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "Fc", " Telescope current_buffer_fuzzy_find ", desc = "Find in Current Buffer", nowait = true, remap = false }, + + -- Git + { "g", group = "Git", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "gb", " Telescope git_branches ", desc = "Git branches", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "gc", " Telescope git_commits ", desc = "Git commit", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "gf", " Telescope git_files ", desc = "Git files", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "gh", " Telescope git_stash ", desc = "Git stash", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "gs", " Telescope git_status ", desc = "Git Status", nowait = true, remap = false }, -- Buffer management using Barbar plugin { "B", group = "Buffer", nowait = true, remap = false }, @@ -39,6 +64,11 @@ local mappings = { { "slr", " Lazy reload ", desc = "Reload", nowait = true, remap = false }, { "sls", " Lazy sync ", desc = "Sync", nowait = true, remap = false }, { "slu", " Lazy update ", desc = "Update", nowait = true, remap = false }, + + -- Setup Releated Keymappings + { "z", group = "Setup Keys", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "zt", " Telescope colorscheme ", desc = "Coloschemes", nowait = true, remap = false }, + { "zh", " checkhealth ", desc = "Checkhealth", nowait = true, remap = false }, } wk.add(mappings)