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#Help of scrapper package ##Intro scrapper module is a package which aims to make scrapping easier. Scrapping with scrapper package is convenience and effective, while you don't need to think about many issues such as cookies or codec.

With scrapper you can browse a website and scrapper will automatically save the cookies. Also you can save what you've get. You can even save the condition of the scrapper itself and reload it afterward.

##User Guide of scrapper: ###Basic using To use it, you should first load it.

from scrapper import *

note: the loading may be failed due to environment, still in progress yet

There are several elements in scrapper:

class Base : The basical class of following classes

class Browser: Browser Object which saves the webpages it browsed, 
it will automatically produce a User_Agent to fool the servers.
and save all the cookies with Cookiestack object

class Cookiestack the maintainer of cookies, only for Webpage object

class Webpage: the object which implement all methods to view
any websites with datas or params, also provides method to save files.

class Scrapper: A superclass which provides a framwork to scrap any websites.

Start using it: for an example we will auto login the website yamibo. We should first creat a subclass of scrapper for scrapping:

class yamibo(Scrapper):
    def __init__(self):

    def scrap(self):

The scrap() function defines the actions of scrapping, in other words, you should write all you want to do inside this function.

Then all you should do is just run:

scrapper = yamibo()

###How to define scrap() function To write scrap(), you should first learn about class Browser and class Webpage.

class Browser(Base)
     |  Browser(fname='', cookiestack=None, timeout=5, retry=2)
     |  Method resolution order:
     |      Browser
     |      Base
     |      builtins.object
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     |      Call self as a function.
     |  __init__(self, fname='', cookiestack=None, timeout=5, retry=2)
     |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
     |  browse(self, url, fname=None, save=False, nocookie=False, codec=None, timeout=None, retry=None, data=None, param=None, method='GET')
     |  get_user_agent(self)
     |  load(self, fname)
     |  save(self, fname)

class Webpage(Base)
     |  Webpage(url, cookiestack=None, timeout=10, retry=2, User_agent=None, codec='utf8', data: dict = {}, method='GET', param: dict = {}, header: dict = {})
     |  Method resolution order:
     |      Webpage
     |      Base
     |      builtins.object
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self, url, cookiestack=None, timeout=10, retry=2, User_agent=None, codec='utf8', data: dict = {}, method='GET', param: dict = {}, header: dict = {})
     |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
     |  addcookies(self, cookiestack=None)
     |  get(self, codec=None, timeout=2, retry=2, debug=False, useragent=None, nohtml=False, headers=None, data={}, param={}, method=None, **argv)
     |  save(self, fname='')
     |  xpath(self, path)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Methods inherited from Base:
     |  load(self, fname)

If you want to scrap a website, you have to creat a Webpage object:

web = Webpage('', codec='gbk')

Then use method get() to scrap it:


You can add cookiestack, data or params ,etc. to web object. If you want to save the set-cookies to cookiejar, you have to do things as following:

your_cookiejar.update(web) #your_cookiejar is a Cookiejar object defines as your_cookiejar = Cookiejar()

And later you can use the cookies to view other websites:

web2 = Webpage(url,cookiejar=your_cookiejar)

Browser object will automatically does the things above. If you want to browse a series of webpages,you just need to do like this:


Browser.browse() returns a Webpage object. The input of Browser.browse is same to Webpage.get() If you want to select some data from a webpage, you can use the method Webpage.xpath(), it retruns a lxml.etree object.

A Scrapper.scrap() to auto login the forum is defined like this:

def scrap(self):
    self.browser.timeout = 10
    forum = self.browse('', codec='gbk')
    sendmail_src = forum.xpath('//script')[-3].attrib['src']
    send_web = self.browse(forum.url + '/' + sendmail_src, codec='gbk')
    form = self.browse(
        '', \
    formhash = form.xpath('//input[@type="hidden"]')[0].attrib['value']
    action = form.xpath('//form')[0].attrib['action']
    data = {'formhash': formhash,
            'referer': '',
            'loginfield': 'username',
            'username': 'user_name',
            'password': 'pass_word',
            'questionid': '0',
            'answer': ''}
    post = self.browse('' + action, data=data, codec='gbk')
    forum = self.browse('', codec='gbk')

Not complete yet.