In a command line shell write::
sudo apt install qgis git python-pip
cd ~
mkdir cadastre
cd cadastre
git clone
cd CatAtom2Osm
sudo pip install -r requisites.txt
sudo make install
So far this is the basic installation to run the program. Optionally, if you want to install the development requeriments:
sudo pip install -r requisites-dev.txt
And to run the code tests:
make test
It's suggested to run the code in the ~/catastro folder.
Install QGIS from KyngChaos download page
Install GitHub desktop utility from
Run it and download this repository
Open a command line shell and change the directory to the previously downloaded CatAtom2Osm folder. Run this commands::
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install -r requisites.txt
sudo make install
While you install the requisites you will be prompted to install the command line developper tools.
So far this is the basic installation to run the program. Optionally, if you want to install the development requeriments::
sudo pip install -r requisites-dev.txt
And to run the code tests::
make test
Install QGIS using the OSGeo4W Network Installer (64 bits/ 32 bits) from download page.
Run the installe and choose the Advanced Install option.
Install from Internet
Enter the directory for the install C:\OSGeo4W
Accept the default options
From the Select packages screen select:
- Desktop -> qgis: QGIS Desktop
- Libs -> msvcrt 2008
- Libs -> python-devel
- Libs -> python-pip
- Libs -> setuptools
Accept the list of unmet dependencies
Install Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 from
Download the package python-levenshtein in the unofficial library of Christoph Gohlke from
Install the GitHub desktop utility from
Run it and download the repository
In the previously downloaded CatAtom2Osm folder launch the file pyqgis.bat. Write this in the resulting shell::
python -m pip install -r requisites.txt
python -m pip install path to downloaded/python_Levenshtein‑0.12.0‑cp27‑cp27m‑win_amd64.whl
So far this is the basic installation to run the program. Optionally, if you want to install the development requeriments::
python -m pip install -r requisites-dev.txt
And to run the code tests::
python -m unittest discover
To use the program it will be necessary to run pyqgis.bat to open a convenient Python QGIS shell. It's suggested to edit pyqgis.bat, uncomment the penultimate line with the CD command and enter the path of the folder where you want to download the Cadastre files. For example::
cd c:\Users\YourName\Documents\cadastre