- Fixed trending posts by week.
- Removed pkg-resources
- Added feature blog post json format:
curl -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
- Update for fixed draft post
- Added feature auto backup to the json file
- Added feature highlight pre
- Fixed draft post
- Fixed typo, sidebar, detail, css, or else
- Implement Standard PEP8 for Python.
- Implement CBV (Class Bassed View).
- Migrated from Python 2.7 to Python 3.5
- Migrated from Djagno 1.8 to Django 1.10
- Migrated Django wp-admin to Django suit.
- Migrated Django Ckeditor to Django Redactor.
- Added Django nocaptcha recaptcha for contact form.
- Added Page for tranding posts by visitor.
- Added Feature export and import using Django Import Export
- Changed Gallery Upload to only once attachment field.
- Added custom template for Error page, Maintenance mode, and much more...
- Fixed MultipleObjectsReturned
- Fix locate of handlers
- Fix handling error 400, 403, 404, 500
- Fixed typo
- Fixed DEV-OPS and Markdown.
adding new feature for output post with json format (example: https://python.web.id/json-posts/48/, docs: https://python.web.id/blog/new-feature-output-post-json-format-django-blog-python-learning-v211/)
adding Simple Django HIT Counter (docs: https://python.web.id/blog/how-build-simple-django-hit-counter/)
modified RSS syndication (docs: https://python.web.id/blog/building-an-rss-feed-for-your-django-content/)