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Linux (back end) Installation Guide
scrathe edited this page Jun 12, 2015
12 revisions
- share your storage... \\servername\sharename
- setup your Linux guest; 1-2GB RAM, 8-12GB HD, numerous-cores, bridged networking to your host's internet connection
- Ubuntu 12.04 installation guide for SABnzbd, SickBeard, CouchPotato, HeadPhones
sudo usermod -a -G sudo elvie
sudo groups elvie
sudo apt-get install -y avimerge genisoimage git openssh-server wget
Note: You won't be using sudo when installing. we want these apps to run-as non-root.
git clone https://github.com/scrathe/tardisIVR.git ~/.sabnzbd/scripts/tardisIVR
- Windows share: \\servername\sharename
- Linux mount: /media/sharename
sudo apt-get install -y smbfs
sudo vi /etc/fstab
//tardis/c /media/tardis-c cifs noauto,rw,uid=elvie,credentials=/home/elvie/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0770,dir_mode=0770,sec=ntlm 0 0
vi ~/.smbcredentials
chmod 600 ~/.smbcredentials
Use /etc/rc.local to delay mounting volumes until network is up.
sudo vi /etc/rc.local
mount /media/tardis-c
mount /media/tardis-x
sudo mount /media/tardis-c
sudo mount /media/tardis-x
sudo df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 7.9G 2.5G 5.1G 33% /
udev 2.0G 4.0K 2.0G 1% /dev
tmpfs 790M 244K 790M 1% /run
none 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock
none 2.0G 0 2.0G 0% /run/shm
//tardis/c 239G 70G 169G 30% /media/tardis-c
//tardis/x 7.3T 5.6T 1.8T 76% /media/tardis-x
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
sudo apt-get install libdvdread4
sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties apt-file
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-snapshots
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install handbrake-cli
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI /usr/bin/handbrake-cli
sudo apt-get install -y atomicparsley
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/AtomicParsley /usr/bin/atomicparsley
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
sudo easy_install tvnamer
Create Template Config
tvnamer --save=~/.tvnamer.json
Example tvnamer config for naming syntax "show - SxxExx - episode name"
vi ~/.tvnamer.json
"always_rename": false,
"batch": true,
"custom_filename_character_blacklist": "",
"episode_separator": "-",
"episode_single": "%d",
"filename_patterns": [
"^\\[.+?\\][ ]? # group name\n (?P<seriesname>.*?)[ ]?[-_][ ]? # show name, padding, spaces?\n (?P<episodenumberstart>\\d+) # first episode number\n ([-_]\\d+)* # optional repeating episodes\n [-_](?P<episodenumberend>\\d+) # last episode number\n [^\\/]*$",
"^\\[.+?\\][ ]? # group name\n (?P<seriesname>.*) # show name\n [ ]?[-_][ ]?(?P<episodenumber>\\d+)\n [^\\/]*$",
"\n ^((?P<seriesname>.+?)[ \\._\\-])? # show name\n [Ss](?P<seasonnumber>[0-9]+) # s01\n [\\.\\- ]? # separator\n [Ee](?P<episodenumberstart>[0-9]+) # first e23\n ([\\.\\- ]+ # separator\n [Ss](?P=seasonnumber) # s01\n [\\.\\- ]? # separator\n [Ee][0-9]+)* # e24 etc (middle groups)\n ([\\.\\- ]+ # separator\n [Ss](?P=seasonnumber) # last s01\n [\\.\\- ]? # separator\n [Ee](?P<episodenumberend>[0-9]+)) # final episode number\n [^\\/]*$",
"\n ^((?P<seriesname>.+?)[ \\._\\-])? # show name\n [Ss](?P<seasonnumber>[0-9]+) # s01\n [\\.\\- ]? # separator\n [Ee](?P<episodenumberstart>[0-9]+) # first e23\n ([\\.\\- ]? # separator\n [Ee][0-9]+)* # e24e25 etc\n [\\.\\- ]?[Ee](?P<episodenumberend>[0-9]+) # final episode num\n [^\\/]*$",
"\n ^((?P<seriesname>.+?)[ \\._\\-])? # show name\n (?P<seasonnumber>[0-9]+) # first season number (1)\n [xX](?P<episodenumberstart>[0-9]+) # first episode (x23)\n ([ \\._\\-]+ # separator\n (?P=seasonnumber) # more season numbers (1)\n [xX][0-9]+)* # more episode numbers (x24)\n ([ \\._\\-]+ # separator\n (?P=seasonnumber) # last season number (1)\n [xX](?P<episodenumberend>[0-9]+)) # last episode number (x25)\n [^\\/]*$",
"\n ^((?P<seriesname>.+?)[ \\._\\-])? # show name\n (?P<seasonnumber>[0-9]+) # 1\n [xX](?P<episodenumberstart>[0-9]+) # first x23\n ([xX][0-9]+)* # x24x25 etc\n [xX](?P<episodenumberend>[0-9]+) # final episode num\n [^\\/]*$",
"\n ^((?P<seriesname>.+?)[ \\._\\-])? # show name\n [Ss](?P<seasonnumber>[0-9]+) # s01\n [\\.\\- ]? # separator\n [Ee](?P<episodenumberstart>[0-9]+) # first e23\n ( # -24 etc\n [\\-]\n [Ee]?[0-9]+\n )*\n [\\-] # separator\n [Ee]?(?P<episodenumberend>[0-9]+) # final episode num\n [\\.\\- ] # must have a separator (prevents s01e01-720p from being 720 episodes)\n [^\\/]*$",
"\n ^((?P<seriesname>.+?)[ \\._\\-])? # show name\n (?P<seasonnumber>[0-9]+) # 1\n [xX](?P<episodenumberstart>[0-9]+) # first x23\n ( # -24 etc\n [\\-][0-9]+\n )*\n [\\-] # separator\n (?P<episodenumberend>[0-9]+) # final episode num\n ([\\.\\- ].* # must have a separator (prevents 1x01-720p from being 720 episodes)\n |\n $)",
"^(?P<seriesname>.+?)[ \\._\\-] # show name and padding\n \\[ # [\n ?(?P<seasonnumber>[0-9]+) # season\n [xX] # x\n (?P<episodenumberstart>[0-9]+) # episode\n (- [0-9]+)*\n - # -\n (?P<episodenumberend>[0-9]+) # episode\n \\] # \\]\n [^\\/]*$",
"^(?P<seriesname>.+?)[ \\._\\-]\n [Ss](?P<seasonnumber>[0-9]{2})\n [\\.\\- ]?\n (?P<episodenumber>[0-9]{2})\n [^0-9]*$",
"^((?P<seriesname>.+?)[ \\._\\-])? # show name and padding\n \\[? # [ optional\n (?P<seasonnumber>[0-9]+) # season\n [xX] # x\n (?P<episodenumber>[0-9]+) # episode\n \\]? # ] optional\n [^\\/]*$",
"^((?P<seriesname>.+?)[ \\._\\-])?\n \\[?\n [Ss](?P<seasonnumber>[0-9]+)[\\.\\- ]?\n [Ee]?(?P<episodenumber>[0-9]+)\n \\]?\n [^\\/]*$",
"\n ^((?P<seriesname>.+?)[ \\._\\-])? # show name\n (?P<year>\\d{4}) # year\n [ \\._\\-] # separator\n (?P<month>\\d{2}) # month\n [ \\._\\-] # separator\n (?P<day>\\d{2}) # day\n [^\\/]*$",
"^(?P<seriesname>.+?)[ ]?[ \\._\\-][ ]?\n [Ss](?P<seasonnumber>[0-9]+)[\\.\\- ]?\n [Ee]?[ ]?(?P<episodenumber>[0-9]+)\n [^\\/]*$",
"\n (?P<seriesname>.+) # Showname\n [ ]-[ ] # -\n [Ee]pisode[ ]\\d+ # Episode 1234 (ignored)\n [ ]\n \\[ # [\n [sS][ ]?(?P<seasonnumber>\\d+) # s 12\n ([ ]|[ ]-[ ]|-) # space, or -\n ([eE]|[eE]p)[ ]?(?P<episodenumber>\\d+) # e or ep 12\n \\] # ]\n .*$ # rest of file\n ",
"^(?P<seriesname>.+?) # Show name\n [ \\._\\-] # Padding\n (?P<episodenumber>[0-9]+) # 2\n of # of\n [ \\._\\-]? # Padding\n \\d+ # 6\n ([\\._ -]|$|[^\\/]*$) # More padding, then anything\n ",
"^(?P<seriesname>.+)[ \\._\\-]\n (?P<seasonnumber>[0-9]{1})\n (?P<episodenumber>[0-9]{2})\n [\\._ -][^\\/]*$",
"^(?P<seriesname>.+)[ \\._\\-]\n (?P<seasonnumber>[0-9]{2})\n (?P<episodenumber>[0-9]{2,3})\n [\\._ -][^\\/]*$",
"^(?P<seriesname>.+?) # Show name\n [ \\._\\-] # Padding\n [Ee](?P<episodenumber>[0-9]+) # E123\n [\\._ -][^\\/]*$ # More padding, then anything\n "
"filename_with_date_and_episode": "%(seriesname)s - %(episode)s - %(episodename)s%(ext)s",
"filename_with_date_without_episode": "%(seriesname)s - %(episode)s%(ext)s",
"filename_with_episode": "%(seriesname)s - %(seasonno)dx%(episode)s - %(episodename)s%(ext)s",
"filename_with_episode_no_season": "%(seriesname)s - %(episode)s - %(episodename)s%(ext)s",
"filename_without_episode": "%(seriesname)s - %(seasonno)dx%(episode)s%(ext)s",
"filename_without_episode_no_season": "%(seriesname)s - %(episode)s%(ext)s",
"input_filename_replacements": [],
"language": "en",
"lowercase_filename": false,
"move_files_confirmation": true,
"move_files_destination": ".",
"move_files_enable": false,
"move_files_fullpath_replacements": [],
"multiep_join_name_with": ", ",
"normalize_unicode_filenames": false,
"output_filename_replacements": [],
"recursive": false,
"replace_invalid_characters_with": "_",
"search_all_languages": true,
"select_first": false,
"skip_file_on_error": true,
"valid_extensions": [],
"verbose": false,
"windows_safe_filenames": false
echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jcfp/ppa/ubuntu $(lsb_release -c -s) main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371 --recv-keys 0x98703123E0F52B2BE16D586EF13930B14BB9F05F
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sabnzbdplus
sudo vi /etc/default/sabnzbdplus
sudo update-rc.d sabnzbdplus defaults
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/midgetspy/Sick-Beard.git .sickbeard
sudo cp .sickbeard/init.ubuntu /etc/init.d/sickbeard
sudo vi /etc/init.d/sickbeard
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/sickbeard
sudo update-rc.d sickbeard defaults
sudo vi /etc/default/sickbeard
## SB_USER= #$RUN_AS, username to run sickbeard under, the default is sickbeard
## SB_HOME= #$APP_PATH, the location of SickBeard.py, the default is /opt/sickbeard
## SB_DATA= #$DATA_DIR, the location of sickbeard.db, cache, logs, the default is /opt/sickbeard
## SB_PIDFILE= #$PID_FILE, the location of sickbeard.pid, the default is /var/run/sickbeard/sickbeard.pid
## PYTHON_BIN= #$DAEMON, the location of the python binary, the default is /usr/bin/python
## SB_OPTS= #$EXTRA_DAEMON_OPTS, extra cli option for sickbeard, i.e. " --config=/home/sickbeard/config.ini"
## SSD_OPTS= #$EXTRA_SSD_OPTS, extra start-stop-daemon option like " --group=users"
Note: do not use ~/.couchpotato. The app reserves this folder for your settings.
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/RuudBurger/CouchPotatoServer.git .couchpotato_v2
sudo cp .couchpotato_v2/init/ubuntu /etc/init.d/couchpotato
sudo cp .couchpotato_v2/init/ubuntu.default /etc/default/couchpotato
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/couchpotato
sudo update-rc.d couchpotato defaults
sudo vi /etc/default/couchpotato
# COPY THIS FILE TO /etc/default/couchpotato
Note possible bug: May need to restart couchpotato a few times after initial run
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/rembo10/headphones.git .headphones
sudo cp .headphones/init.ubuntu /etc/init.d/headphones
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/headphones
sudo update-rc.d headphones defaults
sudo vi /etc/default/headphones
## HP_USER= #$RUN_AS, username to run headphones under, the default is headphones
## HP_HOME= #$APP_PATH, the location of Headphones.py, the default is /opt/headphones
## HP_DATA= #$DATA_DIR, the location of headphones.db, cache, logs, the default is /opt/headphones
## HP_PIDFILE= #$PID_FILE, the location of headphones.pid, the default is /var/run/headphones/headphones.pid
## PYTHON_BIN= #$DAEMON, the location of the python binary, the default is /usr/bin/python
## HP_OPTS= #$EXTRA_DAEMON_OPTS, extra cli option for headphones, i.e. " --config=/home/headphones/config.ini"
## SSD_OPTS= #$EXTRA_SSD_OPTS, extra start-stop-daemon option like " --group=users"
## HP_PORT= #$PORT_OPTS, hardcoded port for the webserver, overrides value in config.ini
SERVICES="sabnzbdplus sickbeard couchpotato headphones" ; for i in $SERVICES ; do sudo service $i start ; done
SERVICES="sabnzbdplus sickbeard couchpotato headphones" ; for i in $SERVICES ; do sudo service $i stop ; done