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GitOps (kubectl)


The following commands reference manifests that come from the same repository as the source code is being built from. This means we can't have a pinned reference to the latest release as that is a chicken-egg problem. Therefore, we use a rolling tag for the particular branch in our manifests. :::{caution} For production deployment, you should always replace the {{productName}} image in all the manifests that contain it with a stable (full version) reference. We'd encourage you to use a sha reference, although using full-version tags is also fine. :::



{{productName}} has a few dependencies that you need to install to your cluster first.

In case you already have a supported version of each of these dependencies installed in your cluster, you can skip this part.

Cert Manager

:::{code-block} shell :substitutions:

kubectl apply --server-side -f={{repository}}/{{revision}}/examples/third-party/cert-manager.yaml :::

:::{code-block} shell

Wait for CRDs to propagate to all apiservers.

kubectl wait --for condition=established --timeout=60s crd/ crd/

Wait for components that other steps depend on.

for deploy in cert-manager{,-cainjector,-webhook}; do kubectl -n=cert-manager rollout status --timeout=10m deployment.apps/"${deploy}" done

Wait for webhook CA secret to be created.

for i in {1..30}; do { kubectl -n=cert-manager get secret/cert-manager-webhook-ca && break; } || sleep 1 done :::

Prometheus Operator

:::{code-block} shell :substitutions:

kubectl -n=prometheus-operator apply --server-side -f={{repository}}/{{revision}}/examples/third-party/prometheus-operator.yaml :::

:::{code-block} shell

Wait for CRDs to propagate to all apiservers.

kubectl wait --for='condition=established' crd/ crd/ crd/

Wait for prometheus operator deployment.

kubectl -n=prometheus-operator rollout status --timeout=10m deployment.apps/prometheus-operator

Wait for webhook CA secret to be created.

for i in {1..30}; do { kubectl -n=cert-manager get secret/cert-manager-webhook-ca && break; } || sleep 1 done :::


Once you have the dependencies installed and available in your cluster, it is the time to install {{productName}}.

:::{code-block} shell :substitutions:

kubectl -n=scylla-operator apply --server-side -f={{repository}}/{{revision}}/deploy/operator.yaml :::

::::{caution} {{productName}} deployment references its own image that it later runs alongside each ScyllaDB instance. Therefore, you have to also replace the image in the environment variable called SCYLLA_OPERATOR_IMAGE: :::{code-block} yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 16,19,20 apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: scylla-operator namespace: scylla-operator




template: # ... spec: # ... containers: - name: scylla-operator # ... image: env: # ... - name: SCYLLA_OPERATOR_IMAGE value: ::: The {{productName}} image value and the SCYLLA_OPERATOR_IMAGE shall always match. Be careful not to use a rolling tag for any of them to avoid an accidental skew! ::::

:::{code-block} shell

Wait for CRDs to propagate to all apiservers.

kubectl wait --for='condition=established' crd/ crd/ crd/ crd/

Wait for the components to deploy.

kubectl -n=scylla-operator rollout status --timeout=10m deployment.apps/{scylla-operator,webhook-server}

Wait for webhook CA secret to be created.

for i in {1..30}; do { kubectl -n=cert-manager get secret/cert-manager-webhook-ca && break; } || sleep 1 done :::

Setting up local storage on nodes and enabling tuning

:::{caution} The following step heavily depends on the platform that you use, the machine type, or the options chosen when creating a node pool.

Please review the NodeConfig and adjust it for your platform! :::


::::{tab-item} GKE (NVMe) :::{code-block} shell :substitutions: kubectl -n=scylla-operator apply --server-side -f={{repository}}/{{revision}}/examples/gke/nodeconfig-alpha.yaml ::: ::::

::::{tab-item} EKS (NVMe) :::{code-block} shell :substitutions: kubectl -n=scylla-operator apply --server-side -f={{repository}}/{{revision}}/examples/eks/nodeconfig-alpha.yaml ::: ::::

::::{tab-item} Any platform (Loop devices) :::{caution} This NodeConfig sets up loop devices instead of NVMe disks and is only intended for development purposes when you don't have the NVMe disks available. Do not expect meaningful performance with this setup. ::: :::{code-block} shell :substitutions: kubectl -n=scylla-operator apply --server-side -f={{repository}}/{{revision}}/examples/generic/nodeconfig-alpha.yaml ::: ::::


:::{note} Performance tuning is enabled for all nodes that are selected by NodeConfig by default, unless opted-out. :::

:::{code-block} shell

Wait for NodeConfig to apply changes to the Kubernetes nodes.

kubectl wait --for='condition=Reconciled' --timeout=10m :::

Local CSI driver

:::{code-block} shell :substitutions:

kubectl -n=local-csi-driver apply --server-side -f={{repository}}/{{revision}}/examples/common/local-volume-provisioner/local-csi-driver/{00_namespace,00_scylladb-local-xfs.storageclass,10_csidriver,10_driver.serviceaccount,10_provisioner_clusterrole,20_provisioner_clusterrolebinding,50_daemonset}.yaml :::

:::{code-block} shell

Wait for it to deploy.

kubectl -n=local-csi-driver rollout status --timeout=10m daemonset.apps/local-csi-driver :::

ScyllaDB Manager

:::{include} ../.internal/ :::


::::{tab-item} Production (sized) :::{code-block} shell :substitutions: kubectl -n=scylla-manager apply --server-side -f={{repository}}/{{revision}}/deploy/manager-prod.yaml ::: ::::

::::{tab-item} Development (sized) :::{code-block} shell :substitutions: kubectl -n=scylla-manager apply --server-side -f={{repository}}/{{revision}}/deploy/manager-dev.yaml ::: ::::


:::{code-block} shell

Wait for it to deploy.

kubectl -n=scylla-manager rollout status --timeout=10m deployment.apps/scylla-manager :::

Next steps

Now that you've successfully installed {{productName}}, it's time to look at how to run ScyllaDB.