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<!doctype html><meta charset=utf-8><title>make</title><meta content="Thomas Duboucher" name=author><meta content="Thomas Duboucher, Serianox,blog" name=keywords><meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no" name=viewport><link href=style.css rel=stylesheet><h1 id=make-blog>make blog</h1><ul><li>2018-02-18 <a href=firefox-build-debootstrap.html>Building Firefox in a chroot</a></ul><p>Something I don’t like is project with tons of build dependencies. They tend to stay and pollute the system. Something I don’t like even more are containers.<ul><li>2017-10-22 <a href=ubuntu-dist-upgrade-aftermath.html>Ubuntu <code>dist-upgrade</code> aftermath</a></ul><p>I wanted to upgrade my laptop from <em>Ubuntu Zeisty Zapus</em> (17.04) to <em>Ubuntu Artful Aardvak</em> (17.10). The process is usually pretty straightforward, and I am now lazy enough to do it from the gui. I started the upgrade and locked my computer as I left.<ul><li>2017-08-13 <a href=gadgetfs-ubuntu.html>Using <em>Gadget Filesystem</em> under <em>Ubuntu</em></a></ul><p>I wanted to emulate a USB device in Linux for testing purpose. This can be done easily using the <a href=http://www.linux-usb.org/gadget/ >Gadget API</a>. However I quickly discovered that this feature was <a href=https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1073089>not present in Ubuntu</a>, even in the form of a kernel module in <em>linux-extra</em>. The only solution remaining was to rebuild the missing kernel module manually.<ul><li>2017-05-23 <a href=android-kotlin-migration.html>Manually migrating an Android project to Kotlin</a></ul><p>Kotlin is now officialy <a href=https://developer.android.com/kotlin/index.html>Kotlin and Android</a>, and as such I wanted to give it another try. There are of course tutorials <a href=https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/kotlin-android.html>out there</a>, but they all aim users of Android Studio. Let’s see how we can do without.<ul><li>2017-05-08 <a href=android-sdk-install.html>Android <em>headless</em> SDK installation</a></ul><p>I wanted to install <em>Android SDK</em> without installing this ugly IDE. The main goal was to rebuild existing projects, so I didn’t need something as heavy. The main difficulty came when I downloaded the actual sdk, and receive the following message from Google.<ul><li>2017-03-13 <a href=index.html>make blog</a></ul><div class=sourceCode id=cb1><pre class="sourceCode c"><code class="sourceCode c"><a class=sourceLine id=cb1-1 title=1><span class=pp>#include </span><span class=im><stdio.h></span></a>
<a class=sourceLine id=cb1-3 title=3><span class=dt>int</span> main(<span class=dt>void</span>)</a>
<a class=sourceLine id=cb1-4 title=4>{</a>
<a class=sourceLine id=cb1-5 title=5> printf(<span class=st>"Hello world</span><span class=sc>\n</span><span class=st>"</span>);</a>
<a class=sourceLine id=cb1-6 title=6> <span class=cf>return</span> <span class=dv>0</span>;</a>
<a class=sourceLine id=cb1-7 title=7>}</a></code></pre></div><div class=sourceCode id=cb2><pre class="sourceCode rust"><code class="sourceCode rust"><a class=sourceLine id=cb2-1 title=1><span class=kw>fn</span> main() <span class=op>{</span></a>
<a class=sourceLine id=cb2-2 title=2> <span class=pp>println!</span>(<span class=st>"Hello, world!"</span>);</a>
<a class=sourceLine id=cb2-3 title=3><span class=op>}</span></a></code></pre></div><div class=sourceCode id=cb3><pre class="sourceCode javascript"><code class="sourceCode javascript"><a class=sourceLine id=cb3-1 title=1><span class=kw>interface</span> Console <span class=op>{</span></a>
<a class=sourceLine id=cb3-2 title=2> <span class=at>log</span>(message<span class=op>?</span>: any<span class=op>,</span> ...<span class=at>optionalParams</span><span class=op>:</span> any[])<span class=op>:</span> <span class=kw>void</span><span class=op>;</span></a>
<a class=sourceLine id=cb3-3 title=3><span class=op>}</span></a>
<a class=sourceLine id=cb3-5 title=5><span class=va>console</span>.<span class=at>log</span>(<span class=st>"Hello, world!"</span>)</a></code></pre></div><div class=sourceCode id=cb4><pre class="sourceCode haskell"><code class="sourceCode haskell"><a class=sourceLine id=cb4-1 title=1>main <span class=fu>=</span> <span class=fu>putStrLn</span> <span class=st>"Hello, world!"</span></a></code></pre></div>