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Example 1: Intercept only model

Parameter recovery to a single set of exGaussian data.

This includes three examples:

(1) estimate parameters using ML in gamlss
(2) estimate posterior using brms with 'identity' link for tau and sigma
(3) estimate posterior using brms with a 'log' link for tau and sigma (this can help mcmc sampling but requires using exp() to get the natural scale of milliseconds)

Usually you want to use option2 since it will give you coeff in scale of milliseconds or seconds. But note this can increase sampling time or cause other diffcultis in the mcmc chains.

####simulate data from true mu=400,sigma=50,tau=150
N   =5000
rt  =gamlss::rexGAUS(N, mu = 400, sigma = 50, nu = 150)
df  =data.frame(rt)

####fit with ML
model<-gamlss(rt~1, data=df,
              family=exGAUS( = "identity", 
                   = "identity", 
                   = "identity"))

####fit with brms 
    rt    ~ 1,
    sigma ~ 1,
    beta  ~ 1
  data = df,
  warmup = 500,
  iter = 1000,  
  cores =1, 
  family = exgaussian(link = "identity", 
                      link_sigma = "identity", 
                      link_beta = "identity"),
  prior=c(prior(student_t(3, 523.1, 125.1),class=Intercept, dpar=""),#you can plot this using plot(dstudent_t(seq(0,1000,1),df=3,mu=523.1,sigma=125.1))
          prior(student_t(3, 100, 50),     class=Intercept, dpar="beta"),
          prior(student_t(3, 0, 2.5),      class=Intercept, dpar="sigma"))


####fit with brms using log link (and then you need to convert the parameters back using exp())
    rt    ~ 1,
    sigma ~ 1,
    beta  ~ 1
  data = df,warmup = 500,iter = 1000,  cores =1, chains=1,
  family = exgaussian(link = "identity", 
                      link_sigma = "log", 
                      link_beta = "log"),

samples = insight::get_parameters(model)

#examine your recovered parameters (note meanRT=mu+tau)

samples = samples%>%mutate(RTmean=b_Intercept,
                           mu  =b_Intercept-exp(b_beta_Intercept),
                           tau =exp(b_beta_Intercept))

print(paste('RTmean_pred =', median(samples$RTmean))) #you can use hdi(samples$b_Intercept) to get CI
print(paste('mu_pred ='    , median(samples$mu)))
print(paste('tau_pred ='   , median(samples$tau)))

Example 2: One indepndent variable using log link

(note you can also use 'identity' link, and then you dont need to convert the coeff)

#### single independent categorical variable -----

#simulate data from true mu {b0=400,b1=100},sigma=50,tau={b0=150,b1=50}
N   =5000
x1  =rbinom(N,size=1,prob=.5) #or if you want this to be continuous use something likernorm(N,3,1)
rt  =rexGAUS(N, mu = 400+100*x1, sigma = 50, nu = 150+50*x1)
df  =data.frame(x1,rt)

#fit with brms and obtain the posterior samples
    rt    ~ 1+x1,
    sigma ~ 1,
    beta  ~ 1+x1
  data = df,warmup = 500,iter = 1000,  cores =1, chains=1,
  family = exgaussian(),

samples = insight::get_parameters(model)

#recover regression parameters

samples = samples%>%mutate(#first calculate the intercept parameter b0 for RTmean, mu and tau
                           mu_b0    =b_Intercept-exp(b_beta_Intercept),
                           tau_b0   =exp(b_beta_Intercept),
                           #now calculate the slope parameter b1 for RTmean, mu and tau
                           RTmean_b1=b_Intercept+b_x1 - RTmean_b0,
                           mu_b1    =b_Intercept+b_x1-exp(b_beta_Intercept+b_beta_x1)-mu_b0,
                           tau_b1   =exp(b_beta_Intercept+b_beta_x1)-tau_b0

print(paste('mu_b0 (intercept)=',median(samples$mu_b0))) #you can use hdi(samples$...) to get CI
print(paste('mu_b1 (slope)='    ,median(samples$mu_b1)))

print(paste('tau_b0 (intercept)=',median(samples$tau_b0)))
print(paste('tau_b1 (slope)='    ,median(samples$tau_b1)))

#examine center estimates for mu, and tau (e.g., in case you want to plot this) 
print(paste('RTmean (x1 is 0) =', median(samples$RTmean_b0),
            'RTmean (x1 is 1) =', median(samples$RTmean_b1+samples$RTmean_b0))) 
print(paste('mu     (x1 is 0) =', median(samples$mu_b0),
            'mu     (x1 is 1) =', median(samples$mu_b1+samples$mu_b0))) 
print(paste('tau    (x1 is 0) =', median(samples$tau_b0),
            'tau    (x1 is 1) =', median(samples$tau_b1+samples$tau_b0))) 

Example 3: two indepndent and interaction term using identity link

#simulate data from true mu {b0=400,b1=100,b2=-40,b3=75},sigma=50,tau={b0=150,b1=50,b2=-100,b3=125}
N   =10000
x1  =rbinom(N,size=1,prob=.5)
x2  =rbinom(N,size=1,prob=.5)
x3  =x1*x2
rt  =rexGAUS(N, mu    = 400+100*x1+ 40*x2+ 75*x1*x2, 
                sigma = 50, 
                nu    = 150+ 50*x1+100*x2+125*x1*x2)

df  =data.frame(x1,x2,rt=rt/1000)

#fit with ML
              sigma.formula = ~1,
              nu.formula    = ~x1*x2,
              family=exGAUS( = "identity", = "identity", = "identity"))

#fit with brms and obtain the posterior samples
    rt    ~ 1+x1*x2,
    sigma ~ 1,
    beta  ~ 1+x1*x2
  data = df,warmup = 1000,iter = 1100,  cores =2, chains=2, #you can relax these setting to get a quicker and less accurate fit. Since we have many parameters here - sampling is harder for our beloved Stan
  family = exgaussian(link = "identity", link_sigma = "log", link_beta = "log"),
          prior(student_t(3, 0.5, 1.25),class=Intercept, dpar=""),#you can plot this using plot(dstudent_t(seq(0,1000,1),df=3,mu=523.1,sigma=125.1))
          prior(student_t(3, 0.1, 0.50),class=Intercept, dpar="beta"),
          prior(student_t(3, 0.05,0.05),class=Intercept, dpar="sigma"),

          prior(normal(0,1),class=b, coef="x1",dpar=""),
          prior(normal(0,1),class=b, coef="x2",dpar=""),
          prior(normal(0,1),class=b, coef="x1:x2",dpar=""),

          prior(normal(0,1),class=b, coef="x1",dpar="beta"),
          prior(normal(0,1),class=b, coef="x2",dpar="beta"),
          prior(normal(0,1),class=b, coef="x1:x2",dpar="beta")


#recover regression parameters
samples = samples%>%mutate(
  #calculate the intercept parameter b0 for RTmean, mu and tau
  mu_b0    =b_Intercept-exp(b_beta_Intercept),
  tau_b0   =exp(b_beta_Intercept),
  #calculate the slope parameter b1 
  RTmean_b1=(b_Intercept+b_x1) - 
  mu_b1    =(b_Intercept+b_x1-exp(b_beta_Intercept+b_beta_x1))-
  tau_b1   =(exp(b_beta_Intercept+b_beta_x1))-
  #calculate the slope parameter b2 
  RTmean_b2=(b_Intercept+b_x2) - 
  mu_b2    =(b_Intercept+b_x2-exp(b_beta_Intercept+b_beta_x2))-
  tau_b2   =(exp(b_beta_Intercept+b_beta_x2))-
  #calculate the slope parameter b3 for the interaction of x1:x2
  RTmean_b3=(b_Intercept+b_x1+b_x2+`b_x1:x2`) - 
  mu_b3    =(b_Intercept+b_x1+b_x2+`b_x1:x2`-exp(b_beta_Intercept+b_beta_x1+b_beta_x2+`b_beta_x1:x2`))- 
  tau_b3   =exp(b_beta_Intercept+b_beta_x1+b_beta_x2+`b_beta_x1:x2`)-

print(paste('RTmean_b0 (intercept)=',median(samples$RTmean_b0)*1000)) #you can use hdi(samples$...) to get CI
print(paste('RTmean_b1 (slope)='    ,median(samples$RTmean_b1)*1000))
print(paste('RTmean_b2 (slope)='    ,median(samples$RTmean_b2)*1000))
print(paste('RTmean_b3 (slope)='    ,median(samples$RTmean_b3)*1000))

print(paste('mu_b0 (intercept)=',median(samples$mu_b0)*1000)) #you can use hdi(samples$...) to get CI
print(paste('mu_b1 (slope)='    ,median(samples$mu_b1)*1000))
print(paste('mu_b2 (slope)='    ,median(samples$mu_b2)*1000))
print(paste('mu_b3 (slope)='    ,median(samples$mu_b3)*1000))

print(paste('tau_b0 (intercept)=',median(samples$tau_b0)*1000))
print(paste('tau_b1 (slope)='    ,median(samples$tau_b1)*1000))
print(paste('tau_b2 (slope)='    ,median(samples$tau_b2)*1000))
print(paste('tau_b3 (slope)='    ,median(samples$tau_b3)*1000))

OLD note2self: פרשנות הפרמטרים

שלב אחד הוא מחשב את הפרמטרים לפי הרגרסיה mu =inter+beta_1x beta=inter+beta_1x

שלב שני הוא מחשב את הmu לפי mu = mu - exp(beta)

שלב שלישי הוא מחשב את הטאו לפי tau = exp(beta)

הערה - פונקציית הלייקליהוד מקבלת למדא ולא טאו, ולכן לה יש גם המרה של Inverse שאותנו לא מעניינת

קובץ לשחזור פרמטרים באקסגאוסיין