- Prepare two servers, (4core, 8G, 100G disk)
- Download the codes on the servers
git clone https://github.com/sidefoundation/sidechain.git
cd sidechain && make install
sudo cp ~/go/bin/sidechaind /usr/local/bin
- Start the node #1
ignite c serve -r
- Start the node #2
ignite -c ./config2.yml c serve -r
- Install go relayer:
$ git clone https://github.com/cosmos/relayer.git
$ cd relayer && git checkout v2.1.0
$ make install
for more details: https://github.com/cosmos/relayer
- Create chain config
"type": "cosmos",
"value": {
"key": "default",
"chain-id": "sidechain_7070-1",
"rpc-addr": "https://rpc.testnet.side.one:443",
"account-prefix": "side",
"keyring-backend": "test",
"gas-adjustment": 1.2,
"gas-prices": "0.01aside",
"debug": true,
"timeout": "20s",
"output-format": "json",
"sign-mode": "direct"
- Create chain config
"type": "cosmos",
"value": {
"key": "default",
"chain-id": "sidechain_7070-2",
"rpc-addr": "http://rpc2.testnet.side.one:443",
"account-prefix": "side",
"keyring-backend": "test",
"gas-adjustment": 1.2,
"gas-prices": "0.01aside",
"debug": true,
"timeout": "20s",
"output-format": "json",
"sign-mode": "direct"
- Add chains
rly chains add --file side1.json side-1
rly chains add --file side1.json side-2
- New Paths
rly paths new sidechain_7070-1 sidechain_7070-2 side
rly tx link side
rly tx channel side --src-port swap --dst-port swap --order unordered --version ics100-1
- Start rely
rly start side
- Make swap on node #1:
sidechaind tx ibc-swap make channel-1 100aside side14d92qgn6dtygycaehu6dqu2uu7t8ge36te00rf 200bside --from alice
- Take swap on node #2
sidechaind tx ibc-swap take 9ADB7BE23AD24C1C28364B8FBB265F9C148ED25AC0EB7556B9A610DAA20A1B71 200bside side14d92qgn6dtygycaehu6dqu2uu7t8ge36te00rf --from david --packet-timeout-height 1-1000 --packet-timeout-timestamp 0
- Query orders
sidechaind q ibc-swap orders