This example demonstrates a publish-subscribe integration pattern implemented using Vert.x Spring Boot AMQP client. This monolithic application is divided into two logical services which communicate via two queues created in an embedded Artemis broker.
Submitting message for processing
POST request > controller > messages manager > AMQP broker > uppercase processor > AMQP broker > messages manager
Receiving processed messages
GET request > controller > messages manager > controller > GET response
Start the application in one terminal window.
java -jar target/vertx-spring-boot-sample-amqp.jar
And access it in another.
First submit a couple of messages for processing.
echo "Hello, World" | http POST :8080
echo "Hello again" | http POST :8080
Then check the result.
http :8080
You should get something like the following.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/event-stream;charset=UTF-8
transfer-encoding: chunked