Selecting Projects
+Here we explore a list of open or semi open Motus projects to select more project ids which we can use in our pilot study.
+Cleaning and Filtering
+The species names (English and scientific) listed here aren’t always consistent, so we’ll omit them and use only the species IDs to match them with the NatureCounts metadata from XX_setup
Then we consolidate the deployments in those projects as some listed some deployments under one species name and others under another (even if the species was the same)
- keep only
access == 1
which are fully public projects
+ - omit species ID 129470 which are listed as attached to a Human…(?) +
- omit projects with non-Canadian species +
<- read_excel("Data/Raw/TagsSpeciesProject.xlsx") |>
+ p_sp rename_with(.cols = contains("No column"), \(x) "access") |>
+ filter(access == 1, # Only completely open projects
+ != 129470) |> # Don't worry about Human tags :D
+ speciesID select(-speciesName, -motusEnglishName, -access) |> # Species Names are not consistent
+ summarize(across(everything(), sum), .by = c("tagProjectID", "speciesID")) |>
+ left_join(select(species, species_id, scientific_name, english_name),
+ by = c("speciesID" = "species_id")) |>
+ mutate(good = !,
+ other = str_detect(english_name, "Eurasian|European|Elaenia")) |>
+ group_by(tagProjectID) |>
+ filter(all(!other | |> # Omit projects with non-Canadian species
+ mutate(good_tags = sum(num_deployments[good]),
+ prop_good_tags = good_tags / sum(num_deployments)) |>
+ ungroup() |>
+ select(-other) |>
+ arrange(desc(prop_good_tags))
+gt(p_sp) |>
+fmt_number("prop_good_tags", decimals = 2)
tagProjectID | +speciesID | +num_deployments | +scientific_name | +english_name | +good | +good_tags | +prop_good_tags | +
85 | +19250 | +112 | +Plectrophenax nivalis | +Snow Bunting | +TRUE | +112 | +1.00 | +
221 | +15580 | +2 | +Catharus ustulatus | +Swainson's Thrush | +TRUE | +2 | +1.00 | +
240 | +42218 | +39 | +Junco hyemalis | +Dark-eyed Junco | +TRUE | +39 | +1.00 | +
249 | +16610 | +53 | +Setophaga coronata | +Yellow-rumped Warbler | +TRUE | +53 | +1.00 | +
258 | +15600 | +10 | +Hylocichla mustelina | +Wood Thrush | +TRUE | +20 | +1.00 | +
258 | +16950 | +10 | +Parkesia motacilla | +Louisiana Waterthrush | +TRUE | +20 | +1.00 | +
259 | +18940 | +8 | +Ammospiza nelsoni | +Nelson's Sparrow | +TRUE | +103 | +1.00 | +
259 | +18950 | +39 | +Ammospiza caudacuta | +Saltmarsh Sparrow | +TRUE | +103 | +1.00 | +
259 | +18960 | +56 | +Ammospiza maritima | +Seaside Sparrow | +TRUE | +103 | +1.00 | +
306 | +15770 | +69 | +Turdus migratorius | +American Robin | +TRUE | +71 | +1.00 | +
306 | +15830 | +2 | +Ixoreus naevius | +Varied Thrush | +TRUE | +71 | +1.00 | +
308 | +15770 | +30 | +Turdus migratorius | +American Robin | +TRUE | +30 | +1.00 | +
310 | +14050 | +176 | +Progne subis | +Purple Martin | +TRUE | +176 | +1.00 | +
352 | +15580 | +75 | +Catharus ustulatus | +Swainson's Thrush | +TRUE | +257 | +1.00 | +
352 | +15900 | +30 | +Dumetella carolinensis | +Gray Catbird | +TRUE | +257 | +1.00 | +
352 | +18550 | +2 | +Pipilo maculatus | +Spotted Towhee | +TRUE | +257 | +1.00 | +
352 | +18830 | +10 | +Pooecetes gramineus | +Vesper Sparrow | +TRUE | +257 | +1.00 | +
352 | +18900 | +21 | +Ammodramus savannarum | +Grasshopper Sparrow | +TRUE | +257 | +1.00 | +
352 | +19450 | +23 | +Passerina amoena | +Lazuli Bunting | +TRUE | +257 | +1.00 | +
352 | +19610 | +31 | +Sturnella neglecta | +Western Meadowlark | +TRUE | +257 | +1.00 | +
352 | +19760 | +25 | +Molothrus ater | +Brown-headed Cowbird | +TRUE | +257 | +1.00 | +
352 | +20420 | +40 | +Spinus pinus | +Pine Siskin | +TRUE | +257 | +1.00 | +
360 | +14250 | +54 | +Hirundo rustica | +Barn Swallow | +TRUE | +54 | +1.00 | +
361 | +16920 | +11 | +Limnothlypis swainsonii | +Swainson's Warbler | +TRUE | +11 | +1.00 | +
363 | +16820 | +35 | +Setophaga striata | +Blackpoll Warbler | +TRUE | +35 | +1.00 | +
364 | +16820 | +1 | +Setophaga striata | +Blackpoll Warbler | +TRUE | +55 | +1.00 | +
364 | +20310 | +2 | +Pinicola enucleator | +Pine Grosbeak | +TRUE | +55 | +1.00 | +
364 | +20330 | +38 | +Haemorhous purpureus | +Purple Finch | +TRUE | +55 | +1.00 | +
364 | +20420 | +14 | +Spinus pinus | +Pine Siskin | +TRUE | +55 | +1.00 | +
370 | +15590 | +6 | +Catharus guttatus | +Hermit Thrush | +TRUE | +6 | +1.00 | +
371 | +36261 | +15 | +Locustella naevia | +Common Grasshopper Warbler | +TRUE | +57 | +1.00 | +
371 | +36271 | +22 | +Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | +Sedge Warbler | +TRUE | +57 | +1.00 | +
371 | +36475 | +20 | +Curruca communis | +Greater Whitethroat | +TRUE | +57 | +1.00 | +
377 | +16060 | +1 | +Toxostoma lecontei | +LeConte's Thrasher | +TRUE | +8 | +1.00 | +
377 | +16370 | +7 | +Phainopepla nitens | +Phainopepla | +TRUE | +8 | +1.00 | +
380 | +14250 | +44 | +Hirundo rustica | +Barn Swallow | +TRUE | +84 | +1.00 | +
380 | +35407 | +40 | +Riparia riparia | +Bank Swallow | +TRUE | +84 | +1.00 | +
387 | +40818 | +1 | +Melozone cabanisi | +Cabanis's Ground-Sparrow | +TRUE | +1 | +1.00 | +
388 | +15651 | +91 | +Turdus philomelos | +Song Thrush | +TRUE | +91 | +1.00 | +
391 | +16900 | +31 | +Protonotaria citrea | +Prothonotary Warbler | +TRUE | +31 | +1.00 | +
393 | +14040 | +24 | +Eremophila alpestris | +Horned Lark | +TRUE | +130 | +1.00 | +
393 | +16300 | +31 | +Anthus spragueii | +Sprague's Pipit | +TRUE | +130 | +1.00 | +
393 | +18910 | +14 | +Centronyx bairdii | +Baird's Sparrow | +TRUE | +130 | +1.00 | +
393 | +19130 | +5 | +Rhynchophanes mccownii | +Thick-billed Longspur | +TRUE | +130 | +1.00 | +
393 | +19160 | +56 | +Calcarius ornatus | +Chestnut-collared Longspur | +TRUE | +130 | +1.00 | +
408 | +18940 | +83 | +Ammospiza nelsoni | +Nelson's Sparrow | +TRUE | +83 | +1.00 | +
414 | +19500 | +137 | +Passerina ciris | +Painted Bunting | +TRUE | +137 | +1.00 | +
417 | +16930 | +81 | +Seiurus aurocapilla | +Ovenbird | +TRUE | +226 | +1.00 | +
417 | +18990 | +58 | +Melospiza melodia | +Song Sparrow | +TRUE | +226 | +1.00 | +
417 | +19030 | +63 | +Zonotrichia albicollis | +White-throated Sparrow | +TRUE | +226 | +1.00 | +
417 | +41384 | +24 | +Vireo olivaceus | +Red-eyed Vireo | +TRUE | +226 | +1.00 | +
424 | +14050 | +63 | +Progne subis | +Purple Martin | +TRUE | +63 | +1.00 | +
426 | +18830 | +36 | +Pooecetes gramineus | +Vesper Sparrow | +TRUE | +37 | +1.00 | +
426 | +18950 | +1 | +Ammospiza caudacuta | +Saltmarsh Sparrow | +TRUE | +37 | +1.00 | +
430 | +15590 | +2 | +Catharus guttatus | +Hermit Thrush | +TRUE | +6 | +1.00 | +
430 | +17310 | +4 | +Icteria virens | +Yellow-breasted Chat | +TRUE | +6 | +1.00 | +
438 | +36271 | +29 | +Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | +Sedge Warbler | +TRUE | +91 | +1.00 | +
438 | +36467 | +30 | +Sylvia borin | +Garden Warbler | +TRUE | +91 | +1.00 | +
438 | +36475 | +32 | +Curruca communis | +Greater Whitethroat | +TRUE | +91 | +1.00 | +
464 | +15550 | +1 | +Catharus fuscescens | +Veery | +TRUE | +59 | +1.00 | +
464 | +15580 | +28 | +Catharus ustulatus | +Swainson's Thrush | +TRUE | +59 | +1.00 | +
464 | +15900 | +4 | +Dumetella carolinensis | +Gray Catbird | +TRUE | +59 | +1.00 | +
464 | +16460 | +1 | +Leiothlypis peregrina | +Tennessee Warbler | +TRUE | +59 | +1.00 | +
464 | +16540 | +6 | +Setophaga americana | +Northern Parula | +TRUE | +59 | +1.00 | +
464 | +16600 | +1 | +Setophaga caerulescens | +Black-throated Blue Warbler | +TRUE | +59 | +1.00 | +
464 | +16660 | +1 | +Setophaga virens | +Black-throated Green Warbler | +TRUE | +59 | +1.00 | +
464 | +16800 | +5 | +Setophaga palmarum | +Palm Warbler | +TRUE | +59 | +1.00 | +
464 | +16880 | +2 | +Mniotilta varia | +Black-and-white Warbler | +TRUE | +59 | +1.00 | +
464 | +16890 | +2 | +Setophaga ruticilla | +American Redstart | +TRUE | +59 | +1.00 | +
464 | +16930 | +5 | +Seiurus aurocapilla | +Ovenbird | +TRUE | +59 | +1.00 | +
464 | +17000 | +3 | +Geothlypis trichas | +Common Yellowthroat | +TRUE | +59 | +1.00 | +
466 | +14250 | +91 | +Hirundo rustica | +Barn Swallow | +TRUE | +113 | +1.00 | +
466 | +35407 | +21 | +Riparia riparia | +Bank Swallow | +TRUE | +113 | +1.00 | +
466 | +40667 | +1 | +Hirundo rustica erythrogaster | +Barn Swallow (American) | +TRUE | +113 | +1.00 | +
469 | +35407 | +909 | +Riparia riparia | +Bank Swallow | +TRUE | +909 | +1.00 | +
475 | +18920 | +66 | +Centronyx henslowii | +Henslow's Sparrow | +TRUE | +66 | +1.00 | +
482 | +18880 | +135 | +Passerculus sandwichensis | +Savannah Sparrow | +TRUE | +135 | +1.00 | +
484 | +15830 | +2 | +Ixoreus naevius | +Varied Thrush | +TRUE | +122 | +1.00 | +
484 | +18550 | +61 | +Pipilo maculatus | +Spotted Towhee | +TRUE | +122 | +1.00 | +
484 | +19050 | +4 | +Zonotrichia leucophrys | +White-crowned Sparrow | +TRUE | +122 | +1.00 | +
484 | +19060 | +55 | +Zonotrichia atricapilla | +Golden-crowned Sparrow | +TRUE | +122 | +1.00 | +
489 | +19520 | +33 | +Dolichonyx oryzivorus | +Bobolink | +TRUE | +33 | +1.00 | +
496 | +15550 | +15 | +Catharus fuscescens | +Veery | +TRUE | +54 | +1.00 | +
496 | +15580 | +1 | +Catharus ustulatus | +Swainson's Thrush | +TRUE | +54 | +1.00 | +
496 | +15590 | +38 | +Catharus guttatus | +Hermit Thrush | +TRUE | +54 | +1.00 | +
497 | +19030 | +68 | +Zonotrichia albicollis | +White-throated Sparrow | +TRUE | +68 | +1.00 | +
499 | +18990 | +4 | +Melospiza melodia | +Song Sparrow | +TRUE | +4 | +1.00 | +
515 | +15590 | +1 | +Catharus guttatus | +Hermit Thrush | +TRUE | +42 | +1.00 | +
515 | +15770 | +7 | +Turdus migratorius | +American Robin | +TRUE | +42 | +1.00 | +
515 | +15900 | +6 | +Dumetella carolinensis | +Gray Catbird | +TRUE | +42 | +1.00 | +
515 | +15970 | +3 | +Toxostoma rufum | +Brown Thrasher | +TRUE | +42 | +1.00 | +
515 | +19030 | +25 | +Zonotrichia albicollis | +White-throated Sparrow | +TRUE | +42 | +1.00 | +
524 | +15770 | +1 | +Turdus migratorius | +American Robin | +TRUE | +1 | +1.00 | +
529 | +42067 | +74 | +Oenanthe oenanthe/seebohmi | +Northern/Atlas Wheatear | +TRUE | +74 | +1.00 | +
531 | +14120 | +2 | +Tachycineta bicolor | +Tree Swallow | +TRUE | +5 | +1.00 | +
531 | +18550 | +2 | +Pipilo maculatus | +Spotted Towhee | +TRUE | +5 | +1.00 | +
531 | +40824 | +1 | +Pipilo maculatus x erythrophthalmus | +Spotted x Eastern Towhee (hybrid) | +TRUE | +5 | +1.00 | +
536 | +15580 | +20 | +Catharus ustulatus | +Swainson's Thrush | +TRUE | +20 | +1.00 | +
537 | +15550 | +4 | +Catharus fuscescens | +Veery | +TRUE | +6 | +1.00 | +
537 | +17150 | +2 | +Cardellina canadensis | +Canada Warbler | +TRUE | +6 | +1.00 | +
545 | +15970 | +2 | +Toxostoma rufum | +Brown Thrasher | +TRUE | +3 | +1.00 | +
545 | +16620 | +1 | +Setophaga coronata coronata | +Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) | +TRUE | +3 | +1.00 | +
551 | +13420 | +9 | +Vireo solitarius | +Blue-headed Vireo | +TRUE | +203 | +1.00 | +
551 | +15590 | +45 | +Catharus guttatus | +Hermit Thrush | +TRUE | +203 | +1.00 | +
551 | +16580 | +24 | +Setophaga magnolia | +Magnolia Warbler | +TRUE | +203 | +1.00 | +
551 | +16620 | +42 | +Setophaga coronata coronata | +Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) | +TRUE | +203 | +1.00 | +
551 | +18990 | +17 | +Melospiza melodia | +Song Sparrow | +TRUE | +203 | +1.00 | +
551 | +19360 | +66 | +Cardinalis cardinalis | +Northern Cardinal | +TRUE | +203 | +1.00 | +
570 | +15580 | +2 | +Catharus ustulatus | +Swainson's Thrush | +TRUE | +2 | +1.00 | +
604 | +20910 | +2 | +Passer domesticus | +House Sparrow | +TRUE | +2 | +1.00 | +
607 | +15900 | +2 | +Dumetella carolinensis | +Gray Catbird | +TRUE | +10 | +1.00 | +
607 | +16930 | +1 | +Seiurus aurocapilla | +Ovenbird | +TRUE | +10 | +1.00 | +
607 | +16940 | +3 | +Parkesia noveboracensis | +Northern Waterthrush | +TRUE | +10 | +1.00 | +
607 | +17000 | +1 | +Geothlypis trichas | +Common Yellowthroat | +TRUE | +10 | +1.00 | +
607 | +17130 | +2 | +Setophaga citrina | +Hooded Warbler | +TRUE | +10 | +1.00 | +
607 | +17310 | +1 | +Icteria virens | +Yellow-breasted Chat | +TRUE | +10 | +1.00 | +
609 | +12172 | +7 | +Empidonax traillii extimus | +Willow Flycatcher (Southwestern) | +TRUE | +7 | +1.00 | +
612 | +35407 | +100 | +Riparia riparia | +Bank Swallow | +TRUE | +100 | +1.00 | +
617 | +16830 | +18 | +Setophaga cerulea | +Cerulean Warbler | +TRUE | +18 | +1.00 | +
619 | +15580 | +20 | +Catharus ustulatus | +Swainson's Thrush | +TRUE | +41 | +1.00 | +
619 | +16600 | +5 | +Setophaga caerulescens | +Black-throated Blue Warbler | +TRUE | +41 | +1.00 | +
619 | +16890 | +16 | +Setophaga ruticilla | +American Redstart | +TRUE | +41 | +1.00 | +
621 | +16560 | +8 | +Setophaga petechia | +Yellow Warbler | +TRUE | +8 | +1.00 | +
623 | +17690 | +1 | +Piranga ludoviciana | +Western Tanager | +TRUE | +3 | +1.00 | +
623 | +19410 | +1 | +Pheucticus melanocephalus | +Black-headed Grosbeak | +TRUE | +3 | +1.00 | +
623 | +40789 | +1 | +Icteria virens auricollis | +Yellow-breasted Chat (auricollis) | +TRUE | +3 | +1.00 | +
627 | +16420 | +40 | +Vermivora chrysoptera | +Golden-winged Warbler | +TRUE | +40 | +1.00 | +
634 | +19040 | +10 | +Zonotrichia querula | +Harris's Sparrow | +TRUE | +10 | +1.00 | +
645 | +15600 | +3 | +Hylocichla mustelina | +Wood Thrush | +TRUE | +3 | +1.00 | +
657 | +15580 | +7 | +Catharus ustulatus | +Swainson's Thrush | +TRUE | +10 | +1.00 | +
657 | +19050 | +3 | +Zonotrichia leucophrys | +White-crowned Sparrow | +TRUE | +10 | +1.00 | +
660 | +14120 | +10 | +Tachycineta bicolor | +Tree Swallow | +TRUE | +10 | +1.00 | +
661 | +35407 | +24 | +Riparia riparia | +Bank Swallow | +TRUE | +24 | +1.00 | +
678 | +15600 | +15 | +Hylocichla mustelina | +Wood Thrush | +TRUE | +15 | +1.00 | +
691 | +20480 | +1 | +Spinus psaltria | +Lesser Goldfinch | +TRUE | +1 | +1.00 | +
556 | +8040 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +13 | +0.87 | +
556 | +14230 | +2 | +Petrochelidon pyrrhonota | +Cliff Swallow | +TRUE | +13 | +0.87 | +
556 | +14280 | +1 | +Poecile atricapillus | +Black-capped Chickadee | +TRUE | +13 | +0.87 | +
556 | +15560 | +1 | +Catharus minimus | +Gray-cheeked Thrush | +TRUE | +13 | +0.87 | +
556 | +16330 | +3 | +Bombycilla cedrorum | +Cedar Waxwing | +TRUE | +13 | +0.87 | +
556 | +20330 | +1 | +Haemorhous purpureus | +Purple Finch | +TRUE | +13 | +0.87 | +
556 | +41384 | +3 | +Vireo olivaceus | +Red-eyed Vireo | +TRUE | +13 | +0.87 | +
556 | +45168 | +2 | +Junco hyemalis hyemalis/carolinensis | +Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) | +TRUE | +13 | +0.87 | +
406 | +3570 | +23 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +143 | +0.86 | +
406 | +15580 | +14 | +Catharus ustulatus | +Swainson's Thrush | +TRUE | +143 | +0.86 | +
406 | +18760 | +24 | +Spizelloides arborea | +American Tree Sparrow | +TRUE | +143 | +0.86 | +
406 | +18920 | +57 | +Centronyx henslowii | +Henslow's Sparrow | +TRUE | +143 | +0.86 | +
406 | +19030 | +1 | +Zonotrichia albicollis | +White-throated Sparrow | +TRUE | +143 | +0.86 | +
406 | +42218 | +13 | +Junco hyemalis | +Dark-eyed Junco | +TRUE | +143 | +0.86 | +
406 | +45168 | +34 | +Junco hyemalis hyemalis/carolinensis | +Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) | +TRUE | +143 | +0.86 | +
115 | +16610 | +1 | +Setophaga coronata | +Yellow-rumped Warbler | +TRUE | +5 | +0.83 | +
115 | +16920 | +1 | +Limnothlypis swainsonii | +Swainson's Warbler | +TRUE | +5 | +0.83 | +
115 | +16960 | +1 | +Geothlypis formosa | +Kentucky Warbler | +TRUE | +5 | +0.83 | +
115 | +18760 | +1 | +Spizelloides arborea | +American Tree Sparrow | +TRUE | +5 | +0.83 | +
115 | +19500 | +1 | +Passerina ciris | +Painted Bunting | +TRUE | +5 | +0.83 | +
115 | +31856 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +5 | +0.83 | +
520 | +4450 | +10 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +18 | +0.62 | +
520 | +4750 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +18 | +0.62 | +
520 | +16940 | +18 | +Parkesia noveboracensis | +Northern Waterthrush | +TRUE | +18 | +0.62 | +
282 | +3570 | +22 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +33 | +0.60 | +
282 | +19520 | +11 | +Dolichonyx oryzivorus | +Bobolink | +TRUE | +33 | +0.60 | +
282 | +19600 | +22 | +Sturnella magna/lilianae | +Eastern/Chihuahuan Meadowlark | +TRUE | +33 | +0.60 | +
582 | +45168 | +59 | +Junco hyemalis hyemalis/carolinensis | +Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) | +TRUE | +59 | +0.60 | +
582 | +47282 | +40 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +59 | +0.60 | +
614 | +4980 | +28 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +41 | +0.48 | +
614 | +7871 | +17 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +41 | +0.48 | +
614 | +18570 | +41 | +Pipilo erythrophthalmus | +Eastern Towhee | +TRUE | +41 | +0.48 | +
4 | +3761 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +64 | +0.30 | +
4 | +3770 | +3 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +64 | +0.30 | +
4 | +3830 | +42 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +64 | +0.30 | +
4 | +4630 | +30 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +64 | +0.30 | +
4 | +4670 | +74 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +64 | +0.30 | +
4 | +19500 | +64 | +Passerina ciris | +Painted Bunting | +TRUE | +64 | +0.30 | +
193 | +7680 | +36 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +13 | +0.25 | +
193 | +7871 | +3 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +13 | +0.25 | +
193 | +15600 | +11 | +Hylocichla mustelina | +Wood Thrush | +TRUE | +13 | +0.25 | +
193 | +16960 | +2 | +Geothlypis formosa | +Kentucky Warbler | +TRUE | +13 | +0.25 | +
9 | +4690 | +52 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +5 | +0.06 | +
9 | +18940 | +1 | +Ammospiza nelsoni | +Nelson's Sparrow | +TRUE | +5 | +0.06 | +
9 | +18950 | +4 | +Ammospiza caudacuta | +Saltmarsh Sparrow | +TRUE | +5 | +0.06 | +
9 | +100190 | +4 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +5 | +0.06 | +
9 | +100250 | +9 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +5 | +0.06 | +
9 | +100420 | +3 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +5 | +0.06 | +
9 | +100450 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +5 | +0.06 | +
9 | +124422 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +5 | +0.06 | +
9 | +124430 | +3 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +5 | +0.06 | +
27 | +4070 | +24 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
27 | +4100 | +6 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
27 | +4180 | +14 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
27 | +4630 | +14 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
27 | +4690 | +32 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
27 | +4760 | +58 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
27 | +4800 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
27 | +4820 | +6 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
27 | +5010 | +21 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
68 | +4070 | +32 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
68 | +4100 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
68 | +4180 | +16 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
68 | +4630 | +10 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
68 | +4680 | +47 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
68 | +4690 | +9 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
68 | +4750 | +13 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
68 | +4760 | +21 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
68 | +4780 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
68 | +4870 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
68 | +5000 | +5 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
68 | +5010 | +19 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
78 | +4070 | +5 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
78 | +4180 | +212 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
78 | +4420 | +4 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
78 | +4450 | +46 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
78 | +4530 | +5 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
78 | +4630 | +13 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
78 | +4670 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
78 | +4680 | +75 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
78 | +4690 | +475 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
78 | +4750 | +72 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
78 | +4760 | +126 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
78 | +4780 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
78 | +4800 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
78 | +4820 | +54 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
78 | +4890 | +37 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
147 | +41600 | +119 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
156 | +5520 | +120 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
194 | +7720 | +104 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
194 | +7871 | +149 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
271 | +3110 | +14 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
271 | +3570 | +33 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
271 | +45581 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
276 | +230 | +54 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
307 | +125480 | +12 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
349 | +4820 | +150 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
356 | +4180 | +3 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
356 | +4840 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
356 | +40372 | +5 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
357 | +1740 | +4 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
357 | +2170 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
357 | +2390 | +4 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
357 | +4160 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
357 | +4380 | +13 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
357 | +4620 | +4 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
357 | +4670 | +36 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
357 | +4700 | +20 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
357 | +4820 | +12 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
357 | +4890 | +14 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
357 | +5460 | +3 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
357 | +41600 | +13 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
368 | +4820 | +62 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
382 | +360 | +75 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
390 | +5280 | +3 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
390 | +45581 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
418 | +100430 | +22 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
420 | +100430 | +19 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
421 | +100390 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
421 | +100430 | +3 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
421 | +100450 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
421 | +100520 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
427 | +100250 | +3 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
427 | +100450 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
427 | +100580 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
427 | +252456 | +15 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
432 | +100430 | +16 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
432 | +100450 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
432 | +124470 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
434 | +7680 | +56 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
436 | +32990 | +4 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
437 | +263371 | +191 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
448 | +120210 | +31 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
450 | +1260 | +192 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
454 | +7680 | +23 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
458 | +4750 | +6 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
458 | +4820 | +101 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
458 | +4900 | +18 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
468 | +40261 | +8 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
486 | +1650 | +3 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
486 | +1660 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
486 | +100190 | +7 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
486 | +100550 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
498 | +100190 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
498 | +100230 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
498 | +100250 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
498 | +100270 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
498 | +100430 | +3 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
498 | +100450 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
498 | +123940 | +4 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
498 | +124470 | +4 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
500 | +100400 | +20 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
501 | +100430 | +24 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
525 | +7810 | +6 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
532 | +100190 | +4 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
532 | +100230 | +5 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
532 | +100270 | +3 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
532 | +100420 | +6 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
532 | +100430 | +63 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
532 | +100450 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
533 | +252456 | +38 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
534 | +7680 | +3 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
534 | +47282 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
541 | +7680 | +6 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
554 | +125480 | +55 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
555 | +257061 | +8 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
555 | +257202 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
563 | +100190 | +3 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
563 | +100250 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
563 | +100380 | +5 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
563 | +100560 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
563 | +124432 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
585 | +3580 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
586 | +4990 | +15 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
608 | +7720 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
608 | +7871 | +46 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
611 | +257184 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
611 | +257201 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
611 | +257216 | +5 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
632 | +7871 | +20 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
635 | +100190 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
635 | +100230 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
635 | +100430 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
644 | +100300 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
644 | +121401 | +1 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
646 | +100430 | +10 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
646 | +124470 | +10 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
648 | +124240 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
648 | +125480 | +14 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
649 | +230 | +30 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
651 | +100680 | +40 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
664 | +7680 | +51 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
667 | +4990 | +5 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
672 | +7871 | +45 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
674 | +200 | +75 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
688 | +100240 | +3 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
688 | +100270 | +5 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
688 | +100430 | +8 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
688 | +100530 | +2 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
690 | +100430 | +10 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
690 | +100460 | +7 | +NA | +NA | +FALSE | +0 | +0.00 | +
+Now we can summarize these projects by how many species, deployments (tags) and the average number of deployments per species.
+We’ll aim to include projects with a bread of species but also reasonable coverage, so we exclude projects with less than 100% passerines and fewer than three species.
+<- p_sp |>
+ p filter(prop_good_tags == 1) |>
+ group_by(tagProjectID) |>
+ summarize(total_tags = sum(num_deployments),
+ n_species = n_distinct(speciesID),
+ mean_tags_per_species = mean(num_deployments),
+ species = list(unique(english_name))) |>
+ filter(n_species > 3) |>
+ arrange(desc(mean_tags_per_species), desc(n_species), desc(total_tags))
+gt(p) |>
+fmt_number(columns = "mean_tags_per_species", decimals = 1)
tagProjectID | +total_tags | +n_species | +mean_tags_per_species | +species | +
417 | +226 | +4 | +56.5 | +Ovenbird, Song Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, Red-eyed Vireo | +
551 | +203 | +6 | +33.8 | +Blue-headed Vireo, Hermit Thrush, Magnolia Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle), Song Sparrow, Northern Cardinal | +
484 | +122 | +4 | +30.5 | +Varied Thrush, Spotted Towhee, White-crowned Sparrow, Golden-crowned Sparrow | +
352 | +257 | +9 | +28.6 | +Swainson's Thrush, Gray Catbird, Spotted Towhee, Vesper Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Lazuli Bunting, Western Meadowlark, Brown-headed Cowbird, Pine Siskin | +
393 | +130 | +5 | +26.0 | +Horned Lark, Sprague's Pipit, Baird's Sparrow, Thick-billed Longspur, Chestnut-collared Longspur | +
364 | +55 | +4 | +13.8 | +Blackpoll Warbler, Pine Grosbeak, Purple Finch, Pine Siskin | +
515 | +42 | +5 | +8.4 | +Hermit Thrush, American Robin, Gray Catbird, Brown Thrasher, White-throated Sparrow | +
464 | +59 | +12 | +4.9 | +Veery, Swainson's Thrush, Gray Catbird, Tennessee Warbler, Northern Parula, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, Palm Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, American Redstart, Ovenbird, Common Yellowthroat | +
607 | +10 | +6 | +1.7 | +Gray Catbird, Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush, Common Yellowthroat, Hooded Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat | +
Data sizes
+Now, we can check the amount of data per project (see what we’re in for!)
+For reference, 7,006,847,799 bytes is ~ 7 GB
+<- map(
+ status set_names(p$tagProjectID),
+ tellme(x, dir = "Data/Temp", new = TRUE)) |>
+ \(x) list_rbind(names_to = "proj_id")
+ unlink("Data/Temp", recursive = TRUE)
So this, isn’t too bad, data-wise, I think we could use all projects.
+ status mutate(Megabytes = numBytes / 1000000) |>
+ arrange(desc(numBytes)) |>
+ gt() |>
+ fmt_number(decimals = 0)
proj_id | +numHits | +numBytes | +numRuns | +numBatches | +numGPS | +Megabytes | +
551 | +74,368,213 | +7,006,847,799 | +1,283,286 | +3,059 | +386,210 | +7,007 | +
352 | +70,567,612 | +6,655,989,412 | +1,053,008 | +39,044 | +659,503 | +6,656 | +
417 | +47,585,940 | +4,500,299,234 | +1,007,044 | +2,647 | +379,951 | +4,500 | +
484 | +25,653,624 | +2,470,082,118 | +1,076,391 | +3,515 | +495,525 | +2,470 | +
515 | +2,198,407 | +256,103,381 | +425,980 | +4,517 | +572,886 | +256 | +
393 | +1,444,599 | +160,645,217 | +80,053 | +4,799 | +447,871 | +161 | +
364 | +94,467 | +25,729,831 | +17,000 | +1,888 | +330,579 | +26 | +
464 | +80,673 | +21,734,415 | +34,752 | +1,873 | +253,377 | +22 | +
607 | +939 | +1,544,997 | +456 | +147 | +29,634 | +2 | +