D5L is a dictionary with 5 languages. It includes English, Turkish, French, Russian, and Simplified Chinese. The main goal of D5L dictionary is to find the meaning, synonym, and antonym of words in these 5 languages.
- D5L is written in Python and includes Tkinter.
- Searches meaning of words, synonyms, antonyms in English, Turkish, French, Russian, and Chinese.
- Using PyMultiDictionary as the database.
- You must be connected to internet to make searches.
- Requirements: Tkinter, Messagebox, Pymultidictionary.
- Use the help menu (F1) to have more information and support.
You can install D5L in various ways:
- Fork the repository to your GitHub and run main.py.
- Download the .exe file for Windows or see the Release page.
- Install via Flathub for Linux (coming soon!).
- Download the .deb file for Linux (coming soon!).
- Download main.py, constants.py, gui_utils.py, and menu_utils.py, and run main.py.
- main.py for English.
- main_fr.py for French (not functional yet).
- main_ru.py for Russian (not functional yet).
- main_ch.py for Chinese (not functional yet).
- main_tr.py for Turkish (not functional yet).
Installing necessary modules:
pip install Pymultidictionary
🌟 Searching a Word
- Select the language you want to search first.
- Type any word in the selected language into the search boxes.
- Use "meaning," "synonym," or "antonym" to search for the meaning, synonym, or antonym of a word.
- To search---> Meaning: "ALT-"M - Synonym: "ALT-S" - Antonym: "ALT-A"
- The search button or Enter key works as well.
- Use the copy button to copy your search result. "ALT-C"
- Use the clear button to clear the search and the result area. "ALT-L"
- If you have any questions or suggestions, use Disccusions.
- If the word you're looking for is not in the dictionary, the search result returns ([], ",").
🌟 Avoid the following while searching!
- Don't add "s" at the end of the word. Searches return null.
- If you're searching for a verb, don't use "to". Write "help" instead of "to help".
- More languages will be added!
Keyboard shortcuts - quick commands will be revised.- The app will be converted to Flatpak and published in the Flathub repository.
- A Deb package will be created.
- AppImage will be created.
The app will be converted to an .exe file for Windows.
- Search results in any language besides English come first with the English definition. An issue ticket has been opened to the PyMultiDictionary module. You can view it here.
- Tool menu items (switch language) are not functional yet.