Choose all that apply"},"salary":{"text":"What is your salary range?
We won’t store your information
"}},"story":[{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"one_similar_job","text":"This square represents every laundry worker in America. Each person inside the square represents about 50,000 Americans who do this job."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"other_similar_jobs","job":"Laundry and dry-cleaning workers|Furniture finishers|Drywall and ceiling tile installers","text":"Laundry workers are
Standers→—people who are required to stand most of the time at work. Here are some other workers who are Standers."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"other_dissimilar_jobs","job":"Editors|Software developers|Genetic counselors","text":"On the left are
←Sitters—people who are almost always sitting at work."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"other_dissimilar_jobs_you","showyou":"1","text":"Oh, and here’s
you! We’ll keep track of you through this piece."},{"cat":"ExploreInstruction","stage":"all_jobs","text":"And in the middle is every other job in America.
Zoom and pan to explore the chart."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"all_jobs","addclass":"longform","text":"This story is about two kinds of workers in America:
←Sitters—people who sit for living—and
Standers→—those who stand, crouch, crawl, and lift. \r\n\r\n\r\nOver the past few generations, work in America has become far [less physical]( A lot of farming and factory work was replaced by desk jobs. In turn, work became less backbreaking—and less dangerous.\r\n\r\n\r\n>>fatalities|Workplace safety since 1970|Source: US Department of Labor|Chart showing workers are injured and killed less on the job since 1970."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"all_jobs","addclass":"longform","text":"But our society still needs lots of people to do physical, grueling jobs.\r\n\r\n\r\nTo understand who does these jobs, I analyzed a federal survey that asked workers what they are physically required to do for their job.\r\n\r\n\r\n
The [Occupational Requirements Survey]( talked to workers at more than 56,000 workplaces. A portion of jobs do not have data for various physical requirements, so those were left out of this visualization.
"},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"sit","text":"Let’s first look at
←Sitters."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"sit","hl":"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed","text":"Many Sitters have a
choice to sit or stand."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"sit","hl":"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed","text":"We’ll track the Sitter and Stander averages with these
pink dots."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"sit","hl":"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree","text":"Sitters often have jobs that
require a bachelor’s degree."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"sit","hl":"A_MEAN","text":"In turn, Sitters tend to have higher
incomes."},{"cat":"Brain power","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"sit","hl":"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day","text":"Sitters are more likely to have to
solve problems every day."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"sit","hl":"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work","text":"And Sitters get more autonomy. These are workers who say they
can pause work when they need to."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"sit","hl":"Percent of workers, with telework available","text":"Sitters are also more likely to say they
can work remotely. Only a tiny portion of Americans have this option."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","text":"Now let’s focus on
Standers →."},{"cat":"Brain power","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","showavg":"1","hl":"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never","text":"Standers are more likely to say they
never or rarely have to problem-solve for their job."},{"cat":"Physical labor","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"Percent of workers, crouching is required","text":"Standers are more likely to say they
crouch at work—everyone from nurses to electricians."},{"cat":"Physical labor","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required","text":"Standers are also more likely to
climb ladders, ropes, or scaffolds. This includes firefighters and janitors."},{"cat":"Physical labor","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness","text":"Standers are more likely to be
exposed to wetness, like water, sewage, or bodily fluids."},{"cat":"Physical labor","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat","text":"Standers are more likely to be
exposed to extreme heat from things like stoves and fires."},{"cat":"Physical labor","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors","text":"Standers are more likely to be
exposed to the outdoors—something that will become more and more dangerous as our planet warms."},{"cat":"Physical labor","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants","text":"And Standers are more likely to be
exposed to hazardous contaminants."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work","text":"Standers often lack autonomy. These workers say they
lack control over when they can take a break."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"INJURY_RATE","job":"Nursing assistants|Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses|Tire repairers and changers|Meat, poultry, and fish cutters and trimmers","text":"All of this takes a physical toll. This is how common it is for someone doing each job to
be injured or ill and require time away from work."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"A_MEAN","text":"Despite the physical toll, Standers tend to
earn less money."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"preexplore","addclass":"longform","job":"Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand|Meat, poultry, and fish cutters and trimmers|Construction laborers|Manicurists and pedicurists|Laundry and dry-cleaning workers","text":"The history of labor in America is defined by the least privileged people doing the least desirable work—sometimes by force.\r\n\r\n\r\nAmerica got rich selling cotton picked by enslaved Black people. America built the Transcontinental Railroad with Chinese immigrant labor, only to ban Chinese immigration a few decades later. And America feeds itself with animals killed and processed by Black and Hispanic meatpackers."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","hl":"black_pct","job":"Correctional officers and jailers|Cashiers","text":"
Black workers are more likely to be Standers. They disproportionately occupy jobs like correctional officers and cashiers."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","hl":"asian_pct","job":"Software developers|Manicurists and pedicurists|Registered nurses","text":"
Asian workers are more likely to be Sitters, with jobs in software development and as manicurists."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","hl":"hisp_pct","job":"Cooks, restaurant|Maids and housekeeping cleaners|Construction laborers","text":"
Hispanic workers are far more likely to be Standers, with jobs in kitchens, housekeeping, and construction."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","hl":"noncitizen_pct","job":"Roofer|Painters, construction and maintenance|Sewing machine operators","text":"One reason is that
immigrant workers from Latin America are more likely to be Standers, working demanding—often dangerous—jobs for low pay."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","hl":"white_pct","job":"General and operations managers|Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks","text":"
White workers are more likely to be Sitters. But they account for the majority of the workforce, so they’re also the largest group of Standers."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","addclass":"longform","text":"For most of American history, people [worked until their bodies gave out]( In 1900, most men older than 65 still worked to be self-sufficient, including 84% of Black Americans.\r\n\r\n\r\n>>retired|Percentage of men older than 65 who are retired|Source: The Evolution of Retirement, by Dora L. Costa|Chart showing that most men older than 65 worked in 1900. \r\n\r\n\r\nIn 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act, and by 1940, people who were [65 and older]( started receiving [monthly checks]( In other words, Social Security helped people to retire."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"preexplore","addclass":"longform","hl":"nonwhite_pct","text":"But the bill [excluded]( agricultural and domestic workers. This meant most nonwhite workers did not qualify — about 6 million people.\r\n\r\n\r\n>>excluded|Percentage of workers excluded from Social Security, by race|Source: US Social Security Administration; US Census|Chart showing most Black workers were excluded from Social Security when the bill first passed.\r\n\r\n\r\nThis also meant the least privileged white workers were also left out — about 11.5 million people.\r\n\r\n\r\nWe still exclude people from Social Security. Since the mid-1990s, undocumented immigrants [haven’t received]( Social Security benefits, even though they pay taxes to fund the system. Many will [never]( be able to retire."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"preexplore2","addclass":"longform","job":"Food servers, nonrestaurant|Cashiers|Construction laborers|Roofers|Electricians","text":"We often fetishize manual labor. \r\n\r\n\r\nDuring the pandemic, we celebrated front-line workers for keeping the world running. \r\n\r\n\r\nDuring every presidential campaign, candidates have photo ops with servers, construction workers, and farmers. They never forget to mention their teenage job as a cashier."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"preexplore","addclass":"longform","text":"But then we segregate ourselves from those workers with food delivery apps, next-day shipping, and self-checkout kiosks. We don’t want to see how the sausage is made or delivered.\r\n\r\n\r\nAnd then we [oppose]( minimum wage increases. We try to [roll back]( workplace safety laws. We constantly [propose]( cutting Social Security benefits.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe message is clear: When it’s convenient, we’ll celebrate this work. \r\n\r\n\r\nEvery other day, we’ll treat people who do this work as bodies for labor."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"explore","bg":"all","hl":"Percent of day where standing is required, mean","text":"
Explore the data. Search your job using the search bar. Select a variable to chart — then drag, zoom, and hover."}],"questions":[{"variable":"Percent of day where standing is required, mean","short":"Standing required per day","axis_variable":"standing","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean","short":"Sitting required per day","axis_variable":"sitting","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, crawling is required","short":"I am required to
crawl","axis_variable":"crawling","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, crouching is required","short":"I am required to
crouch","axis_variable":"crouching","cat":"body"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, kneeling is required","short":"I am required to
kneel","axis_variable":"kneeling","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required","short":"
Reaching overhead is required","axis_variable":"reaching overhead","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required","short":"
Use feet/legs to control equipment","axis_variable":"feet/leg use","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required","short":"I am required to
climb (i.e. ladders)","axis_variable":"climbing","cat":"body"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required","short":"Type on a
keyboard","axis_variable":"keyboarding","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, driving is required","short":"I am required to
drive","axis_variable":"driving","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work","short":"Inability to pause work","axis_variable":"ability to pause work","axis_flip":"1","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work","short":"I have the ability to pause work","axis_variable":"ability to pause","cat":"other"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, with telework available","short":"I have the ability to
work remotely","axis_variable":"remote work","cat":"other"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day","short":"I
solve problems daily","axis_variable":"problem-solving","cat":"other"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed","short":"I can choose to
sit or stand","axis_variable":"choice of sit/stand","cat":"other"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree","short":"I need
a bachelor's degree","axis_variable":"degrees required","cat":"other"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never","short":"
Rarely or never solve problems","axis_variable":"problem-solving","axis_flip":"1","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, speaking is required","short":"
Speaking to others is required","axis_variable":"speaking","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required","short":"
Working around crowds is required","axis_variable":"being around crowds","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors","short":"I am
exposed to outdoors","axis_variable":"being outdoors","cat":"body"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness","short":"I am
exposed to wetness (any liquid)","axis_variable":"exposure to wetness","cat":"body"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold","short":"I am
exposed to extreme cold","axis_variable":"extreme cold","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat","short":"I am
exposed to extreme heat","axis_variable":"extreme heat","cat":"body"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise","short":"I am
exposed to loud noises","axis_variable":"loud noise","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants","short":"I am
exposed to hazardous contaminants","axis_variable":"hazardous contaminants","cat":"body"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts","short":"I am
exposed to moving mechanical parts","axis_variable":"mechanical parts","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, exposed to heights","short":"I am exposed to
heights","axis_variable":"exposure to heights","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"A_MEAN","short":"Annual income","axis_variable":"income","cat":"money"},{"variable":"INJURY_RATE","short":"Injury rate","axis_variable":"likely to be injured","cat":"demographics"},{"variable":"white_pct","short":"White worker percentage","axis_variable":"white","cat":"demographics"},{"variable":"nonwhite_pct","short":"Worker of color percentage","axis_variable":"workers of color","cat":"demographics"},{"variable":"black_pct","short":"Black worker percentage","axis_variable":"Black","cat":"demographics"},{"variable":"hisp_pct","short":"Hispanic worker percentage","axis_variable":"hispanic","cat":"demographics"},{"variable":"asian_pct","short":"Asian worker percentage","axis_variable":"Asian","cat":"demographics"},{"variable":"noncitizen_pct","short":"Non-citizen worker percentage","axis_variable":"non-citizens","cat":"demographics"}]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"hed":"sitters and standers","byline":"alvin chang","question_text":{"stand_sit":{"text":"What portion of the day do you stand for work?
We won’t store your information
"},"body":{"text":"For my job…
Choose all that apply"},"other":{"text":"For my job…
Choose all that apply"},"salary":{"text":"What is your salary range?
We won’t store your information
"}},"story":[{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"one_similar_job","text":"This square represents every laundry worker in America. Each person inside the square represents about 50,000 Americans who do this job."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"other_similar_jobs","job":"Laundry and dry-cleaning workers|Furniture finishers|Drywall and ceiling tile installers","text":"Laundry workers are
Standers→—people who are required to stand most of the time at work. Here are some other workers who are Standers."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"other_dissimilar_jobs","job":"Editors|Software developers|Genetic counselors","text":"On the left are
←Sitters—people who are almost always sitting at work."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"other_dissimilar_jobs_you","showyou":"1","text":"Oh, and here’s
you! We’ll keep track of you through this piece."},{"cat":"ExploreInstruction","stage":"all_jobs","text":"And in the middle is every other job in America.
Zoom and pan to explore the chart."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"all_jobs","addclass":"longform","text":"This story is about two kinds of workers in America:
←Sitters—people who sit for living—and
Standers→—those who stand, crouch, crawl, and lift. \r\n\r\n\r\nOver the past few generations, work in America has become far [less physical]( A lot of farming and factory work was replaced by desk jobs. In turn, work became less backbreaking—and less dangerous.\r\n\r\n\r\n>>fatalities|Workplace safety since 1970|Source: US Department of Labor|Chart showing workers are injured and killed less on the job since 1970."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"all_jobs","addclass":"longform","text":"But our society still needs lots of people to do physical, grueling jobs.\r\n\r\n\r\nTo understand who does these jobs, I analyzed a federal survey that asked workers what they are physically required to do for their job.\r\n\r\n\r\n
The [Occupational Requirements Survey]( talked to workers at more than 56,000 workplaces. A portion of jobs do not have data for various physical requirements, so those were left out of this visualization.
"},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"sit","text":"Let’s first look at
←Sitters."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"sit","hl":"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed","text":"Many Sitters have a
choice to sit or stand."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"sit","hl":"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed","text":"We’ll track the Sitter and Stander averages with these
pink dots."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"sit","hl":"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree","text":"Sitters often have jobs that
require a bachelor’s degree."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"sit","hl":"A_MEAN","text":"In turn, Sitters tend to have higher
incomes."},{"cat":"Brain power","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"sit","hl":"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day","text":"Sitters are more likely to have to
solve problems every day."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"sit","hl":"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work","text":"And Sitters get more autonomy. These are workers who say they
can pause work when they need to."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"sit","hl":"Percent of workers, with telework available","text":"Sitters are also more likely to say they
can work remotely. Only a tiny portion of Americans have this option."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","text":"Now let’s focus on
Standers →."},{"cat":"Brain power","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","showavg":"1","hl":"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never","text":"Standers are more likely to say they
never or rarely have to problem-solve for their job."},{"cat":"Physical labor","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"Percent of workers, crouching is required","text":"Standers are more likely to say they
crouch at work—everyone from nurses to electricians."},{"cat":"Physical labor","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required","text":"Standers are also more likely to
climb ladders, ropes, or scaffolds. This includes firefighters and janitors."},{"cat":"Physical labor","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness","text":"Standers are more likely to be
exposed to wetness, like water, sewage, or bodily fluids."},{"cat":"Physical labor","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat","text":"Standers are more likely to be
exposed to extreme heat from things like stoves and fires."},{"cat":"Physical labor","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors","text":"Standers are more likely to be
exposed to the outdoors—something that will become more and more dangerous as our planet warms."},{"cat":"Physical labor","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants","text":"And Standers are more likely to be
exposed to hazardous contaminants."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work","text":"Standers often lack autonomy. These workers say they
lack control over when they can take a break."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"INJURY_RATE","job":"Nursing assistants|Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses|Tire repairers and changers|Meat, poultry, and fish cutters and trimmers","text":"All of this takes a physical toll. This is how common it is for someone doing each job to
be injured or ill and require time away from work."},{"cat":"The Atlas of Jobs","stage":"all_jobs","bg":"stand","hl":"A_MEAN","text":"Despite the physical toll, Standers tend to
earn less money."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"preexplore","addclass":"longform","job":"Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand|Meat, poultry, and fish cutters and trimmers|Construction laborers|Manicurists and pedicurists|Laundry and dry-cleaning workers","text":"The history of labor in America is defined by the least privileged people doing the least desirable work—sometimes by force.\r\n\r\n\r\nAmerica got rich selling cotton picked by enslaved Black people. America built the Transcontinental Railroad with Chinese immigrant labor, only to ban Chinese immigration a few decades later. And America feeds itself with animals killed and processed by Black and Hispanic meatpackers."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","hl":"black_pct","job":"Correctional officers and jailers|Cashiers","text":"
Black workers are more likely to be Standers. They disproportionately occupy jobs like correctional officers and cashiers."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","hl":"asian_pct","job":"Software developers|Manicurists and pedicurists|Registered nurses","text":"
Asian workers are more likely to be Sitters, with jobs in software development and as manicurists."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","hl":"hisp_pct","job":"Cooks, restaurant|Maids and housekeeping cleaners|Construction laborers","text":"
Hispanic workers are far more likely to be Standers, with jobs in kitchens, housekeeping, and construction."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","hl":"noncitizen_pct","job":"Roofer|Painters, construction and maintenance|Sewing machine operators","text":"One reason is that
immigrant workers from Latin America are more likely to be Standers, working demanding—often dangerous—jobs for low pay."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","hl":"white_pct","job":"General and operations managers|Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks","text":"
White workers are more likely to be Sitters. But they account for the majority of the workforce, so they’re also the largest group of Standers."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"all_jobs","addclass":"longform","text":"For most of American history, people [worked until their bodies gave out]( In 1900, most men older than 65 still worked to be self-sufficient, including 84% of Black Americans.\r\n\r\n\r\n>>retired|Percentage of men older than 65 who are still working|Source: The Evolution of Retirement, by Dora L. Costa|Chart showing that most men older than 65 worked in 1900. \r\n\r\n\r\nIn 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act, and by 1940, people who were [65 and older]( started receiving [monthly checks]( In other words, Social Security helped people to retire."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"preexplore","addclass":"longform","hl":"nonwhite_pct","text":"But the bill [excluded]( agricultural and domestic workers. This meant most nonwhite workers did not qualify — about 6 million people.\r\n\r\n\r\n>>excluded|Percentage of workers excluded from Social Security, by race|Source: US Social Security Administration; US Census|Chart showing most Black workers were excluded from Social Security when the bill first passed.\r\n\r\n\r\nThis also meant the least privileged white workers were also left out — about 11.5 million people.\r\n\r\n\r\nWe still exclude people from Social Security. Since the mid-1990s, undocumented immigrants [haven’t received]( Social Security benefits, even though they pay taxes to fund the system. Many will [never]( be able to retire."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"preexplore2","addclass":"longform","job":"Food servers, nonrestaurant|Cashiers|Construction laborers|Roofers|Electricians","text":"We often fetishize manual labor. \r\n\r\n\r\nDuring the pandemic, we celebrated front-line workers for keeping the world running. \r\n\r\n\r\nDuring every presidential campaign, candidates have photo ops with servers, construction workers, and farmers. They never forget to mention their teenage job as a cashier."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"preexplore","addclass":"longform","text":"But then we segregate ourselves from those workers with food delivery apps, next-day shipping, and self-checkout kiosks. We don’t want to see how the sausage is made or delivered.\r\n\r\n\r\nAnd then we [oppose]( minimum wage increases. We try to [roll back]( workplace safety laws. We constantly [propose]( cutting Social Security benefits.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe message is clear: When it’s convenient, we’ll celebrate this work. \r\n\r\n\r\nEvery other day, we’ll treat people who do this work as bodies for labor."},{"cat":"The power of choice","stage":"explore","bg":"all","hl":"Percent of day where standing is required, mean","text":"
Explore the data. Search your job using the search bar. Select a variable to chart — then drag, zoom, and hover."}],"questions":[{"variable":"Percent of day where standing is required, mean","short":"Standing required per day","axis_variable":"standing","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean","short":"Sitting required per day","axis_variable":"sitting","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, crawling is required","short":"I am required to
crawl","axis_variable":"crawling","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, crouching is required","short":"I am required to
crouch","axis_variable":"crouching","cat":"body"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, kneeling is required","short":"I am required to
kneel","axis_variable":"kneeling","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required","short":"
Reaching overhead is required","axis_variable":"reaching overhead","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required","short":"
Use feet/legs to control equipment","axis_variable":"feet/leg use","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required","short":"I am required to
climb (i.e. ladders)","axis_variable":"climbing","cat":"body"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required","short":"Type on a
keyboard","axis_variable":"keyboarding","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, driving is required","short":"I am required to
drive","axis_variable":"driving","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work","short":"Inability to pause work","axis_variable":"ability to pause work","axis_flip":"1","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work","short":"I have the ability to pause work","axis_variable":"ability to pause","cat":"other"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, with telework available","short":"I have the ability to
work remotely","axis_variable":"remote work","cat":"other"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day","short":"I
solve problems daily","axis_variable":"problem-solving","cat":"other"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed","short":"I can choose to
sit or stand","axis_variable":"choice of sit/stand","cat":"other"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree","short":"I need
a bachelor's degree","axis_variable":"degrees required","cat":"other"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never","short":"
Rarely or never solve problems","axis_variable":"problem-solving","axis_flip":"1","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, speaking is required","short":"
Speaking to others is required","axis_variable":"speaking","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required","short":"
Working around crowds is required","axis_variable":"being around crowds","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors","short":"I am
exposed to outdoors","axis_variable":"being outdoors","cat":"body"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness","short":"I am
exposed to wetness (any liquid)","axis_variable":"exposure to wetness","cat":"body"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold","short":"I am
exposed to extreme cold","axis_variable":"extreme cold","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat","short":"I am
exposed to extreme heat","axis_variable":"extreme heat","cat":"body"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise","short":"I am
exposed to loud noises","axis_variable":"loud noise","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants","short":"I am
exposed to hazardous contaminants","axis_variable":"hazardous contaminants","cat":"body"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts","short":"I am
exposed to moving mechanical parts","axis_variable":"mechanical parts","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"Percent of workers, exposed to heights","short":"I am exposed to
heights","axis_variable":"exposure to heights","cat":"exclude"},{"variable":"A_MEAN","short":"Annual income","axis_variable":"income","cat":"money"},{"variable":"INJURY_RATE","short":"Injury rate","axis_variable":"likely to be injured","cat":"demographics"},{"variable":"white_pct","short":"White worker percentage","axis_variable":"white","cat":"demographics"},{"variable":"nonwhite_pct","short":"Worker of color percentage","axis_variable":"workers of color","cat":"demographics"},{"variable":"black_pct","short":"Black worker percentage","axis_variable":"Black","cat":"demographics"},{"variable":"hisp_pct","short":"Hispanic worker percentage","axis_variable":"hispanic","cat":"demographics"},{"variable":"asian_pct","short":"Asian worker percentage","axis_variable":"Asian","cat":"demographics"},{"variable":"noncitizen_pct","short":"Non-citizen worker percentage","axis_variable":"non-citizens","cat":"demographics"}]}
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