Create the database in the data explorer. If you're using a shared instance of RethinkDB, name space your database name with your GitHub handle. If you're running these queries locally, you don't need to name space your database name.
After that, copy paste this command into the Data explorer. It’s a complicated query, so don’t worry to much about understanding what’s going on.
r.db('GITHUB_HANDLE_rethinkdb_workshop').table('reddit').insert(r.http('')('data')('children').map(r.row('data').pluck('title', 'num_comments', 'ups', 'downs', 'id', 'score', 'media', 'over_18')))
### Running Queries
Here are some queries you can run:
// Get all entries over 18
r.db('GITHUB_HANDLE_rethinkdb_workshop').table('reddit').filter({ over_18: true })
// Delete all entries over 18
r.db(‘GITHUB_HANDLE_rethinkdb_workshop’).table('reddit').filter({ over_18: true }).delete()
// Get the sum of all scores
// Get the average of all scores
// Order reddits by number of comments
// Order reddicts by number of comments and only get title and num_coments
r.db('GITHUB_HANDLE_rethinkdb_workshop').table('reddit').orderBy('num_comments').pluck('title', 'num_comments')
// Order reddits by number of comments in descending order
r.db('GITHUB_HANDLE_rethinkdb_workshop').table('reddit').orderBy(r.desc('num_comments')).pluck('title', 'num_comments')
// Creating an index
// Get all by score
r.db('GITHUB_HANDLE_rethinkdb_workshop').table('reddit').getAll(0, { index: 'score' });
### Using Changefeeds
//Get the top three entries
r.db('GITHUB_HANDLE_rethinkdb_workshop').table('reddit').orderBy({ index: r.desc('score') }).limit(3).changes()
// Add the pluck again
r.db('GITHUB_HANDLE_rethinkdb_workshop').table('reddit').orderBy({ index: r.desc('score') }).limit(3).changes()('new_val').pluck('title', 'score')
// In another tab/window update one of the scores to get see the changefeed
r.db('GITHUB_HANDLE_rethinkdb_workshop').table('reddit')(0).update({ score: 9999 })
// Take a look at the changefeed to see the updated score
// To see another update, change the score to 0
r.db('GITHUB_HANDLE_rethinkdb_workshop').table('reddit')(0).update({ score: 0 })
## Extra Credit
### Running Queries #2
// Get all the entries with media
// Create the index
r.db('GITHUB_HANDLE_rethinkdb_workshop').table('reddit').indexCreate('superScore', function (row) {
return row('num_comments').add(row('score')).add(row('ups')).sub(row('downs'))
// Query using the index
r.db('GITHUB_HANDLE_rethinkdb_workshop').table('reddit').orderBy({ index: r.desc('superScore') }).pluck('title', 'score')
### Query Composition
For query composition, we'll use Python instead of JavaScript.
import rethinkdb as r
conn = r.connect()
reddit = r.db('GITHUB_HANDLE_rethinkdb_workshop').table('reddit')
redditPluck = reddit.pluck('title', 'score')
# Run that query
# Run that query again
# Create a function that builds a query dynamically
def getPluckQuery(properties):
return reddit.pluck(*properties)