PageOutline(1-100,Page Contents,inline)
Twisted's continuous integration solution is BuildBot. BuildBot runs the Twisted test suite (as well as a couple other tasks) each time a checkin is made to Twisted trunk (and can be asked to do the same for a branch checkin). This provides developers with immediate feedback about their change across a wide array of platforms and Python versions. If a test suite failure is ever reported on any supported platform by BuildBot, the checkin which introduced it is backed out until the failure can be fixed.
A build slave is a long-running program that **connects itself** to the build master and executes jobs the master sends to it. A build slave needs to be online almost all of the time. An offline slave creates uncertainty about whether Twisted trunk is in working order or not.
If you have a host with good availability, [ContinuousIntegration/TestSlaveConfiguration] is an easy and helpful way to contribute to Twisted.
- Test Suite - The slaves connecting to Twisted's BuildBot master run in a variety of platforms. These platforms determine what the supported configurations of Twisted are.
- Code Coverage - As well as running the Twisted test suite, BuildBot also runs coverage reporting tools to generate reports of how much of Twisted is covered by its test suite. The [wiki:ContinuousIntegration/CoverageSlaveConfiguration] for these slaves is similar to that of normal test slaves, but there are a couple extra dependencies.
- Documentation - generates Twisted's API and howto-style documentation. These development snapshots are available for people looking for the most bleeding edge Twisted documentation.