This guide will show you how to write a server and client.
The code matching this guide is here.
- Dependencies
- Defining your service
- Writing a tchannel server
- Writing a tchannel client
- Getting started with a real service
Make sure you have node
and npm
installed. To get started
create an empty project with npm init
and run
npm install tchannel --save
You will also need to run a Hyperbahn ring locally. How to setup hyperbahn is out of scope for this document but hopefully you can find instructions elsewhere.
To define the interface of your service you can create a Thrift file.
Today we will use:
struct GetResult {
1: string value
service KeyValue {
GetResult get_v1(
1: string key
void put_v1(
1: string key,
2: string value
Our service will have two tchannel endpoints that can be accessed.
Namely KeyValue::get_v1
and KeyValue::put_v1
To get a server up and running you need to do the following:
- Create a TChannel and listen on a port
- Configure your endpoint handlers using TChannelThrift
- Create a hyperbahn client and advertise with hyperbahn
Create a tchannel using TChannel(opts)
and listen to it by calling .listen(port, host)
It's advised that you listen on the external IP of your host to
ensure that other machines can create incoming connections to you.
Consider using my-local-ip
to determine your external IP.
When you create your channel make sure you configure the correct options for your use cases. See the tchannel docs for more details.
var TChannel = require('tchannel');
var myLocalIp = require('my-local-ip');
var rootChannel = TChannel();
rootChannel.listen(4040, myLocalIp());
To register your interface you must implement the get
and put
endpoints on your tchannel.
First we create a sub channel using channel.makeSubChannel()
Once we have a sub channel we have to create a TChannelThrift(opts)
Finally you can call .register()
on the thrift
codec to register your actual endpoints.
var TChannelThrift = rootChannel.TChannelAsThrift;
var keyChan = rootChannel.makeSubChannel({
serviceName: 'keyvalue'
var keyThrift = TChannelThrift({
entryPoint: path.join(__dirname, 'keyvalue.thrift')
var ctx = {
store: {}
keyThrift.register(keyChan, 'KeyValue::get_v1', ctx, get);
keyThrift.register(keyChan, 'KeyValue::put_v1', ctx, put);
function get(context, req, head, body, cb) {
cb(null, {
ok: true,
body: {
function put(context, req, head, body, cb) {[body.key] = body.value;
cb(null, {
ok: true,
body: null
You can test your server by making a call using tcurl
To install tcurl, please run npm install tcurl -g
tcurl -p -t [DIR-TO-THRIFT] keyvalue KeyValue::put_v1 -3 '{"key":"hello","value":"world"}'
tcurl -p -t [DIR-TO-THRIFT] keyvalue KeyValue::get_v1 -3 '{"key":"hello"}'
Make sure you that you have a folder containing the thrift definition.
The thrift file should be called keyvalue.thrift
You can see what's actually happening by using tcap the tchannel network introspection tool.
To install tcap, please run npm install tcap -g
sudo tcap -p 4040 -i eth0 -i en0 -i lo -s keyvalue
tcurl -p -t [DIR-TO-THRIFT] keyvalue KeyValue::put_v1 -3 '{"key":"hello","value":"world"}'
You need to setup hyperbahn locally. See the running hyperbahn locally docs
Create a Hyperbahn client using HyperbahnClient(opts)
Call .advertise()
on the hyperbahn client to advertise your service with hyperbahn.
var HyperbahnClient = require('tchannel/hyperbahn/');
var hyperbahnClient = HyperbahnClient({
tchannel: rootChannel,
serviceName: 'keyvalue',
hostPortList: [''],
hardFail: true
hyperbahnClient.once('advertised', onAdvertised);
function onAdvertised() {
/* hooray! */
Your service is now available on hyperbahn. You can test this by making a call using tcurl
To install tcurl, please run npm install tcurl -g
tcurl -p [HYPERBAHN-HOSTPORT] -t [DIR-TO-THRIFT] keyvalue KeyValue::put_v1 -3 '{"key":"hello","value":"world"}'
tcurl -p [HYPERBAHN-HOSTPORT] -t [DIR-TO-THRIFT] keyvalue KeyValue::get_v1 -3 '{"key":"hello"}'
Make sure to replace [HYPERBAHN-HOSTPORT]
with one of the
hyperbahn instance host ports and [DIR-TO-THRIFT]
with a folder
where the thrift files are stored.
Your service can be accessed over Hyperbahn + TChannel from any language.
You can also see the traffic flowing through hyperbahn using tcap
sudo tcap -p 21301 -i lo
To make a client that talks to hyperbhan, you need to:
- Create a tchannel
- Create a hyperbahn client
- Making outgoing call requests using TChannelThrift codec
TChannel is a bidirectional RPC library; you already know how to create a root channel.
A pure client does not need to call .listen()
but it's
recommended that you .listen()
anyway and advertise()
It's always best to get onto the hyperbahn as early as possible.
Feel free to re-use the rootChannel
that you made for the server
The hyperbahn client is bidirectional. You already know how to create a hyperbahn client.
Technically you do not need to advertise()
as a pure client but
it's recommended that you do so.
Feel free to re-use the hyperbahnClient
that you made for the server
To make an outgoing call request you will need a sub channel
for the service you are talking to. Use
to get a sub channel
Once you have a subchannel you can create a thrift codec using
Finally we call .request()
on the thrift codec.
var hyperbahnClient = HyperbahnClient({
tchannel: rootChannel,
serviceName: 'keyvalue-client',
hostPortList: [''],
hardFail: true
var keyChan = hyperbahnClient.getClientChannel({
serviceName: 'keyvalue'
var keyThrift = rootChannel.TChannelAsThrift({
entryPoint: path.join(__dirname, 'keyvalue.thrift'),
channel: keyChan
serviceName: 'keyvalue',
timeout: 100
}).send('KeyValue::put_v1', null, {
key: 'hello',
value: 'world'
}, function onResponse(err, resp) {
if (err) {
return logger.error('got an error', {
error: err
}'got result', {
ok: resp.ok,
body: resp.body
Now that you've followed the guide it's recommended that you use the scaffolder for getting a real service up and running.
You can to scaffold out a new service and this will include all of the bootstrapping, ringpop and testing infrastructure as well as example tests.