gossh is a SSH automation library. It takes a task list(a file in JSON/TOML) and run the tasks in parallel.
- gossh can control the concurrency of the multiple tasks in an elegant way and collect the results.
- gossh is a generic interface. It must be used in conjunction with a(or multiple) type of worker. you can provide your own wokers to do a customised ssh-based work.
- Use a Business Process description file to describe the tasks.
- Support sub-tasks.
There are many kinds of tasks can be done through SSH. For example, run a command to collect result, run a command to make a change to the remote system or even download a file through SSH.
is the worker which is used for running a command remotely, especially for collecting the output.
package main
import (
_ "github.com/uynap/gossh/cmdworker"
func main() {
// LoadBP() loads tasks from a JSON string, a JSON file or a []JobDesc(`github.com/uynap/gossh/task`)
// Run() returns a channel of TaskResult(`github.com/uynap/gossh/task`)
resultCh := gossh.LoadBP("./test.bp").Run()
for result := range resultCh {
if result.Err != nil {
A *.bp file looks like:
"host" : "",
"port" : "22",
"user" : "USER",
"pass" : "PASS",
"concurrent" : 1,
"timeout": 5,
"tasks" : [
"cmd" : "uname -a",
"type" : "CmdTask",
"timeout" : 3,
"cmd" : "uptime",
"type" : "CmdTask",
"timeout" : 3,
$ go get github.com/uynap/gossh
A worker is an interface defined at github.com/uynap/gossh/worker. Have a look at "github.com/uynap/gossh/cmdworker" as an example to show how to write a worker.
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.
License can be found here.