The Smart Contract Research Forum (SCRF) has created the Impact Award to honor researchers whose work represents exceptional achievement, particularly in underappreciated or novel areas of blockchain research.
The SCRF Impact Award recognizes researchers who are contributing valuable work to the ecosystem. Impact Award grants are announced on SCRF’s forum every month.
Researchers whose work is featured in a Research Pulse, Research Summary, or showcased in some other interaction on SCRF’s forum are eligible for recognition as a part of this program.
Award recipients will receive a $1,000 allocation in recognition of their contributions. SCRF issues funds in cryptocurrency. Follow the steps outlined in "How to Get Compensated for Work" to claim the _REWARD/AWARD/BOUNTY_after SCRF has announced the recipients.
If unable to accept funds directly, alternative options could include:
- Funding a project
- Conference travel
- Charitable donations to an endowment
- Credits for compute resources, archive nodes, etc.
- Direct support of a blockchain-related organization or event of choice
SCRF is an interactive forum supported by an active international community. SCRF’s members work together to advance actionable blockchain research. Learn more about SCRF, and discover ways to get involved.