- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.40.1 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.53.0
- VINode is a required parameter to establish the connection with the Voximplant Cloud. Find more information about VINode in the getting started guide.
- Update example project
- Resolve dart static analyzer issues
- Update dependency constraints to
- sdk: '>=2.18.0 <4.0.0'
- flutter: '>=3.3.0'
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.39.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.52.0
- Change minimum iOS deployment target to 12.0
- Introduce VINode enum
- VIClient.connect API now takes an optional parameter to specify the node the Voximplant account belongs to
- Fix(android): End all calls on Flutter engine detach
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.38.2 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.51.0
- Fix(android): VILocalVideoDegradation is not processed correctly in native code
- Fix(android): crash if the resolution of the video stream changes at the same moment when the renderer is removed
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.37.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.50.0
- Introduce new API to handle video receive stop on a remote video stream and its reason (see 3.10.0-beta changelog)
- Fix(ios): crash on receiving a message during a call
- Fix(ios): crash on remove video renderer that does not exist anymore
- Fix(ios): crash on rendering local video when an iPhone is rotated
- Remove e2e from dev_dependencies
- This is a beta SDK version. Not recommended for production use.
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.37.0-beta and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.50.0-beta
- The result of VIEndpoint.startReceiving and VIEndpoint.stopReceiving API call is now provided via events:
- Introduce new API to handle video receive stop on a remote video stream:
- Introduce new API VIVideoStreamReceiveStopReason to handle the reason for video receive stop on a remote video stream.
- Fix(ios): crash on receiving a message during a call
- Fix(ios): crash on remove video renderer that does not exist anymore
- Fix(ios): crash on rendering local video when an iPhone is rotated
- Remove e2e from dev_dependencies
- Update iOS platform code to use Voximplant iOS SDK 2.46.12
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.34.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.46.11
- Fix(android): "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Reply already submitted" on VIClient.getClientState() API call
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.33.1 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.46.10
- Fix for #43
- Hotfix for quality issues events:
- Unhandled exception on processing VIQualityIssueLevel
- Unhandled exception on processing VIFrameSize on iOS platform
Introduce new APIs to monitor issues that affect call quality #35:
- VICall.qualityIssuesStream - stream to handle quality issues.
- VICall.currentQualityIssues - get current status for all quality issues.
Fix for #37
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.32.4 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.46.8
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.32.3 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.46.7
- Introduce VIClientConfig.forceRelayTraffic API to force the media to go through TURN servers.
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.32.1 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.46.4
- Introduce new APIs to restore the connection to the Voximplant Cloud if it was closed due to network issues during a call:
- VIClientState.Reconnecting - client state representing that the client is reconnecting to the Voximplant Cloud
- VICall.onCallReconnecting - notifies that the SDK is reconnecting to the Voximplant Cloud and media streams may not be active
- VICall.onCallReconnected - notifies that the SDK is successfully reconnected to the Voximplant Cloud and media streams are restored
- VICallError.ERROR_RECONNECTING - call error that informs that a call operation cannot be completed while a call is reconnecting
- Introduce simulcast feature support for video conference. Simulcast is currently disabled by default, but can be enabled via VICallSettings.enableSimulcast parameter.
- Introduce new APIs to control remote video streams in a video conference call:
- VIEndpoint.startReceiving - Starts receiving video on the video stream.
- VIEndpoint.stopReceiving - Stops receiving video on the video stream.
- VIEndpoint.requestVideoSize - Requests the specified video size for the video stream. The stream resolution may be changed to the closest to the specified width and height.
- Introduced VIEndpoint.onVoiceActivityStarted and VIEndpoint.onVoiceActivityStopped API to handle voice activity of an endpoint in a conference call.
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.28.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.45.0
- Fix for #24
- Introduce VILogListener
- Migrate to null safety
- Minimum Dart SDK version increased to 2.12.0
- Minimum Flutter SDK version increased to 1.20.0
API changes:
- Voximplant.getAudioDeviceManager() -> Voximplant.audioDeviceManager
- Voximplant.getCameraManager() -> Voximplant.cameraManager
- Voximplant.getMessenger() -> Voximplant.messenger
- Added named
argument to VIClient.call(), VIClient.conference() and VICall.answer()
Other changes:
- VIConversation.title field nullability changed to nullable
- VIConversationConfig.title field nullability changed to nullable
- VIAuthResult.loginTokens field nullability changed to nullable
- Minor internal improvements
- Fix for #20
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.21.3 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.36.2
- VIAudioFile._type private field changed to VIAudioFile.type public final field
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.21.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.35.0
- Fix VICall.onCallAudioStarted callback execution on iOS
- Fix a bug leading to non-execution of VIAudioFile.stop() Future in some cases
- Fix a crash on stop non-looped VIAudioFile (iOS)
- Reformat code according to Dartfmt
- Fix VIAudioDeviceManager.getAudioDevice always throws issue
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.20.4 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.34.3
- Introduce VIAudioFile API
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.19.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.33.0
- Introduce Messaging API
- Fix for #14
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.17.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.31.0
- Supporting the new Android plugins APIs based on FlutterPlugin
- VIClient.conference method added
- VIEndpoint.place value added
- VIEndpoint.onEndpointRemoved callback added
- Update iOS platform code to use Voximplant iOS SDK 2.30.0
- Xcode 11.4 support added
- VIVideoRenderer null handling improvements
- VIClient bundleId won't be set to native SDK if it is null
- VIVideoFlags incorrect initialisation fix
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.16.1 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.29.0
- Improve video rendering on iOS
- VICameraManager.selectCamera is now available for iOS
- Add VICall.getCallDuration API
- Update iOS platform code to use Voximplant iOS SDK 2.26.0
- Add 'VI' prefix to public API to avoid conflicts with other packages
- Add video call functionality
- Add camera management functionality
- Improve multiple call management
- Improve error descriptions for iOS
- Public API will no longer throw PlatformException. All exceptions are now wrapped with VIException. Error codes for VIClient and VICall are described in VIClientError and VICallError classes.
- Fix build issues in example project
- Changed minimum Flutter SDK version to 1.10.0
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.15.0 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.25.2
- Native code refactoring
- Add API for CallKit integration on iOS platform
- Update Android and iOS platform code to use Voximplant Android SDK 2.14.1 and Voximplant iOS SDK 2.25.1
- Audio call functionality