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File metadata and controls

186 lines (124 loc) · 6.05 KB


This plugin will help you create multiple selections (multi-cursor) in VSCode.


Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:


  event = 'VeryLazy',
  cond = not not vim.g.vscode,
  opts = {},


Default options:

require('vscode-multi-cursor').setup { -- Config is optional
  -- Whether to set default mappings
  default_mappings = true,
  -- If set to true, only multiple cursors will be created without multiple selections
  no_selection = false

Default mappings:

local cursors = require('vscode-multi-cursor')

local k = vim.keymap.set
k({ 'n', 'x' }, 'mc', cursors.create_cursor, { expr = true, desc = 'Create cursor' })
k({ 'n' }, 'mcc', cursors.cancel, { desc = 'Cancel/Clear all cursors' })
k({ 'n', 'x' }, 'mi', cursors.start_left, { desc = 'Start cursors on the left' })
k({ 'n', 'x' }, 'mI', cursors.start_left_edge, { desc = 'Start cursors on the left edge' })
k({ 'n', 'x' }, 'ma', cursors.start_right, { desc = 'Start cursors on the right' })
k({ 'n', 'x' }, 'mA', cursors.start_right, { desc = 'Start cursors on the right' })
k({ 'n' }, '[mc', cursors.prev_cursor, { desc = 'Goto prev cursor' })
k({ 'n' }, ']mc', cursors.next_cursor, { desc = 'Goto next cursor' })
k({ 'n' }, 'mcs', cursors.flash_char, { desc = 'Create cursor using flash' })
k({ 'n' }, 'mcw', cursors.flash_word, { desc = 'Create selection using flash' })

You can refer to customize the mappings.



This plugin is purely for assisting in creating multiple cursors in vscode and does not include any editing functionality.

All examples use the default mappings.

The basic usage flow is as fllows: 1. Add cursors 2. Start editing

Add selections (cursors)

  • mc - create_cursor: Create selections (cursors)

It can be used in operator pending mode.

For example, you can use mciw to add a selection of the word under the cursor, use mcl to add the current cursor position, mce mcj, etc.

You can define selections and cursors by selecting any content in visual mode and then pressing mc.



  1. Add current word range and go to next
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-d>', 'mciw*<Cmd>nohl<CR>', { remap = true })


Start editing

  • mi - start_left: Start editing to the left of the cursor range. In visual line mode, the cursor will be positioned at the first non-space character
  • mI - start_left_edge: Start editing at the far left of the cursor range
  • ma - start_right: Start editing to the right of the cursor range
  • mA - start_right: Same as ma

Note You can press above keys in visual mode to start editing directly.

All start functions accept an optional options. Fields are the same as the plugin options.

For example, remapping vim's I and A in visual mode:

local k = vim.keymap.set
k({ 'x' }, 'I', function()
    local mode = api.nvim_get_mode().mode
    M.start_left_edge { no_selection = mode == '\x16' }
k({ 'x' }, 'A', function()
    local mode = api.nvim_get_mode().mode
    M.start_right { no_selection = mode == '\x16' }

Clear all selections (cursors)

  • mcc - cancel Clear all cursors

You can clear the existing cursor range by redefining the cursor within the existing cursor range.


Navigate through cursors

  • [mc - prev_cursor: Go to the previous cursor position
  • ]mc - next_cursor: Go to the next cursor position

Flash integration

You need to install folke/flash.nvim first.

  • mcs - flash_char: Defines the cursor on any character.


  • mcw - flash_word: Defines the selection on any word.


Wrapped VSCode commands


It is recommended to use vscode-neovim's vscode.with_insert.

Wraped some VSCode commands used for multi-cursor to make them work properly.

local C = require 'vscode-multi-cursor'
  • C.addSelectionToNextFindMatch

    Wraps editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch, Ctrl+D in VSCode.

  • C.addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch

    Wraps editor.action.addSelectionToPreviousFindMatch

  • C.selectHighlights

    Wraps editor.action.selectHighlights, Ctrl+Shift+L in VSCode.

For example, use <C-d> to add selection to next find match:

nvim config:

vim.keymap.set({ "n", "x", "i" }, "<C-d>", function()

vscode keybindings.json:

  "args": "<C-d>",
  "command": "vscode-neovim.send",
  "key": "ctrl+d",
  "when": "editorFocus && neovim.init"


Group Default Description
VSCodeCursor bg: #177cb0 fg: #ffffff Left and right cursor
VSCodeCursorRange bg: #48c0a3 fg: #ffffff Selected region