The scripts takes the selected node (if it is a spline) and outputs it as a mesh in an .obj file that can be imported into e.g. Blender or Houdini.
- Select spline node in GE
- Execute script "Spline 2 Obj" (for keyboard shortcut, check GE-HAM)
- A file dialog is shown where you should choose a filename for the output .obj file
- Open your 3D editor of choice and import the .obj file
- Convert the imported mesh from the .obj file into a curve (for detailed instructions, refer to YouTube tutorial or user manual relevant for your selected tool)
Important: The file dialog in step three will not give you a warning if you provide a filename of an existing file, however the script will abort the execution with a warning message. If you then choose to run the script again with the same filename the file will be overwritten.
- In GE, export the spline into .obj file using the
Spline 2 Obj
script - In Blender, choose File>Import>Wavefront (.obj)
- Select the file you exported from GE
- Select the imported mesh (should have the same name as the spline)
- In object mode, goto the menu Object>Convert>Curve
- Tab into Edit Mode, goto the menu Curve>Set Spline Type>NURBS
The sixth and final step is only needed if your spline in GE has the Spline Type "Cubic".