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Nikos Andronikos edited this page Feb 26, 2016 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the svgwg wiki! Here's how we make use of github:

Handling issues:

Discussion of issues on github is preferred over the www-svg mailing list. We have found that issues raised on the mailing list can be forgotten over time, with no action taken. Github helps to address this as issues are labelled, tracked, and assigned to working group members.

Issues should at least be labelled by spec and by chapter (if a multi-page spec). Other labels may be used to further group issues together and to track the state (see 'Discussion of issues

Raising issues

Each issue must refer to only one topic. Ideally issues are raised directly on github If issues are raised on the mailing list they should be transferred onto github by a working group member and the list discussion ended with a pointer to the github issue.

Working group members should feel free to modify issues raised by non wg members to more clearly clarify what the issue is about and aid searching in future. This includes:

  • Renaming the issue
  • changing/adding tags This does not include:
  • Modifying the text of the posters message

Discussion of issues

Discussion should occur in the github issue (of course). Github discussions are archived in a w3c hosted mailing list (

Issue lifecycle

Labels are used to identify the scope and the current state of the issue. We have a kanban board to track issue the lifecycle of issues.

Stages: +----------------->Proposal | | | V -> New -------------- Resolved -> Editing -> Closed | | ^ +----------------------+---------------------+ | On Agenda +---> Future wish list

'New' issues may go to closed as a result of discussion within the issue or at a telcon. 'Resolved issues' with no assignee may be picked up by anyone for editing. 'Proposal' must be used if an issue contains a proposal that hasn't been accepted. 'Editing' must only be used once a working group member has actually started editing the spec. 'On Agenda' is a special label that is used to request issues as discussion topics for the next telcon/f2f.

Closing issues

Closed issues must reference a resolution and a commit where they exist. The issue may be closed via a commit, or closed manually and a reference to a commit included in the comment.

The www-svg mailing list

The www-svg mailing list will continue to exist and is a valid place for discussion of some topics. Philosophical discussions, uses of SVG, the direction of SVG, these are all good topics for the mailing list. In general, if the desired end result of a discussion is that some specific spec text is added or changed, then the discussion should be in a github issue.

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