diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/OntologyTypeOps.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/OntologyTypeOps.scala
similarity index 99%
rename from pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/OntologyTypeOps.scala
rename to pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/OntologyTypeOps.scala
index 217d1dedf4..4d4352ce45 100644
--- a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/OntologyTypeOps.scala
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/OntologyTypeOps.scala
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package weco.pipeline.transformer.sierra.transformers
+package weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
import weco.catalogue.internal_model.identifiers.{IdState, SourceIdentifier}
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcAbstractAgent.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcAbstractAgent.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81ac8210b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcAbstractAgent.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+package weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.transformers
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.identifiers.{
+ IdState,
+ IdentifierType,
+ SourceIdentifier
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.work.AbstractAgent
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.identifiers.LabelDerivedIdentifiers
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.models.{MarcField, MarcSubfield}
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.text.TextNormalisation.TextNormalisationOps
+import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
+trait MarcAbstractAgent extends LabelDerivedIdentifiers {
+ type Output = Try[AbstractAgent[IdState.Unminted]]
+ protected val ontologyType: String
+ protected val appropriateFields: Seq[String]
+ protected val labelSubfieldTags: Seq[String]
+ protected def createAgent(
+ label: String,
+ identifier: IdState.Unminted
+ ): AbstractAgent[IdState.Unminted]
+ /** Construct a label from the subfields representing an agent.
+ */
+ protected def getLabel(field: MarcField): Option[String] = {
+ val contents =
+ field.subfields
+ .filter {
+ s => labelSubfieldTags.contains(s.tag)
+ }
+ .filterNot { _.content.trim.isEmpty }
+ .map { _.content }
+ contents match {
+ case Nil => None
+ case nonEmptyList => Some(nonEmptyList mkString " ")
+ }
+ }
+ protected def normaliseLabel(label: String): String = label.trimTrailing(',')
+ /* Given an agent and the associated MARC subfields, look for instances of subfield $0,
+ * which are used for identifiers.
+ * This methods them (if present) and wraps the agent in Unidentifiable or Identifiable
+ * as appropriate.
+ */
+ // TODO: Consider if this might be a trait in its own right.
+ // Does it apply to things that are not agents?
+ // Yes!
+ protected def getIdentifier(
+ subfields: Seq[MarcSubfield],
+ label: String
+ ): IdState.Unminted = {
+ // We take the contents of subfield $0. They may contain inconsistent
+ // spacing and punctuation, such as:
+ //
+ // " nr 82270463"
+ // "nr 82270463"
+ // "nr 82270463.,"
+ //
+ // which all refer to the same identifier.
+ //
+ // For consistency, we remove all whitespace and some punctuation
+ // before continuing.
+ val codes = subfields.collect {
+ case MarcSubfield("0", content) =>
+ content.replaceAll("[.,\\s]", "")
+ }
+ // If we get exactly one value, we can use it to identify the record.
+ // Some records have multiple instances of subfield $0 (it's a repeatable
+ // field in the MARC spec).
+ codes.distinct match {
+ case Seq(code) =>
+ IdState.Identifiable(
+ SourceIdentifier(
+ identifierType = IdentifierType.LCNames,
+ value = code,
+ ontologyType = ontologyType
+ )
+ )
+ case _ => identifierFromText(label = label, ontologyType = ontologyType)
+ }
+ }
+ private def isAppropriateField(field: MarcField): Boolean =
+ appropriateFields.contains(field.marcTag)
+ def apply(
+ field: MarcField
+ ): Try[AbstractAgent[IdState.Unminted]] = {
+ if (isAppropriateField(field)) {
+ getLabel(field) match {
+ case Some(label) =>
+ Success(
+ createAgent(
+ label,
+ getIdentifier(
+ subfields = field.subfields,
+ label = label
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ case None =>
+ Failure(
+ new Exception(
+ s"no label found when transforming $field into an $ontologyType"
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ } else {
+ Failure(
+ new Exception(
+ s"attempt to transform incompatible MARC field ${field.marcTag} into $ontologyType"
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcAgent.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcAgent.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4ef9f5b1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcAgent.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.transformers
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.identifiers.IdState
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.work.{AbstractAgent, Agent}
+object MarcAgent extends MarcFieldTransformer with MarcAbstractAgent {
+ override protected val ontologyType: String = "Agent"
+ override protected val appropriateFields: Seq[String] =
+ Seq("100", "600", "700")
+ override protected val labelSubfieldTags: Seq[String] = Seq(
+ "a",
+ "b",
+ "c",
+ "d",
+ "t",
+ "n",
+ "p",
+ "q",
+ "l"
+ )
+ override protected def createAgent(
+ label: String,
+ identifier: IdState.Unminted
+ ): AbstractAgent[IdState.Unminted] =
+ new Agent(label = label, id = identifier)
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcContributionRoles.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcContributionRoles.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfb90d2618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcContributionRoles.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.transformers
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.work.ContributionRole
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.models.MarcField
+object MarcContributionRoles extends MarcFieldTransformer {
+ type Output = Seq[ContributionRole]
+ private def roleSubfieldCodes(marcTag: String): Seq[String] =
+ marcTag.substring(1) match {
+ case "00" => Seq("e", "j")
+ case "10" => Seq("e")
+ case "11" => Seq("j")
+ }
+ override def apply(field: MarcField): Seq[ContributionRole] =
+ field.subfields
+ .filter(
+ subfield => roleSubfieldCodes(field.marcTag).contains(subfield.tag)
+ )
+ .map(_.content)
+ // The contribution role in the raw MARC data sometimes includes a
+ // trailing full stop, because all the subfields are meant to be concatenated
+ // into a single sentence.
+ //
+ // This full stop doesn't make sense in a structured field, so remove it.
+ .map(_.stripSuffix("."))
+ .map(ContributionRole)
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcContributors.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcContributors.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b0c9cb9a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcContributors.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+package weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.transformers
+import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.identifiers.IdState
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.work.Contributor
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.logging.LoggingContext
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.models.{MarcField, MarcRecord}
+import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
+/* Populate wwork:contributors. Rules:
+ *
+ * A contributor may be primary (1xx) or not (7xx)
+ * A contributor may be a person (x00), organisation (x10) or meeting (x11)
+ *
+ * For Persons and Organisations, subfield $e is used for the labels in "roles".
+ *
+ * Note: for MARC tag 700, we want to type as "Agent" rather than "Person"
+ * if there's a subfield "t", as this may indicate something more specific.
+ * e.g. some MARC records have "Hamlet", the fictional character as a 700 entry.
+ * We'll add a more specific type later, but "Person" isn't appropriate.
+ *
+ * Order by MARC tag (100, 110, 700, 710), then by order of appearance
+ * in the MARC data.
+ *
+ * https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd100.html
+ * https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd110.html
+ * https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd700.html
+ * https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd710.html
+ *
+ */
+object MarcContributors
+ extends MarcDataTransformerWithLoggingContext
+ with Logging {
+ import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.OntologyTypeOps._
+ type Output = Seq[Contributor[IdState.Unminted]]
+ def apply(record: MarcRecord)(implicit ctx: LoggingContext): Output = {
+ val primaries = record
+ .fieldsWithTags("100", "110", "111")
+ val secondaries = record.fieldsWithTags("700", "710", "711")
+ filterDuplicates(
+ (primaries ++ secondaries)
+ .flatMap(field => singleContributor(field))
+ ).toList.harmoniseOntologyTypes
+ }
+ private def isPrimary(marcTag: String): Boolean =
+ marcTag.startsWith("1")
+ /** Remove non-primary contributors who are also present as primary
+ * contributors
+ *
+ * It is possible that the input MARC may have some contributors who are
+ * mentioned as both primary (1xx - Main Entry...) and non-primary (7xx -
+ * Added Entry...) contributors.
+ *
+ * We do not want this duplication in the output.
+ */
+ private def filterDuplicates(allContributors: Output): Output = {
+ val duplicatedContributors =
+ allContributors
+ .filter(_.primary == false)
+ .filter(c => allContributors.contains(c.copy(primary = true)))
+ .toSet
+ allContributors
+ .filterNot(c => duplicatedContributors.contains(c))
+ }
+ private def singleContributor(
+ field: MarcField
+ )(implicit ctx: LoggingContext): Option[Contributor[IdState.Unminted]] = {
+ (field.marcTag.substring(1) match {
+ // Some "Person" entries cannot be reliably determined to be an actual
+ // for-real-life Person, so we make them Agents
+ // This is a weird Sierra-specific hack and I don't think it
+ // should exist, so I'm not going to put in all the effort to
+ // extract this specific little bit of behaviour into a Sierra-specific
+ // transformer
+ case "00" if field.subfields.exists(_.tag == "t") => MarcAgent(field)
+ case "00" => MarcPerson(field)
+ case "10" => MarcOrganisation(field)
+ case "11" => MarcMeeting(field)
+ }) match {
+ case Failure(exception) =>
+ // Log and ignore. A broken Agent contributor is not
+ // worth throwing out the whole record
+ error(ctx(exception.getMessage))
+ None
+ case Success(agent) =>
+ Some(
+ Contributor(
+ agent = agent,
+ roles = MarcContributionRoles(field).toList,
+ primary = isPrimary(field.marcTag)
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcDataTransformer.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcDataTransformer.scala
index 76f47e1aa7..d356672516 100644
--- a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcDataTransformer.scala
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcDataTransformer.scala
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
package weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.transformers
import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.logging.LoggingContext
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.models.{MarcField, MarcRecord}
import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.models.MarcRecord
+ * A MarcDataTransformer finds the appropriate field(s) within a
+ * MarcRecord, and transforms them into the target output.
+ *
+ * */
trait MarcDataTransformer {
type Output
@@ -16,3 +22,21 @@ trait MarcDataTransformerWithLoggingContext {
implicit ctx: LoggingContext
): Output
+ * A MarcFieldTransformer transforms a given MarcField into the target
+ * output.
+ *
+ * This allows for fields that that may have subtly different final outputs
+ * (as governed by a MarcDataTransformer) depending on which field it is.
+ *
+ * For example, an Organisation or a Person may be a subject or a contributor.
+ * The FieldTransformer can generate a Person, regardless of which it is
+ * while the corresponding DataTransformer sets the Subjectness or Contributorness
+ * of it.
+ * */
+trait MarcFieldTransformer {
+ type Output
+ def apply(field: MarcField): Output
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcMeeting.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcMeeting.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e139d6574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcMeeting.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+package weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.transformers
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.identifiers.IdState
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.work.{AbstractAgent, Meeting}
+object MarcMeeting extends MarcFieldTransformer with MarcAbstractAgent {
+ override protected val ontologyType: String = "Meeting"
+ override protected val appropriateFields: Seq[String] =
+ Seq("111", "611", "711")
+ override protected val labelSubfieldTags: Seq[String] = Seq(
+ "a",
+ "c",
+ "d",
+ "t"
+ )
+ override protected def createAgent(
+ label: String,
+ identifier: IdState.Unminted
+ ): AbstractAgent[IdState.Unminted] =
+ new Meeting(label = normaliseLabel(label), id = identifier)
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcOrganisation.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcOrganisation.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c00417f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcOrganisation.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.transformers
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.identifiers.IdState
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.work.{AbstractAgent, Organisation}
+object MarcOrganisation extends MarcFieldTransformer with MarcAbstractAgent {
+ override protected val ontologyType: String = "Organisation"
+ override protected val appropriateFields: Seq[String] =
+ Seq("110", "610", "710")
+ override protected val labelSubfieldTags: Seq[String] = Seq(
+ "a",
+ "b",
+ "c",
+ "d",
+ "t",
+ "p",
+ "q",
+ "l"
+ )
+ override protected def createAgent(
+ label: String,
+ identifier: IdState.Unminted
+ ): AbstractAgent[IdState.Unminted] =
+ new Organisation(label = normaliseLabel(label), id = identifier)
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcPerson.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcPerson.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14df0b59ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcPerson.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+package weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.transformers
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.identifiers.IdState
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.work.{AbstractAgent, Person}
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.models.MarcField
+object MarcPerson extends MarcFieldTransformer with MarcAbstractAgent {
+ override protected val ontologyType: String = "Person"
+ override protected val appropriateFields: Seq[String] =
+ Seq("100", "600", "700")
+ override protected val labelSubfieldTags: Seq[String] = Seq(
+ "a",
+ "b",
+ "c",
+ "d",
+ "t",
+ "n",
+ "p",
+ "q",
+ "l"
+ )
+ override protected def getLabel(field: MarcField): Option[String] = {
+ super.getLabel(field) match {
+ case None => None
+ case Some(label) =>
+ field.marcTag match {
+ // Person labels should not be normalised for subjects
+ case "600" => Some(label)
+ // Person labels should be normalised for contributors
+ case _ => Some(normaliseLabel(normaliseLabel(label)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override protected def createAgent(
+ label: String,
+ identifier: IdState.Unminted
+ ): AbstractAgent[IdState.Unminted] =
+ new Person(label = label, id = identifier)
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcAbstractAgentBehaviours.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcAbstractAgentBehaviours.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56642ea275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcAbstractAgentBehaviours.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+package weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.transformers
+import org.scalatest.{LoneElement, TryValues}
+import org.scalatest.funspec.AnyFunSpec
+import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.identifiers.IdentifierType
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.models.{MarcField, MarcSubfield}
+trait MarcAbstractAgentBehaviours
+ extends AnyFunSpec
+ with Matchers
+ with TryValues
+ with LoneElement {
+ def abstractAgentTransformer(
+ transformer: MarcAbstractAgent,
+ ontologyType: String,
+ marcTag: String
+ ): Unit = {
+ describe("error conditions") {
+ it("returns an error if called with an inappropriate field") {
+ transformer(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "999",
+ subfields = Seq(MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Anne A. Gent"))
+ )
+ ).failure.exception.getMessage should startWith(
+ "attempt to transform incompatible MARC field"
+ )
+ }
+ it("returns an error if no label subfields are present") {
+ transformer(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = marcTag,
+ subfields = Nil
+ )
+ ).failure.exception.getMessage should startWith(
+ "no label found when transforming"
+ )
+ }
+ it("returns an error if label subfields are empty") {
+ transformer(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = marcTag,
+ subfields = Seq(MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = ""))
+ )
+ ).failure.exception.getMessage should startWith(
+ "no label found when transforming"
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ describe("extracting a simple label") {
+ it("extracts the ǂa subfield as the label") {
+ transformer(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = marcTag,
+ subfields = Seq(MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Anne A. Gent"))
+ )
+ ).get should have(
+ 'label("Anne A. Gent")
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ describe("assigning an identifier") {
+ it("extracts ǂ0 as the id") {
+ transformer(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = marcTag,
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Anne A. Gent"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "0", content = "no97058352")
+ )
+ )
+ ).get.id.allSourceIdentifiers.loneElement should have(
+ 'value("no97058352"),
+ 'ontologyType(ontologyType),
+ // Agents with identifiers are assumed to be
+ // identified under LCNames
+ // This is not strictly true -
+ // - 1xx and 7xx have no official defined value for this
+ // - in 6xx this is governed by ind2=0
+ 'identifierType(IdentifierType.LCNames)
+ )
+ }
+ it("generates a label-derived id if there is no ǂ0") {
+ transformer(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = marcTag,
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Anne On a Moose")
+ )
+ )
+ ).get.id.allSourceIdentifiers.loneElement should have(
+ 'value("anne on a moose"),
+ 'ontologyType(ontologyType),
+ // Agents with identifiers are assumed to be identified under LCNames
+ 'identifierType(IdentifierType.LabelDerived)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcContributorsTest.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcContributorsTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78ad912cc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcContributorsTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+package weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.transformers
+import org.scalatest.{Inspectors, LoneElement}
+import org.scalatest.funspec.AnyFunSpec
+import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
+import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.work.{Agent, Person}
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.generators.MarcTestRecord
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.logging.LoggingContext
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.models.{MarcField, MarcSubfield}
+class MarcContributorsTest
+ extends AnyFunSpec
+ with Matchers
+ with Inspectors
+ with TableDrivenPropertyChecks
+ with LoneElement {
+ private implicit val ctx: LoggingContext = LoggingContext("")
+ describe(
+ "extracting contributors from Main Entry (1xx) and Added Entry (7xx) fields"
+ ) {
+ info("https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd1xx.html")
+ info("https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd70x75x.html")
+ describe("When there are no contributors") {
+ it("returns nothing if no relevant fields are present") {
+ MarcContributors(
+ MarcTestRecord(fields =
+ Seq(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "245",
+ subfields = Seq(MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "The Title"))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ) shouldBe Nil
+ }
+ it("returns nothing if the only relevant fields are invalid") {
+ MarcContributors(
+ MarcTestRecord(fields =
+ Seq(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "110",
+ subfields = Nil
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "100",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = " "),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "b", content = ""),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "c", content = " ")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ) shouldBe Nil
+ }
+ }
+ describe("When there are contributors to transform") {
+ it("returns a mix of primary and non-primary contributors") {
+ val contributors = MarcContributors(
+ MarcTestRecord(fields =
+ Seq(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "100",
+ subfields = Seq(MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Euripedes"))
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "110",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Felpersham University")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "111",
+ subfields =
+ Seq(MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Council of Elrond"))
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "700",
+ subfields =
+ Seq(MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Anil Mendem"))
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "710",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "University of Inverdoon")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "711",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(
+ tag = "a",
+ content = "Xenophon's Symposium"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ contributors.map(_.primary) should contain theSameElementsAs Seq(
+ true, true, true, false, false, false
+ )
+ contributors.map(_.agent.label) should contain theSameElementsAs Seq(
+ "Euripedes",
+ "Felpersham University",
+ "Council of Elrond",
+ "Anil Mendem",
+ "University of Inverdoon",
+ "Xenophon's Symposium"
+ )
+ }
+ it(
+ "returns primary contributors first, but otherwise respects document order"
+ ) {
+ val contributors = MarcContributors(
+ MarcTestRecord(fields =
+ Seq(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "711",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(
+ tag = "a",
+ content = "Xenophon's Symposium"
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "700",
+ subfields =
+ Seq(MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Anil Mendem"))
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "100",
+ subfields = Seq(MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Euripedes"))
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "710",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "University of Inverdoon")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "110",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Felpersham University")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "111",
+ subfields =
+ Seq(MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Council of Elrond"))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ contributors.map(_.primary) should contain theSameElementsAs Seq(
+ true, true, true, false, false, false
+ )
+ contributors.map(_.agent.label) should contain theSameElementsAs Seq(
+ "Euripedes",
+ "Felpersham University",
+ "Council of Elrond",
+ "Xenophon's Symposium",
+ "Anil Mendem",
+ "University of Inverdoon"
+ )
+ }
+ it(
+ "returns an Agent contributor if a Person field contains subfield t: 'Title of a work'"
+ ) {
+ info(
+ "This is a historic quirk, it may not need to be this way, and it's probably incorrect"
+ )
+ val contributors = MarcContributors(
+ MarcTestRecord(fields =
+ Seq(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "700",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Sæmundr fróði"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "t", content = "Codex Regius")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "100",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Snorri Sturluson"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "t", content = "Gylfaginning")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ contributors.head.agent should be(an[Agent[_]])
+ contributors(1).agent should be(an[Agent[_]])
+ }
+ it("harmonises Agent entries with Person entries if they match") {
+ info("The first two fields generate Agents due to the t subfield")
+ info(
+ "However, because fields with the same ID later generate a Person"
+ )
+ info("the ontologytype harmonisation converts them both to a Person")
+ val contributors = MarcContributors(
+ MarcTestRecord(fields =
+ Seq(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "100",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Sæmundr fróði"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "t", content = "Codex Regius"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "0", content = "n97018003")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "100",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Snorri Sturluson"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "t", content = "Gylfaginning"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "0", content = "n50000553")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "700",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Sæmundr fróði"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "0", content = "n97018003")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "700",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Snorri Sturluson"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "0", content = "n50000553")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ forAll(contributors) {
+ contributor =>
+ contributor.agent should be(a[Person[_]])
+ }
+ }
+ describe("different agent types") {
+ forAll(
+ Table(
+ ("tag", "agentType"),
+ ("100", "Person"),
+ ("700", "Person"),
+ ("110", "Organisation"),
+ ("710", "Organisation"),
+ ("111", "Meeting"),
+ ("711", "Meeting")
+ )
+ ) {
+ (tag, agent_type) =>
+ it(s"extracts an agent of type $agent_type from field $tag") {
+ MarcContributors(
+ MarcTestRecord(fields =
+ Seq(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = tag,
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Sæmundr fróði"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "e", content = "E"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "j", content = "J")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ).loneElement.agent.getClass.getName
+ .split('.')
+ .last shouldBe agent_type
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ describe("contribution roles") {
+ forAll(
+ Table(
+ ("tag", "role_subfields", "expected_roles"),
+ ("100", "e,j", "E J"),
+ ("700", "e,j", "E J"),
+ ("110", "e", "E"),
+ ("710", "e", "E"),
+ ("111", "j", "J"),
+ ("711", "j", "J")
+ )
+ ) {
+ (tag, role_subfields, expected_roles) =>
+ it(
+ s"extracts the contribution role from field $tag from subfield(s) $role_subfields"
+ ) {
+ MarcContributors(
+ MarcTestRecord(fields =
+ Seq(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = tag,
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Sæmundr fróði"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "e", content = "E"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "j", content = "J")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ).loneElement.roles
+ .map(_.label)
+ .mkString(" ") shouldBe expected_roles
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ describe("deduplication") {
+ it(
+ "returns only the primary contributor if that contributor is duplicated as an Added Entry"
+ ) {
+ val contributors = MarcContributors(
+ MarcTestRecord(fields =
+ Seq(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "100",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Sæmundr fróði"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "0", content = "n97018003")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "100",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Snorri Sturluson"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "0", content = "n50000553")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "700",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Sæmundr fróði"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "0", content = "n97018003")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "700",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Snorri Sturluson"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "0", content = "n50000553")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ contributors should have length 2
+ contributors.map(_.agent.label) should contain theSameElementsAs Seq(
+ "Sæmundr fróði",
+ "Snorri Sturluson"
+ )
+ forAll(contributors) {
+ contributor => contributor.primary shouldBe true
+ }
+ }
+ it(
+ "deduplicates by matching on the whole contributor"
+ ) {
+ info("It is only the difference in primary status that is ignored")
+ info("when finding and eliminating duplicate contributors")
+ val fields = Seq(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "100",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Max Bialystock"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "e", content = "producer")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ // differs by presence of id
+ marcTag = "700",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Max Bialystock"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "0", content = "no2021024802"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "e", content = "producer")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ // is the same
+ marcTag = "700",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Max Bialystock"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "e", content = "producer")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ // differs by having a different role
+ marcTag = "700",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Max Bialystock"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "e", content = "director")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ // differs by having no role
+ marcTag = "700",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Max Bialystock")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ // is the same
+ marcTag = "700",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Max Bialystock"),
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "e", content = "producer")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ val contributors = MarcContributors(MarcTestRecord(fields = fields))
+ contributors should have length 4
+ // not really an assertion, just to clarify that the two
+ // 700s that are otherwise identical to the 100 are discarded
+ fields should have length 6
+ }
+ it(
+ "Also removes fully identical duplicates"
+ ) {
+ val Seq(primary, secondary) = MarcContributors(
+ MarcTestRecord(fields =
+ Seq(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "100",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Sæmundr fróði")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "100",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Sæmundr fróði")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "700",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Snorri Sturluson")
+ )
+ ),
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "700",
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(tag = "a", content = "Snorri Sturluson")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ primary.primary shouldBe true
+ primary.agent.label shouldBe "Sæmundr fróði"
+ secondary.primary shouldBe false
+ secondary.agent.label shouldBe "Snorri Sturluson"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcMeetingTest.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcMeetingTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f320473f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcMeetingTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+package weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.transformers
+import org.scalatest.LoneElement
+import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.work.Meeting
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.models.{MarcField, MarcSubfield}
+class MarcMeetingTest
+ extends MarcAbstractAgentBehaviours
+ with LoneElement
+ with TableDrivenPropertyChecks {
+ describe("extracting Meetings from MARC fields 111, 611 and 711") {
+ info("https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bdx11.html")
+ info("https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd111.html")
+ info("https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd611.html")
+ info("https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd711.html")
+ it should behave like abstractAgentTransformer(
+ MarcMeeting,
+ "Meeting",
+ "111"
+ )
+ describe("permitted marcTags") {
+ forAll(
+ Table("marcTag", "111", "611", "711")
+ ) {
+ marcTag =>
+ it(s"creates a Meeting given a field with tag $marcTag") {
+ MarcMeeting(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = marcTag,
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(
+ tag = "a",
+ content = "Entmoot"
+ ),
+ MarcSubfield(
+ tag = "c",
+ content = "Derndingle"
+ ),
+ MarcSubfield(
+ tag = "d",
+ content = "TA 3019"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ).get shouldBe an[Meeting[_]]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val labelSubfieldTags = Seq(
+ "a",
+ "c",
+ "d",
+ "t"
+ )
+ it(
+ s"derives the label from subFields ${labelSubfieldTags.mkString(", ")}"
+ ) {
+ val expectedLabel = labelSubfieldTags.mkString(" ").toUpperCase()
+ val labelSubfields = labelSubfieldTags map {
+ tag =>
+ MarcSubfield(
+ tag = tag,
+ content = tag.toUpperCase()
+ )
+ }
+ val nonLabelSubfields = Seq("n", "p", "q") map {
+ tag =>
+ MarcSubfield(
+ tag = tag,
+ content = tag.toUpperCase()
+ )
+ }
+ MarcMeeting(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "711",
+ subfields = labelSubfields ++ nonLabelSubfields
+ )
+ ).get.label shouldBe expectedLabel
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcOrganisationTest.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcOrganisationTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..200dc40605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcOrganisationTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+package weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.transformers
+import org.scalatest.LoneElement
+import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.work.Organisation
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.models.{MarcField, MarcSubfield}
+class MarcOrganisationTest
+ extends MarcAbstractAgentBehaviours
+ with LoneElement
+ with TableDrivenPropertyChecks {
+ describe("extracting Organisations from MARC fields 110, 610 and 710") {
+ info("https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bdx10.html")
+ info("https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd110.html")
+ info("https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd610.html")
+ info("https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd710.html")
+ it should behave like abstractAgentTransformer(
+ MarcOrganisation,
+ "Organisation",
+ "110"
+ )
+ describe("permitted marcTags") {
+ forAll(
+ Table("marcTag", "110", "610", "710")
+ ) {
+ marcTag =>
+ it(s"creates an Organisation given a field with tag $marcTag") {
+ MarcOrganisation(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = marcTag,
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(
+ tag = "a",
+ content = "The Illuminati"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ).get shouldBe an[Organisation[_]]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val labelSubfieldTags = Seq(
+ "a",
+ "b",
+ "c",
+ "d",
+ "t",
+ "p",
+ "q",
+ "l"
+ )
+ it(
+ s"derives the label from subFields ${labelSubfieldTags.mkString(", ")}"
+ ) {
+ val expectedLabel = labelSubfieldTags.mkString(" ").toUpperCase()
+ val labelSubfields = labelSubfieldTags map {
+ tag =>
+ MarcSubfield(
+ tag = tag,
+ content = tag.toUpperCase()
+ )
+ }
+ val nonLabelSubfields = Seq("n", "0", "u") map {
+ tag =>
+ MarcSubfield(
+ tag = tag,
+ content = tag.toUpperCase()
+ )
+ }
+ MarcOrganisation(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "710",
+ subfields = labelSubfields ++ nonLabelSubfields
+ )
+ ).get.label shouldBe expectedLabel
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcPersonTest.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcPersonTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c76516a97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_common/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc_common/transformers/MarcPersonTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+package weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.transformers
+import org.scalatest.LoneElement
+import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.work.Person
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.models.{MarcField, MarcSubfield}
+class MarcPersonTest
+ extends MarcAbstractAgentBehaviours
+ with LoneElement
+ with TableDrivenPropertyChecks {
+ describe("extracting Persons from MARC fields 100, 600 and 700") {
+ info("https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bdx00.html")
+ info("https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd100.html")
+ info("https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd600.html")
+ info("https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd700.html")
+ it should behave like abstractAgentTransformer(
+ MarcPerson,
+ "Person",
+ "100"
+ )
+ describe("permitted marcTags") {
+ forAll(
+ Table("marcTag", "100", "600", "700")
+ ) {
+ marcTag =>
+ it(s"creates a Person given a field with tag $marcTag") {
+ MarcPerson(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = marcTag,
+ subfields = Seq(
+ MarcSubfield(
+ tag = "a",
+ content = "Ekalavya"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ).get shouldBe a[Person[_]]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val labelSubfieldTags = Seq(
+ "a",
+ "b",
+ "c",
+ "d",
+ "t",
+ "n",
+ "p",
+ "q",
+ "l"
+ )
+ it(
+ s"derives the label from subFields ${labelSubfieldTags.mkString(", ")}"
+ ) {
+ val expectedLabel = labelSubfieldTags.mkString(" ").toUpperCase()
+ val labelSubfields = labelSubfieldTags map {
+ tag =>
+ MarcSubfield(
+ tag = tag,
+ content = tag.toUpperCase()
+ )
+ }
+ val nonLabelSubfields = Seq("m", "0", "u") map {
+ tag =>
+ MarcSubfield(
+ tag = tag,
+ content = tag.toUpperCase()
+ )
+ }
+ MarcPerson(
+ MarcField(
+ marcTag = "700",
+ subfields = labelSubfields ++ nonLabelSubfields
+ )
+ ).get.label shouldBe expectedLabel
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_xml/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc/xml/transformers/MarcXMLRecordTransformer.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_xml/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc/xml/transformers/MarcXMLRecordTransformer.scala
index 213f3a6af2..8ea80c8bf6 100644
--- a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_xml/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc/xml/transformers/MarcXMLRecordTransformer.scala
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_xml/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc/xml/transformers/MarcXMLRecordTransformer.scala
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc.xml.data.MarcXMLRecord
import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.logging.LoggingContext
import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.transformers.{
+ MarcContributors,
@@ -59,7 +60,8 @@ object MarcXMLRecordTransformer {
description = MarcDescription(record),
currentFrequency = MarcCurrentFrequency(record),
edition = MarcEdition(record),
- items = MarcElectronicResources(record).toList
+ items = MarcElectronicResources(record).toList,
+ contributors = MarcContributors(record).toList
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_xml/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc/xml/transformers/MarcXMLRecordTransformerTest.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_xml/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc/xml/transformers/MarcXMLRecordTransformerTest.scala
index 3e85bb7079..29db5dad4c 100644
--- a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_xml/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc/xml/transformers/MarcXMLRecordTransformerTest.scala
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_marc_xml/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/marc/xml/transformers/MarcXMLRecordTransformerTest.scala
@@ -46,6 +46,16 @@ class MarcXMLRecordTransformerTest
+ Nicholas Fallaize
+ Aristotle and Descartes,
+ Glubbdubdrib
LLyfr Coch
@@ -67,6 +77,16 @@ class MarcXMLRecordTransformerTest
Some of them [sc. physicians] I know are ignorant beyond Description.
+ Nora Helmer
+ James Barry and Florence Nightingale,
+ waiting for a train
Hampster Dance
@@ -88,7 +108,7 @@ class MarcXMLRecordTransformerTest
) should contain theSameElementsAs Seq("8601416781396", "1477-4615")
it("extracts the current frequency") {
work.data.currentFrequency.get shouldBe "Sizdah Behar on even-numbered years"
@@ -112,5 +132,19 @@ class MarcXMLRecordTransformerTest
.url shouldBe "https://example.com/hampsterdance"
+ it("extracts contributors") {
+ work.data.contributors.map(
+ _.agent.label
+ ) should contain theSameElementsAs Seq(
+ "Nicholas Fallaize",
+ "Aristotle and Descartes, Glubbdubdrib",
+ "Nora Helmer",
+ "James Barry and Florence Nightingale, waiting for a train"
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/SubjectsAndContributors.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/SubjectsAndContributors.scala
index 4c4df0fefd..dc620153e2 100644
--- a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/SubjectsAndContributors.scala
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/SubjectsAndContributors.scala
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import weco.pipeline.transformer.sierra.transformers.{
-import weco.pipeline.transformer.sierra.transformers.OntologyTypeOps._
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.OntologyTypeOps._
import weco.sierra.models.data.SierraBibData
import weco.sierra.models.identifiers.SierraBibNumber
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/SierraContributors.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/SierraContributors.scala
index 0d714e86dd..81ffe9b297 100644
--- a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/SierraContributors.scala
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/SierraContributors.scala
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
package weco.pipeline.transformer.sierra.transformers
-import weco.catalogue.internal_model.identifiers.{
- IdState,
- IdentifierType,
- SourceIdentifier
+import weco.catalogue.internal_model.identifiers.IdState
import weco.catalogue.internal_model.work._
import weco.pipeline.transformer.identifiers.LabelDerivedIdentifiers
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.logging.LoggingContext
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.transformers.MarcContributors
+import weco.pipeline.transformer.sierra.data.SierraMarcDataConversions
import weco.sierra.models.SierraQueryOps
import weco.sierra.models.data.SierraBibData
-import weco.sierra.models.marc.Subfield
/* Populate wwork:contributors. Rules:
@@ -37,200 +35,13 @@ object SierraContributors
extends SierraDataTransformer
with SierraQueryOps
with SierraAgents
- with LabelDerivedIdentifiers {
+ with LabelDerivedIdentifiers
+ with SierraMarcDataConversions {
type Output = List[Contributor[IdState.Unminted]]
- import OntologyTypeOps._
- case class ContributorField(
- marcTag: String,
- roleTags: Seq[String],
- isPrimary: Boolean,
- getContributors: List[Subfield] => (
- String,
- Option[AbstractAgent[IdState.Unminted]]
- )
- )
- // Quoting an email from Louise Grainger, dated 25 August 2022:
- //
- // 100 – we want valid subfield $e (relator/contributor), but NOT valid $j (attribution qualifier)
- // – if no $e do not display alternative
- //
- // 110 – we want valid subfield $e (relator/contributor); $j is invalid in this field
- // – if no $e do not display alternative
- //
- // 111 – we want valid subfield $j (relator/contributor); $e is invalid in this field
- // – if no $j do not display alternative
- //
- // 700 – we want valid subfield $e (relator/contributor) AND valid subfield $j (attribution qualifier)
- // – if no $e then display $j; if $e then (ideally) display $j too
- //
- // 710 - we want valid subfield $e (relator/contributor); $j is invalid in this field
- // – if no $e do not display alternative
- //
- // 711 - we want valid subfield $j (relator/contributor); $e is invalid in this field
- // – if no $j do not display alternative
- //
- val contributorFields = List(
- ContributorField(
- marcTag = "100",
- roleTags = Seq("e"),
- isPrimary = true,
- getPersonContributors
- ),
- ContributorField(
- marcTag = "110",
- roleTags = Seq("e"),
- isPrimary = true,
- getOrganisationContributors
- ),
- ContributorField(
- marcTag = "111",
- roleTags = Seq("j"),
- isPrimary = true,
- getMeetingContributors
- ),
- ContributorField(
- marcTag = "700",
- roleTags = Seq("e", "j"),
- isPrimary = false,
- getPersonContributors
- ),
- ContributorField(
- marcTag = "710",
- roleTags = Seq("e"),
- isPrimary = false,
- getOrganisationContributors
- ),
- ContributorField(
- marcTag = "711",
- roleTags = Seq("j"),
- isPrimary = false,
- getMeetingContributors
- )
- )
def apply(bibData: SierraBibData): List[Contributor[IdState.Unminted]] = {
- val allContributors = contributorFields.flatMap {
- case ContributorField(marcTag, roleTags, isPrimary, getContributors) =>
- bibData
- .varfieldsWithTag(marcTag)
- .flatMap {
- varfield =>
- val (ontologyType, maybeAgent) =
- getContributors(varfield.subfields)
- maybeAgent.map {
- agent =>
- Contributor(
- agent = withId(
- agent,
- identify(varfield.subfields, ontologyType, agent.label)
- ),
- roles = getContributionRoles(varfield.subfields, roleTags),
- primary = isPrimary
- )
- }
- }
- }
- // We need to remove duplicates where two contributors differ only
- // by primary/not-primary
- val duplicatedContributors =
- allContributors
- .filter(_.primary == false)
- .filter(c => allContributors.contains(c.copy(primary = true)))
- .toSet
- allContributors
- .filterNot(c => duplicatedContributors.contains(c))
- .harmoniseOntologyTypes
- }
- private def getPersonContributors(
- subfields: List[Subfield]
- ): (String, Option[AbstractAgent[IdState.Unminted]]) =
- if (subfields.withTags("t").isEmpty)
- "Person" -> getPerson(subfields, normalisePerson = true)
- else
- "Agent" -> getLabel(subfields).map(Agent(_))
- private def getOrganisationContributors(subfields: List[Subfield]) =
- "Organisation" -> getOrganisation(subfields)
- private def getMeetingContributors(subfields: List[Subfield]) =
- "Meeting" -> getMeeting(subfields)
- private def getContributionRoles(
- subfields: List[Subfield],
- roleTags: Seq[String]
- ): List[ContributionRole] =
- subfields
- .withTags(roleTags: _*)
- .contents
- .map {
- role =>
- // The contribution role in the raw MARC data sometimes includes a
- // trailing full stop, because all the subfields are meant to be concatenated
- // into a single sentence.
- //
- // This full stop doesn't make sense in a structured field, so remove it.
- role.stripSuffix(".")
- }
- .map(ContributionRole)
- private def withId(
- agent: AbstractAgent[IdState.Unminted],
- id: IdState.Unminted
- ) =
- agent match {
- case a: Agent[IdState.Unminted] => a.copy(id = id)
- case p: Person[IdState.Unminted] => p.copy(id = id)
- case o: Organisation[IdState.Unminted] => o.copy(id = id)
- case m: Meeting[IdState.Unminted] => m.copy(id = id)
- }
- /* Given an agent and the associated MARC subfields, look for instances of subfield $0,
- * which are used for identifiers.
- *
- * This methods them (if present) and wraps the agent in Unidentifiable or Identifiable
- * as appropriate.
- */
- private def identify(
- subfields: List[Subfield],
- ontologyType: String,
- label: String
- ): IdState.Unminted = {
- // We take the contents of subfield $0. They may contain inconsistent
- // spacing and punctuation, such as:
- //
- // " nr 82270463"
- // "nr 82270463"
- // "nr 82270463.,"
- //
- // which all refer to the same identifier.
- //
- // For consistency, we remove all whitespace and some punctuation
- // before continuing.
- val codes = subfields.collect {
- case Subfield("0", content) =>
- content.replaceAll("[.,\\s]", "")
- }
- // If we get exactly one value, we can use it to identify the record.
- // Some records have multiple instances of subfield $0 (it's a repeatable
- // field in the MARC spec).
- codes.distinct match {
- case Seq(code) =>
- IdState.Identifiable(
- SourceIdentifier(
- identifierType = IdentifierType.LCNames,
- value = code,
- ontologyType = ontologyType
- )
- )
- case _ => identifierFromText(label = label, ontologyType = ontologyType)
- }
+ implicit val ctx: LoggingContext = LoggingContext("")
+ MarcContributors(bibData).toList
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/SierraSubjects.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/SierraSubjects.scala
index 8b9ecde147..57afca534a 100644
--- a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/SierraSubjects.scala
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/main/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/SierraSubjects.scala
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import weco.sierra.models.identifiers.SierraBibNumber
object SierraSubjects extends SierraIdentifiedDataTransformer {
type Output = List[Subject[IdState.Unminted]]
- import OntologyTypeOps._
+ import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.OntologyTypeOps._
val subjectsTransformers = List(
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/SierraContributorsTest.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/SierraContributorsTest.scala
index 5c9d970182..709979bde7 100644
--- a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/SierraContributorsTest.scala
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/SierraContributorsTest.scala
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import weco.pipeline.transformer.sierra.transformers.matchers.{
import weco.sierra.generators.SierraDataGenerators
import weco.sierra.models.marc.{Subfield, VarField}
import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks
-import org.scalatest.Inspectors
+import org.scalatest.{Inspectors, LoneElement}
import weco.catalogue.internal_model.identifiers.IdState.Identifiable
class SierraContributorsTest
@@ -27,8 +27,9 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
with HasIdMatchers
with SierraDataGenerators
with TableDrivenPropertyChecks
- with Inspectors {
- import OntologyTypeOps._
+ with Inspectors
+ with LoneElement {
+ import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.OntologyTypeOps._
it("gets an empty contributor list from empty bib data") {
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = Nil)) shouldBe Nil
@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
contributor.agent should have(
- 'label (label),
+ 'label(label),
ontologyType = ontologyType,
identifierType = IdentifierType.LabelDerived,
@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val contributors =
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = varFields))
- all(contributors) should have('roles (Nil))
+ all(contributors) should have('roles(Nil))
all(contributors.map(_.agent)) shouldBe a[Person[_]]
val List(c1, c2) = contributors
c1.agent.label shouldBe "Charles Emmanuel III, King of Sardinia, 1701-1773"
@@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val List(contributor) = SierraContributors(bibData)
contributor.agent should have(
- 'label ("Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Hamlet.")
+ 'label("Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Hamlet.")
contributor.agent shouldBe an[Agent[IdState.Identifiable]]
@@ -217,7 +218,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val contributors =
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = varFields))
- all(contributors) should have('roles (Nil))
+ all(contributors) should have('roles(Nil))
all(contributors.map(_.agent)) shouldBe a[Person[_]]
contributors.map(_.agent.label) shouldBe List(name1, name2, name3)
all(contributors.tail) shouldNot be(primary)
@@ -243,7 +244,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val List(contributor) =
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = varFields))
contributor.agent shouldBe a[Person[_]]
- contributor.agent should have('label (name))
+ contributor.agent should have('label(name))
contributor shouldBe primary
contributor should have(
roles(List(role1, role2))
@@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val List(contributor) =
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = varFields))
contributor.agent should have(
- 'label (name),
+ 'label(name),
identifierType = IdentifierType.LCNames,
ontologyType = "Person",
@@ -362,7 +363,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val List(contributor) =
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = varFields))
contributor.agent should have(
- 'label (name),
+ 'label(name),
identifierType = IdentifierType.LCNames,
ontologyType = "Person",
@@ -393,7 +394,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
contributor.agent shouldBe a[Person[_]]
contributor.agent should have(
- 'label (name),
+ 'label(name),
@@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val contributors =
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = varFields))
contributors.size shouldBe 2
- all(contributors) should have('roles (Nil))
+ all(contributors) should have('roles(Nil))
all(contributors.map(_.agent)) shouldBe a[Person[_]]
contributors.map(_.agent.label) shouldBe List("George", "Sebastian")
contributors.head shouldBe primary
@@ -438,7 +439,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = varFields))
contributor.agent shouldBe an[Organisation[_]]
contributor.agent should have(
- 'label (name)
+ 'label(name)
@@ -469,7 +470,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = varFields))
contributor.agent shouldBe an[Organisation[_]]
contributor.agent should have(
- 'label (
+ 'label(
"IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Meeting 1972 : Lyon, France"
@@ -502,7 +503,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val contributors =
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = varFields))
- all(contributors) should have('roles (Nil))
+ all(contributors) should have('roles(Nil))
all(contributors.map(_.agent)) shouldBe a[Organisation[_]]
contributors.map(_.agent.label) shouldBe List(name1, name2, name3)
contributors.head shouldBe primary
@@ -528,7 +529,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val List(contributor) =
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = varFields))
contributor.agent shouldBe an[Organisation[_]]
- contributor.agent should have('label (name))
+ contributor.agent should have('label(name))
contributor should have(
roles(List(role1, role2))
@@ -551,7 +552,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val List(contributor) =
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = varFields))
contributor.agent should have(
- 'label (name),
+ 'label(name),
identifierType = IdentifierType.LCNames,
ontologyType = "Organisation",
@@ -584,7 +585,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val List(contributor) =
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = varFields))
contributor.agent should have(
- 'label (name),
+ 'label(name),
identifierType = IdentifierType.LCNames,
ontologyType = "Organisation",
@@ -614,7 +615,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
contributor.agent shouldBe an[Organisation[_]]
contributor.agent should have(
- 'label (name),
+ 'label(name),
@@ -635,7 +636,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val contributors =
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = varFields))
contributors should have size 2
- all(contributors) should have('roles (Nil))
+ all(contributors) should have('roles(Nil))
all(contributors.map(_.agent)) shouldBe a[Organisation[_]]
contributors.map(_.agent.label) shouldBe List(
"The organisation",
@@ -658,7 +659,9 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
- SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = varFields)) shouldBe Nil
+ SierraContributors(
+ createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = varFields)
+ ) shouldBe Nil
describe("Meeting") {
@@ -669,7 +672,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val List(contributor) =
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = List(varField)))
- contributor.agent should have('label ("Big meeting"))
+ contributor.agent should have('label("Big meeting"))
contributor.agent shouldBe a[Meeting[_]]
@@ -680,7 +683,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val List(contributor) =
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = List(varField)))
- contributor.agent should have('label ("Big meeting"))
+ contributor.agent should have('label("Big meeting"))
contributor.agent shouldBe a[Meeting[_]]
contributor shouldNot be(primary)
@@ -699,7 +702,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val List(contributor) =
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = List(varField)))
- contributor.agent should have('label ("1 2 3 4"))
+ contributor.agent should have('label("1 2 3 4"))
contributor shouldBe primary
@@ -715,7 +718,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val List(contributor) =
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = List(varField)))
- contributor.agent should have('label ("label"))
+ contributor.agent should have('label("label"))
contributor should have(
roles(List("1st role", "2nd role"))
@@ -732,7 +735,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val List(contributor) =
SierraContributors(createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = List(varField)))
contributor.agent should have(
- 'label ("label"),
+ 'label("label"),
identifierType = IdentifierType.LCNames,
ontologyType = "Meeting",
@@ -766,14 +769,15 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val bibData = createSierraBibDataWith(varFields = varFields)
- val List(contributor) = SierraContributors(bibData)
+ val contributor = SierraContributors(bibData).loneElement
contributor should have(
- 'roles (Nil)
+ 'roles(Nil)
contributor.agent shouldBe a[Person[_]]
contributor shouldBe primary
contributor.agent should have(
- 'label ("Steele, Richard, Sir, 1672-1729.")
+ 'label("Steele, Richard, Sir, 1672-1729.")
@@ -798,7 +802,7 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
val List(contributor) = SierraContributors(bibData)
contributor shouldNot be(primary)
contributor.agent should have(
- 'label ("Brewer, George. Essays after the manner of Goldsmith, No. 1-22.")
+ 'label("Brewer, George. Essays after the manner of Goldsmith, No. 1-22.")
@@ -816,7 +820,10 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
Subfield(tag = "l", content = "Latin."),
Subfield(tag = "f", content = "1561."),
- Subfield(tag = "0", content = "n 79005643") // This identifier is for Hippocrates only
+ Subfield(
+ tag = "0",
+ content = "n 79005643"
+ ) // This identifier is for Hippocrates only
@@ -929,9 +936,10 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
// Both subjects should be represented in the output list. They have different labels, so are different objects.
contributors.length shouldBe 2
val commonClass = contributors(1).agent.getClass
- forAll(contributors) { contributor =>
- contributor.agent.getClass shouldBe commonClass
- contributor.agent.id.allSourceIdentifiers.head.ontologyType shouldBe specificType
+ forAll(contributors) {
+ contributor =>
+ contributor.agent.getClass shouldBe commonClass
+ contributor.agent.id.allSourceIdentifiers.head.ontologyType shouldBe specificType
@@ -979,7 +987,11 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
roles = Nil
val contributors =
- List(vagueContributor, specificContributor1, vagueContributor2).harmoniseOntologyTypes
+ List(
+ vagueContributor,
+ specificContributor1,
+ vagueContributor2
+ ).harmoniseOntologyTypes
// They all had the same label before, so they are no longer unique having harmonised their types
contributors.length shouldBe 1
@@ -1030,16 +1042,21 @@ class SierraContributorsTest
roles = Nil
val contributors =
- List(specificContributor1, specificContributor2, vagueContributor).harmoniseOntologyTypes
+ List(
+ specificContributor1,
+ specificContributor2,
+ vagueContributor
+ ).harmoniseOntologyTypes
contributors.length shouldBe 3
- forAll(contributors) { contributor =>
- contributor.agent
- .asInstanceOf[Person[IdState.Identifiable]]
- .id
- .sourceIdentifier
- .ontologyType shouldBe "Person"
+ forAll(contributors) {
+ contributor =>
+ contributor.agent
+ .asInstanceOf[Person[IdState.Identifiable]]
+ .id
+ .sourceIdentifier
+ .ontologyType shouldBe "Person"
diff --git a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/SierraSubjectsTest.scala b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/SierraSubjectsTest.scala
index cfd3cd43b5..7df945e7d4 100644
--- a/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/SierraSubjectsTest.scala
+++ b/pipeline/transformer/transformer_sierra/src/test/scala/weco/pipeline/transformer/sierra/transformers/SierraSubjectsTest.scala
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class SierraSubjectsTest
with SierraDataGenerators
with TableDrivenPropertyChecks
with Inspectors {
- import OntologyTypeOps._
+ import weco.pipeline.transformer.marc_common.OntologyTypeOps._
it("deduplicates identical subjects") {
// This is based on b2506728x. The different second indicators
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ class SierraSubjectsTest
val List(subject) = SierraSubjects(createSierraBibNumber, bibData)
subject should have(
- 'label ("Medicine"),
+ 'label("Medicine"),
val List(concept) = subject.concepts
concept should have(
- 'label ("Medicine"),
+ 'label("Medicine"),
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class SierraSubjectsTest
val List(subject) = SierraSubjects(createSierraBibNumber, bibData)
subject should have(
- 'label ("Medicine"),
+ 'label("Medicine"),
value = "sh85083064",
ontologyType = "Concept",
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class SierraSubjectsTest
val List(concept) = subject.concepts
concept should have(
- 'label ("Medicine"),
+ 'label("Medicine"),
value = "sh85083064",
ontologyType = "Concept",
@@ -114,39 +114,41 @@ class SierraSubjectsTest
// itself "vague"
("Concept", "Agent")
- ) { (vagueType, specificType) =>
- val vagueSubject = new Subject(
- label = "Maimonides, in his work on Logic",
- id = Identifiable(
- SourceIdentifier(
- IdentifierType.LCSubjects,
- vagueType,
- "sh00000000"
+ ) {
+ (vagueType, specificType) =>
+ val vagueSubject = new Subject(
+ label = "Maimonides, in his work on Logic",
+ id = Identifiable(
+ SourceIdentifier(
+ IdentifierType.LCSubjects,
+ vagueType,
+ "sh00000000"
+ )
- )
- val specificSubject = new Subject(
- label = "Maimonides",
- id = Identifiable(
- SourceIdentifier(
- IdentifierType.LCSubjects,
- specificType,
- "sh00000000"
+ val specificSubject = new Subject(
+ label = "Maimonides",
+ id = Identifiable(
+ SourceIdentifier(
+ IdentifierType.LCSubjects,
+ specificType,
+ "sh00000000"
+ )
- )
- val subjects =
- List(specificSubject, vagueSubject).harmoniseOntologyTypes
- // Both subjects should be represented in the output list. They have different labels, so are different objects.
- subjects.length shouldBe 2
+ val subjects =
+ List(specificSubject, vagueSubject).harmoniseOntologyTypes
+ // Both subjects should be represented in the output list. They have different labels, so are different objects.
+ subjects.length shouldBe 2
- forAll(subjects) { subject =>
- subject
- .asInstanceOf[Subject[IdState.Identifiable]]
- .id
- .sourceIdentifier
- .ontologyType shouldBe specificType
- }
+ forAll(subjects) {
+ subject =>
+ subject
+ .asInstanceOf[Subject[IdState.Identifiable]]
+ .id
+ .sourceIdentifier
+ .ontologyType shouldBe specificType
+ }
@@ -182,7 +184,11 @@ class SierraSubjectsTest
val subjects =
- List(specificSubject1, specificSubject2, vagueSubject).harmoniseOntologyTypes
+ List(
+ specificSubject1,
+ specificSubject2,
+ vagueSubject
+ ).harmoniseOntologyTypes
// They all had the same label before, so they are no longer unique having harmoniseOntologyTypesd their types
subjects.length shouldBe 1
@@ -225,16 +231,21 @@ class SierraSubjectsTest
val subjects =
- List(specificSubject1, specificSubject2, vagueSubject).harmoniseOntologyTypes
+ List(
+ specificSubject1,
+ specificSubject2,
+ vagueSubject
+ ).harmoniseOntologyTypes
subjects.length shouldBe 3
- forAll(subjects) { subject =>
- subject
- .asInstanceOf[Subject[IdState.Identifiable]]
- .id
- .sourceIdentifier
- .ontologyType shouldBe "Person"
+ forAll(subjects) {
+ subject =>
+ subject
+ .asInstanceOf[Subject[IdState.Identifiable]]
+ .id
+ .sourceIdentifier
+ .ontologyType shouldBe "Person"
@@ -269,12 +280,13 @@ class SierraSubjectsTest
val subjects = List(specificSubject, vagueSubject).harmoniseOntologyTypes
subjects.length shouldBe 2
- forAll(subjects) { subject =>
- subject.concepts.head
- .asInstanceOf[Person[IdState.Identifiable]]
- .id
- .sourceIdentifier
- .ontologyType shouldBe "Person"
+ forAll(subjects) {
+ subject =>
+ subject.concepts.head
+ .asInstanceOf[Person[IdState.Identifiable]]
+ .id
+ .sourceIdentifier
+ .ontologyType shouldBe "Person"
@@ -331,20 +343,22 @@ class SierraSubjectsTest
subjects.length shouldBe 2
// The vague subject should be changed to be Person
- forAll(subjects) { subject =>
- subject
- .asInstanceOf[Subject[IdState.Identifiable]]
- .id
- .sourceIdentifier
- .ontologyType shouldBe "Person"
+ forAll(subjects) {
+ subject =>
+ subject
+ .asInstanceOf[Subject[IdState.Identifiable]]
+ .id
+ .sourceIdentifier
+ .ontologyType shouldBe "Person"
// But the concepts list is left unchanged.
- forAll(subjects.head.concepts) { concept =>
- concept
- .asInstanceOf[Concept[IdState.Identifiable]]
- .id
- .sourceIdentifier
- .ontologyType shouldBe "Concept"
+ forAll(subjects.head.concepts) {
+ concept =>
+ concept
+ .asInstanceOf[Concept[IdState.Identifiable]]
+ .id
+ .sourceIdentifier
+ .ontologyType shouldBe "Concept"