title: Why use a framework? output: index.html theme: theme controls: false logo: theme/logo.png
-- presenter
-- presenter
-- sponsors
- Modules and build tools
- AMD + RequireJS
- Component + Makefiles
- Browserify
- Grunt & Gulp
- Using Gulp + Browserify
- A web developer story
- JavaScript & jQuery
- Modularity
- Build tools
- Package management
- Framework
- Testing
- InstaCan
<script src="https://gist.github.com/daffl/43749f8e99a8e000a277.js"></script>--
Split your appication into individual files. We talk more about it in our jQuery 202 session (slides, video).
var APP = (function() {
// Do stuff
var privateVariable = 'Hello ',
sayHi = function(name) {
return privateVariable + name;
// Return API
return {
init : function() { /* ... */ },
hi : sayHi
Build tools make your life way easier and allow you to dev faster. We talk more about them in our Optimize Your Workflow session (slides).
A framework is only as good as its package manager. Thankfully we have good ones! We also talk about them in our Optimize Your Workflow session (slides).
- A set of tools to reduce overhead and improve application consistency by providing reusable pieces of code.
- A library provides useful tools for a specific purpose (functions, helper libs) so you can build your app your way.
- A more opinionated set of tools to reduce overhead and improve application consistency by providing reusable pieces of code.
- Inversion of control. Frameworks specify how you should write your app.
Separates the representation of information from the user's interaction with it
- Controller: Updates both, view and model according to user interaction
- Model: The data/domain model
- View: Creates a representation of the model
The same Todo application implemented using MV* concepts in most of the popular JavaScript MV* frameworks of today.
- Backbone
- CanJS
- Ember
- AngularJS
- React
- KnockoutJS
- ...
- Web Pages
- Widgets
- Components
- Small applications
Choosing a framework is like getting married. You'll probably be stuck with it for a loooong time. Choose wisely:
- Flexibility & Modularity
- Maintenance & Development Activity
- Community Support
- How big is your app actually going to get?
- Do you REALLY need everything that it provides?
- Developer culture
- Learning Curve
- Code Size
- Something awesome
- More awesomeness
- Even more awesome sauce