Makes it easy to use Ractive.js in your rails project by precompiling your templates, and bundling the library.
Beware, this gem is not nearly packaged well enough, even though it's being used in production. It started as a quick and dirty port of the great handlebars_assets gem by Les Hill, and mirrors it's structure almost completely so it can be both familiar and well architectured.
We're really grateful for all help packaging it! (Mainly writing proper docs and more tests).
gem 'ractive_assets', github: 'unity/ractive_assets'
- Yes, we need to publish it to rubygems, but that's got to wait until some docs and tests are written.
javascript_include_tag "......?"
Where you can choose either:
- ractive -- this contains no support for older browsers and lets you generate ractive templates in the browser
- ractive.runtime -- this contains no support for older browsers and does not let you generate templates browser-side
- ractive-legacy -- this contains support for older browsers and lets you generate ractive templates in the browser
- ractive-legacy.runtime -- this contains support for older browsers and does not let you generate templates browser-side
Include the view templates in the asset pipeline:
//= require_tree ./views
var template = RactiveTemplates["path/to/your/template"]
var view = new Ractive({
We didn't bundle the mified versions of the library since you shouldnt need those (the asset pipeline handles this very well)
In ruby (ensures templates are compiled with the right version)
RactiveAssets::Config.compiler_path = 'path_to_ractive.js',
In Javascript
//= require path_to_ractive.runtime
//= require_tree ./path_to_templates