π· Use specific action to run docker-compose #92
GitHub Actions / Unit Test Results
Aug 7, 2024 in 0s
All 122 tests pass in 1s
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github-actions / Unit Test Results
122 tests found
There are 122 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
dao.environment.EnvironmentDaoTest$TestDelete β should delete proper document()
dao.environment.EnvironmentDaoTest$TestDelete β should do nothing when deleting non existing document()
dao.environment.EnvironmentDaoTest$TestFindAllForProject β should only return environments linked to project()
dao.environment.EnvironmentDaoTest$TestFindAllForProject β should return all environments linked to project()
dao.environment.EnvironmentDaoTest$TestFindOneById β should load environment from db when it exists()
dao.environment.EnvironmentDaoTest$TestFindOneById β should return null when id does not exist in db()
dao.environment.EnvironmentDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should return inserted document()
dao.environment.EnvironmentDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should write document in database()
dao.environment.EnvironmentDaoTest$TestUpdateName β should not update anything when id does not exist()
dao.environment.EnvironmentDaoTest$TestUpdateName β should return null when id does not exist in db()
dao.environment.EnvironmentDaoTest$TestUpdateName β should return updated environment()
dao.environment.EnvironmentDaoTest$TestUpdateName β should update given environment's name and small name()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestDelete β should delete proper document()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestDelete β should do nothing when deleting non existing document()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestFind β should find batchExecutions with environment filter()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestFind β should find batchExecutions with module filter()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestFind β should find batchExecutions with project filter()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestFind β should find batchExecutions with status filter()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestFind β should return all batchExecution()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestFindMostRecentExecutions β should return the 4 executions with the greatest start dates, ordered by start date()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestFindOneById β should load batch execution from db when it exists()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestFindOneById β should return null when id does not exist in db()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should return inserted document()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should write document in database()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestUpdateBatchExecutionEndData β should not update anything when id does not exist()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestUpdateBatchExecutionEndData β should return null when id does not exist in db()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestUpdateBatchExecutionEndData β should return updated script execution()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestUpdateBatchExecutionStartData β should not update anything when id does not exist()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestUpdateBatchExecutionStartData β should return null when id does not exist in db()
dao.execution.batch.BatchExecutionDaoTest$TestUpdateBatchExecutionStartData β should return updated script execution()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestDelete β should delete proper row()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestDelete β should do nothing when deleting non existing row()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestFind β should return all when no search parameters are present in the request()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestFind β should return proper list when batchExecutionRef parameter is present in the request()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestFind β should return proper list when status parameter is present in the request()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestFindDetailByBatchExecutionId β should return batch execution's scripts executions()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestFindDetailByBatchExecutionId β should return empty list when there are no script executions for given batch execution id()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestFindModuleScriptsExecutionsInformation β load all executions of one script()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestFindModuleScriptsExecutionsInformation β load all scripts executed at least once on any environment()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestFindOneById β should load script execution from db when it exists()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestFindOneById β should return null when id does not exist in db()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestFindOneDetailById β should load script execution with script from db when it exists()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestFindOneDetailById β should return null when script execution id does not exist in db()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should return inserted row()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should write row in database()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestUpdateExecutionEndData β should not update anything when id does not exist()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestUpdateExecutionEndData β should return null when id does not exist in db()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestUpdateExecutionEndData β should return updated script execution()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestUpdateExecutionStartData β should not update anything when id does not exist()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestUpdateExecutionStartData β should return null when id does not exist in db()
dao.execution.script.ScriptExecutionDaoTest$TestUpdateExecutionStartData β should return updated script execution()
dao.execution.script.tag.ScriptExecutionTagDaoTest$TestDelete β should delete proper row()
dao.execution.script.tag.ScriptExecutionTagDaoTest$TestDelete β should do nothing when deleting non existing row()
dao.execution.script.tag.ScriptExecutionTagDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should return inserted row()
dao.execution.script.tag.ScriptExecutionTagDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should write document in database()
dao.module.ModuleDaoTest$TestDelete β should delete proper document()
dao.module.ModuleDaoTest$TestDelete β should do nothing when deleting non existing document()
dao.module.ModuleDaoTest$TestFindOneById β should load project from db when it exists()
dao.module.ModuleDaoTest$TestFindOneById β should return null when id does not exist in db()
dao.module.ModuleDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should return inserted document()
dao.module.ModuleDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should write document in database()
dao.module.ModuleDaoTest$TestUpdateName β should not update anything when id does not exist()
dao.module.ModuleDaoTest$TestUpdateName β should return null when id does not exist in db()
dao.module.ModuleDaoTest$TestUpdateName β should return updated module()
dao.module.ModuleDaoTest$TestUpdateName β should update given module name()
dao.moduleEnvironmentToken.ModuleEnvironmentTokenDaoTest$TestDeleteToken β deleteToken should delete the token with the given value()
dao.moduleEnvironmentToken.ModuleEnvironmentTokenDaoTest$TestDeleteToken β deleteToken should do nothing when no token has the given value()
dao.moduleEnvironmentToken.ModuleEnvironmentTokenDaoTest$TestGetTokenByModuleAndEnvironmentRef β getTokenByModuleAndEnvironmentRef should return nothing when no row matches module ref and environment ref()
dao.moduleEnvironmentToken.ModuleEnvironmentTokenDaoTest$TestGetTokenByModuleAndEnvironmentRef β getTokenByModuleAndEnvironmentRef should return token corresponding to module and environment ref()
dao.moduleEnvironmentToken.ModuleEnvironmentTokenDaoTest$TestGetTokenByValue β getTokenByValue should return token corresponding to given token value()
dao.moduleEnvironmentToken.ModuleEnvironmentTokenDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should return inserted document()
dao.moduleEnvironmentToken.ModuleEnvironmentTokenDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should throw an error when trying to create a duplicate on module ref and environment ref()
dao.moduleEnvironmentToken.ModuleEnvironmentTokenDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should write document in database()
dao.project.ProjectDaoTest$TestDelete β should delete proper document()
dao.project.ProjectDaoTest$TestDelete β should do nothing when deleting non existing document()
dao.project.ProjectDaoTest$TestFindOneById β should load project from db when it exists()
dao.project.ProjectDaoTest$TestFindOneById β should return null when id does not exist in db()
dao.project.ProjectDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should return inserted document()
dao.project.ProjectDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should write document in database()
dao.project.ProjectDaoTest$TestUpdateName β should not update anything when id does not exist()
dao.project.ProjectDaoTest$TestUpdateName β should return null when id does not exist in db()
dao.project.ProjectDaoTest$TestUpdateName β should return updated project()
dao.project.ProjectDaoTest$TestUpdateName β should update given project name and small name()
dao.project.ProjectHierarchyDaoTest$TestFindProjectHierarchies β should load project linked modules and environments()
dao.project.ProjectHierarchyDaoTest$TestFindProjectHierarchies β should put all modules into each environment hierarchy()
dao.project.ProjectHierarchyDaoTest$TestFindProjectHierarchies β should sort environments by their names with alphabetical ascendant order()
dao.project.ProjectHierarchyDaoTest$TestFindProjectHierarchies β should sort modules by their names with alphabetical ascendant order()
dao.project.ProjectHierarchyDaoTest$TestFindProjectHierarchies β should sort projects by their names with alphabetical ascendant order()
dao.script.ScriptDaoTest$TestDelete β should delete proper document()
dao.script.ScriptDaoTest$TestDelete β should do nothing when deleting non existing document()
dao.script.ScriptDaoTest$TestFindOneById β should load project from db when it exists()
dao.script.ScriptDaoTest$TestFindOneById β should return null when checksum does not exist in db()
dao.script.ScriptDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should return inserted document()
dao.script.ScriptDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should throw exception when inserting already existing row()
dao.script.ScriptDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should write document name in database()
dao.tag.TagDaoTest$TestDelete β should delete proper row()
dao.tag.TagDaoTest$TestDelete β should do nothing when deleting non existing row()
dao.tag.TagDaoTest$TestFindOneById β should load tag from db when it exists()
dao.tag.TagDaoTest$TestFindOneById β should return null when id does not exist in db()
dao.tag.TagDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should return inserted row()
dao.tag.TagDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should throw exception when inserting already existing row()
dao.tag.TagDaoTest$TestInsert β insert should write row in database()
moduleEnvironmentToken.ModuleEnvironmentTokenServiceTest$TestRegenerate β regenerate should delete preexisting key for module ref and environment ref()
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β HierarchySearch > constructor with one-level string
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β HierarchySearch > constructor with three-level string
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β HierarchySearch > constructor with three-level string with spaces
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β HierarchySearch > constructor with two-level string
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β HierarchySearch > filter one-level
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β HierarchySearch > filter three-level
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β HierarchySearch > filter three-level with first opened
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β HierarchySearch > filter three-level with second opened
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β HierarchySearch > filter three-level with two first opened
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β HierarchySearch > filter two-level
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β HierarchySearch > filter two-level with first opened
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β HierarchySearch > must be empty
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β HierarchySearch > must not be empty
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β HierarchySearch > no filter if empty
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β SearchItem > Closed SearchItem never matches
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β SearchItem > Opened SearchItem always matches
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β SearchItem > isClosed
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β SearchItem > isOpened
test/lib/domain/ProjectHierarchy.test.ts β SearchItem > match