Supports Worker
, SharedWorker
It's made for the web, it doesn't support Node.js workers. Use with bundlers that support bundling workers with import.meta
, i.e. Rollup or Webpack 5.
- Tiny, when minified.
- Promise based.
- Fully typed.
- Well tested.
Current documentation at:
Latest documentation at:
More examples in the tests.
import { exposeApi } from "threads-es/worker"
const helloWorldApi = {
helloWorld: () => {
return "Hello World!";
export type HelloWorldApiType = typeof helloWorldApi;
import { EsThread } from "threads-es/controller"
import { HelloWorldApiType } from "./hello-world.worker.ts"
const thread = await EsThread.Spawn<HelloWorldApiType>(
new Worker(new URL("./hello-world.worker.ts", import.meta.url),
{type: "module"}));
// "Hello World!"
console.log(await thread.methods.helloWorld());
await thread.terminate();
import { EsThreadPool, EsThread } from "threads-es/controller"
import { HelloWorldApiType } from "./hello-world.worker.ts"
const pool = await EsThreadPool.Spawn(() => EsThread.Spawn<HelloWorldApiType>(
new Worker(new URL("./hello-world.worker.ts", import.meta.url),
{type: "module"}), {size: 4});
// "Hello World!"
console.log(await pool.queue(thread => thread.methods.helloWorld()));
await pool.terminate();
import { Transfer, TransferDescriptor } from "threads-es/shared";
import { exposeApi } from "threads-es/worker"
const transferArrayApi = {
transferArray: (array: TransferDescriptor<ArrayBuffer>): TransferDescriptor<ArrayBuffer> => {
const uint8 = new Uint8Array(array.send);
// Process the buffer.
return Transfer(uint8.buffer);
export type TransferArrayApiType = typeof transferArrayApi;
import { EsThread } from "threads-es/controller"
import { Transfer } from "threads-es/shared";
import { TransferArrayApiType } from "./transfer-array.worker.ts"
const thread = await EsThread.Spawn<TransferArrayApiType>(
new Worker(new URL("./transfer-array.worker.ts", import.meta.url),
{type: "module"}));
const arrayIn = new Uint8Array(10);
arrayIn.forEach((value, index) => { arrayIn[index] = index });
const arrayOut = await thread.methods.transferArray(Transfer(arrayIn.buffer));
// Do something with the result.
await thread.terminate();
If you need a worker to report progress you could use a stream. For other options see #4.
import { TransferDescriptor } from 'threads-es/shared';
import { exposeApi } from 'threads-es/worker';
const progressApi = {
withProgress: async (ags..., progress: TransferDescriptor<WritableStream<number>>) => {
// Imagine doing some work and updating the progress as it goes along.
await progress.write(10);
await progress.write(20);
await progress.write(100);
await progress.close();
export type ProgressApiType = typeof progressApi;
import { EsThread } from "threads-es/controller"
import { Transfer } from "threads-es/shared"
import { HelloWorldApiType } from "./progress.worker.ts"
const thread = await EsThread.Spawn<ProgressApiType>(
new Worker(new URL("./progress.worker.ts", import.meta.url),
{type: "module"}));
const progress = new WritableStream<number>({
write(p) {
// You could update the progress in the DOM, or write it to a log, or something like that.
await thread.methods.withProgress(args..., Transfer(progress));
await thread.terminate();
With Webpack or certain test frameworks, you might need the separate your thread api types from the thread code:
export type HelloWorldApiType = {
helloWorld: () => string;
import { exposeApi } from 'threads-es/worker';
import { type HelloWorldApiType } from './api-type';
const helloWorldApi: HelloWorldApiType = {
helloWorld: () => {
return 'Hello World!';
import { EsThread } from "threads-es/controller"
import { HelloWorldApiType } from "./api-type"
const thread = await EsThread.Spawn<HelloWorldApiType>(
new Worker(new URL("./hello-world.worker.ts", import.meta.url),
{type: "module"}));
// "Hello World!"
console.log(await thread.methods.helloWorld());
await thread.terminate();
Inspired by threads.js.