A smart way to manage your clipboard
A solution for clipboard hassles.
- clone the repo.
npm i
npm start
clipboard2 maintains a history of your clipboard. You can access your clipboard history by pressing Alt
+ Ctrl
+ V
This will open a popup with a list of your clipboard history. Keep pressing Alt
+ Ctrl
+ V
together to rotate through the history. When you release the keys, selected text will be back in your clipboard.
Isn't clipboard2 awesome?
- Electron
- iohooks
- electron-clipboard-watcher
- Tray icon + tray menu
- Testing in windows and MAC
- Remove window from the task bar when key combination pressed
- Configurable number of items stored in the history. (currently hardcoded to 5)
- Compatible with macOS (app crashes on macOS)
- Option to delete an item from the history
- Animation while rotating through history
- Configurable background color
- Clipboard empty message
by 94dev