An evergrowing porfolio website made for a hands-on learning experience for as Content Management System (CMS) and Typescript. Here is where I will document projects I have made, I'm making, or will be making in the future.
- Typescript
- Next.js 13
- TailwindCSS
- GROQ (GraphQL)
- Finalize individual Project blogs
- Finalize front-end design
Create Projects app -
Installed Next.js -
Installed -
Integrating into Next.js -
Add at least one Sanity schema -
Setup at least one Sanity type -
Setup TailwindCSS -
Create Hero Section -
Create Project Section -
Deployment to Vercel -
Create Navbar -
Create Footer -
Create Experience Section -
Create Profile Schema -
Create About app -
Add Darkmode -
Add project's content in Project Schema -
Seperate currated & overall projects -
Add project tags to Sanity schema -
Add Vastify Store to projects -
Add MDA Capstone Project to Project list