python -m src.cli -v -t
python -m src.cli assignment -cn 'Week 01 Assignment' -download -nbn "one" -autograde
python -m src.cli grade -participation -assignment_id 1623528
where 1623528 is Canvas assignment ID
python -m src.cli -t assignment -participation
python -m src.cli -t -quiz
pip install canvasapi
- You will need to set up a Canvas access token, and save the access token in an environment variable called CANVAS_TOKEN
- You will need an .ini file for your course. There are a few ini files in this repo that you can copy and modify.
- The ini file should be called
. For instance, the ini file for the spring version of the class 2301 in 2021 is 2301S2021.ini.
- The ini file should be called
This tool uses gspread to integrate with Google sheets. Follow these steps to enable access for a 'service account/bot'. Be sure to share the sheet with the email in the credentials.
S = Spring V = Summer (verano) F = Fall