A collection of exceptionally nice free stuff I have come across around the web
- Works well in a modern desktop web browser
- No ads
- No registration required
- Is useful and/or fun
JS Paint - Fully functional Microsoft Paint clone, inside the browser
bpa.st - Pastebin with syntax highlighting for wide variety of languages, and no trackers or other nonsense
rentry.co - Extremely nice Markdown pastebin
tldr InBrowser.App - Short form documentation for wide variety of command line tools
viz-js - Graphviz in the browser
YTLooper - Loop part of YouTube video with sub-second precision (made by me!)
instant.io - Streaming file transfer over WebTorrent
Excalidraw - Great minimalistic tool for drawing quick sketches
Wakamai Fondue - Tool for inspecting font features (useful for variable fonts)
Try It Online - Try hundreds of different programming languages in browser, with support for input from stdin and command line arguments
grep.app - Github code search
devdocs.io - Searchable docs for a wide variety programming languages and libraries
code.golf - Open source website for solving coding problems in as few characters as possible
float.exposed - Visualize and play around with bit representations of floating point numbers
Lichess - Open source online chess
Minesweeper - Minesweeper guaranteed to be solvable by deduction
Minesweeper Multiplayer - Minesweeper for 2-6 players
Tatoeba - Large collection of sentences and translations (with permissive licences)
Standard Ebooks - Collection of nicely formatted public domain e-books
Every Noise at Once - Great way to discover music from thousands of different genres