Ye Ole Chatterbox is a chatting application without real time chat yet...
This application assumes that bundler, npm, ruby, rails, and postgresql is installed
bundle install
rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
npm install --prefix client
- YeOleChatterBox
- Currently live chat does not work in production due to the removal of redis
- 2.7.4
Need to figure out how to have live chat working in both production and development
- currently only works in development
- If I were to add the localhost websocket url to Cable.createConsumer(WURL)
- The live chat would only work in development
- If I were to not place an argument to Cable.createConsumer()
- The live chat would only work in the build or production of this application
- Somehow need to have some kind of conditional to output a specific websocket url depending on the environment
Redis has discontinued their add-on with Heroku
- need to remove redis from production cable.yml and replace with something else
- need to find a different add-on that allows live chat
- Action Cable
- Live memberhship join/leave
- chatroom will be notified of join/leave
- Current members online
- Live memberhship join/leave
- User created chatrooms
- creator is admin
- join by password
- live feed of created chatrooms
- Phone view
- need to change how chatroom is rendered
- need to change how welcome image renders when logged in