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Logiq: "how to use"

Let's see some simple example to understand how Qstate, Basis and Op work together

For Qstate, Basis and Operator (Op) introduction follow the links.

Start with the most used operators: the pauli gates!

Surely you know how pauli gates works, so go on and try to do something in logiq.

# first create our qubit for testing the pauli operators
q = qbit(1,0) # |0>

# then apply the X gate
Op.X | q

# now the internal state of q has changed, but how?
# in logiq normally you can cheat and see the state without destroy it, so let's print it!

The result will be "+1|1>" (of course), that's because the state |1> is represented by the vector (0,1), and X * (1,0) = (0,1).
This is what was happen to the internal state of q.

The nice things is that in logiq you can forget it and focus on an higher level of abstraction considering the "state in a certain basis" and not the vectors and the matrices behind this.

If you want to work with the matrices and vectors, you can get the internal state of a Qstate as a vector:

q = qbit(ket(0,1)) # this is a vector so no problem
Op.X | q
print( q.state ) # in q.state there is the vector that represents the internal state of q, so the result will be "|(1+0j); 0j>"

For more on this and the interaction between logiq and numpy, please see this.

Continue to play with logiq and apply the other 2 gates:

Op.Y | q
Op.Z | q

# now our qubit has became...
print(q) # +1j|0>

# but I'm tired because I have write the "same thing" 3 times...
# luckily in logiq you can do much more than a single operation per time!

AllInOneOperator = Op.X * Op.Y * Op.Z
# this new operator if applied to a qubit have the same effect if I applied X, Y and Z to a qubit

# so I can rewrite all things that I've done before in just 3 line:
q = qbit(1,0)
AllInOneOperator | q
print(q) # +1j|0>

Let's measure the qubits

Measure a qubit is the only way to "read" the state (destroying it etc etc..), in logiq a Basis is needed to do this.

Keep in mind that you can specify the basis to use every time or set it as a "default basis" for a quantum state

Measure something means 2 things:

  • the internal state of the measured qubit change
  • the return value is the eigenvalue associated to the eigenstate measured
q = qbit('|0>') # the default basis of q will be stdbasis
result = q.measure()

# Now in result there is the eigenvalue and the internal state of q is collapsed
print(result, q) # (1+0j) +1|0>

# All of us (because we are smart people) know that this is the only possible result. That's because we had measured a qubit in state |0> with stdbasis:
# |0>: |(1+0j); 0j>
# |1>: |0j; (1+0j)>

# and this means that if I measure q with stdbasis the probability of collapsing are:
# |0>: 100%
# |1>: 0%

# change a little bit the things:
Op.H | q

# now q is in +0.70711|0> +0.70711|1> state, and if we measuring again with stdbasis ...
# |0>: 50%
# |1>: 50%

# ... the result will be uncertain

The value of each probabilities are in q.prob(i [, basis]) where i is the i-th eigenstate of the basis

If you want to use a different basis it can be done or changing the "default" basis with .stdBasis(new default basis) method or specifying it every time:

q = qbit('|0>')
# |+>: 50%
# |->: 50%

result = q.measure(hadamard)

The result of a measure is fundamental but using the stdbasis you will fall into a big problem: the eigenvalue of stdbasis (the possible result after a measurement) are 1 and... 1!
This means that you never know in which state was collapsed your qubit.

It's time to make our basis to avoid this problem:

B = Basis([
], 'ab')

# |a>: |(1+0j); 0j>
# |b>: |0j; (-1+0j)>
print(B.ew) # [(1+0j), (-1+0j)]

#now we can use this basis to measure without cheating
q = qbit('|a>', basis=B)
Op.H | q
r = q.measure()

if r == B.ew[0]: print('q was collapsed into |a>')
else : print('q was collapsed into |b>')

Adding another qubit to make things more intresting

Re-start creating 2 different qubit.
Now, you have to know that in logiq all qubit have a life of its own, so the concept of registers and position of the qubits does not exists here!

#creating q0 and q1 with same state (|0>)
q0, q1 = qbit(1,0), qbit(1,0)

# now we can apply some gates to q0 and q1 separately ...
Op.X | q0

#... but what if I want to apply a "bigger" operator?
# To apply, for example, the operator CNOT to q0 and q1 we have to create a new quantum state:
q = q0 @ q1

# q is the "tensor product" between q0 and q1.
print(q) # "+1|10>" = |1> ⊗ |0>

#This new quantum state contains 2 qubit but we can use it as a "normal" quantum state
Op.cnot | q

# doing this we are applying the CNOT gate to q0 and q1 (using q0 as checker and q1 as target)
# now we can check the state both watching the q or q0 and q1:
print(q0) # ±1|1>
print(q1) # ±1|1>
print(q) # +1|11>

If you notice when q0 and q1 are printed a ± was appeared, it means that q0 and q1 are in entanglement and what you see is an approximated state.

NB: to create 2 qubit with same state you cannot do

q0 = q1 = qbit(1,0)

because doing this q0 is q1 and you have created only 1 qubit.

Remember that kind of state are Qstate, so all method that you can use for a simple qubit work with a much complex state.

Thanks to this, all method that you can use for a simple qubit work with a much complex state.

For example the "composition" between quantum states using the tensor product is flexible because q0 and q are both Qstate:

q = qbit(1,0) @ qbit(0,1)
print(q) # +1|01>

q = qbit(1,0) @ q
print(q) # +1|001>

q @= qbit(1,1, normalize=True)
print(q) # +0.70711|0010> +0.70711|0011>

For obvious reasons "compose" two time the same quantum state (q @ q) cause an error

The abstraction of logiq

For the last part of this friendly introduction, I want you to understand what is the level of abstraction that I've put in logiq.

Probably the most important layer of abstraction was the elimination of the concept of registers.

In fact this help a lot to manage problem that appear in classic way, for instance in a quantum computer you are not able to apply a q-gate to 2 arbitrary qubit:

# I'll take this opportunity to show you some shortcut
q = qbit('|1>') @ 2 # |11>

Op.H | q[0] # apply H only to qubit in position 0
Op.Z ^ q # apply Z to all qubit in q

print(q) # -0.70711|01> -0.70711|11>

# now the problem: imagine that we have 3 qubit...
q @= qbit(1,0)
print(q) # -0.70711|010> -0.70711|110>

#... and we want to apply a CNOT gate to the first and the last qubit.
# In a classic way can be hard or impossible do something like that, but not here:
Op.cnot | (q[0] @ q[2])

# We have create another quantum state q[0] @ q[2] and we applied to this the CNOT gate without any effort

print(q) # ±0.5|010> ±0.5|011> ±0.5|110> ±0.5|111>

Another abstraction is that doesn't matter what is the space of the quantum states, they work well even with different spaces:

X3 ={
    0: 1,
    1: 2,
    2: 0

q = qbit(1,0,0) @ 3

X3 | q[1]
X3*X3 | q[2]

print(q) # +1|012>

For other (more complicated) example follow this link!