List all possible chromium stable versions. The provided platforms are: win, win_x64(suggested), linux, linux_x64(suggested), mac, android
Hope could be the help to you. :)
Something you need to know:
- The omahaproxy only provides the chromium_base_position for main version. For example 77.x.xxxx.xx, the 77.0.3865.75 - 681094, 77.0.3865.90 - 681094, they have the same position 681094. So, the chromium download urls for 77.x.xxxx.xx are the same. Based on the official document, seems no better solution to fix this.
- Some of certain positions don't have the chromium build. To get chromium, get the nearest position from: [position-100, position+100]
- If the json/csv files are not updated on time, run the following script to get the latest chromium
# Env: Python2.7
# Requirements: pip install requests futures colorama
cd src
Here is the command for reference to install the Chromium at Ubuntu
wget --no-check-certificate
# Parse the json
download=$(jq -r ".linux64.\"${CHROMIUM_VERSION}\".download_url" chromium.stable.json)
position=$(jq -r ".linux64.\"${CHROMIUM_VERSION}\".download_position" chromium.stable.json)
echo "download url is: ${download}"
echo "position is: ${position}"
# Download
wget --no-check-certificate -O ${download}
rm -f
# Configure the --no-sandbox and --ignore-certificate-errors
sed -i 's/\"$@\"/--no-sandbox --ignore-certificate-errors \"$@\"/' chrome-linux/chrome-wrapper
# Set to the system: assume the current folder is: /headless/
sudo ln -s /headless/chrome-linux/chrome-wrapper /usr/bin/chromium
Get Version: history.json
Use history.json to get all the possible release chromium versions, such as 77.0.3865.120
OS: Linux, Mac, Win, Win64, Android
Get All Existed Positions: googleapis
Use googleapis to get all the existed positions
Get Position: deps.json
Use deps.json to get the chromium_base_position from a provided chromium version: 77.0.3865.120 -> 681094
Get Download Url: googleapis
Get Download Urls. If not found in existed positions, try to use nearest position [position-100, position+100] to find again. For example: 681094 -> 681090
Consider behavior takes time, use DockerHub to get chromium url.
And then push the chromium json files back to repo.
Linux NPM Packages:
Linux DEB Packages:
Specific the version like: 77.0.3865.120-1. And download via:
Linux Deb, Mac, Windows Packages:
The followings are something else when I doing the research.
It maybe the help for you be more familiar about Chromium.
- Chromium Logs:
- Chromium DEPS:
- Chromium data, all in one place: