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ExcludeAssemblies Element

Alexei Stryker edited this page Jun 27, 2018 · 1 revision

Cauldron.Interception forces the loading of referenced assemblies on startup by loading them in the module initializer.
With the ExcludeAssemblies it is possible to define which of the referenced assemblies are excluded.

The following assemblies are always excluded.

  • Starts with Microsoft.
  • Starts with System.
  • Starts with Windows.
  • testhost
  • mscorlib
  • System
  • netstandard
  • WindowsBase


<Weavers VerifyAssembly="True">
      Cauldron. <!-- This will exclude all assemblies with a name that starts with Cauldron. -->
      AssemblyName <!-- This will exclude all assemblies with a name that starts with AssemblyName -->
<Weavers VerifyAssembly="True">
  <Cauldron.Interception ExcludeAssemblies="AssemblyName, Cauldron."/>