The instruction of using my booing system
When you start to run my python file, there are three kinds of requests that you can make shown in the terminal. When you type 1, you are start to search the available room based on you conditions. Please noted that when enter the start date and end date, you should enter the date in form of 1/1/2016 rather than 01/01/2016. Then a list of rooms that are available from start and end date(not included), will be shown following.
After searching, you should type 2 in order to book the room shown above. You will be asked to enter the listing_id and other basic info. Please noted that I set the number of bookings as the id of each booking and I set it as zero at the start of the program. When you are successful to book the room, a message called you are successful to book the room will be shown. You are going to write the comment if you type 3. When you enter your name, your booking info will be shown and you should enter the listing_id of room that you want to add comments. I set the id of comment as 0 as the first comment.