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Steps to follow to reproduce project results:

  1. Starting from a directory in which there is present "Financial_literacy.csv" file, execute the Notebook "Data_preparation.ipynb"; this will yield the file "clean_data.csv" file containing all data cleaned according to what is described in the report
  2. Now execute the "Data_aggregation.ipynb" notebook, which will in turn yield the "aggr_data.csv" file which consists of the new dataset with the newly enegineered features to enhance interpretability
  3. Now all elements are available to proceed and execute the "Model_testing.ipynb" file, where different models are compared together and the best one in terms of both performance and explainability is chosen
  4. At last, "Model_analysis.ipynb" is the notebook where analysis of the data is performed based on the above files and the reasoning explained in the report.

The directory proj_images contains all report images and the LaTeX needed files to recompile the report.


DataScience Lab Project for year 2024






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