Created by ChainBytes team. ChainBytes is a software and hardware development company , developing blockchain software solutions and Bitcoin ATM kiosks. If you need a more personalized wallet white-labeled for your brand or additional coins support you can contact us via:
npm install chainbyteswallet --save
// Must set the address and wif to your public address and private key to send from
const wif='';
const address = '';
const wallet = require("chainbyteswallet");
const payor = {"address": address, "wif": wif};
const payee = [{"name": "Person1", "wallet": "1983LDmpGo1iBjz9AAqNEStcaGiya8Wx8N", "amount": 5},
{"name": "Person2", "wallet": "17J1VUivqLNzw89k5aEfZz3rBk9Pg7hWyY", "amount": 5}]
// 2 people paid $5 USD worth of btc name,wallet,amount array of bitcoin wallets to send usdAmount to.
wallet.pushPayment(payee,payor,'text in transaction opcode').then((result)=> {
wallet.getAccount(payee[0].wallet).then((result) => {
console.log(result) // Show transaction of payments to that address
npm test
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