Control your AVM FritzBox Home devices over AWS Lambda by your own private developer skill.
The current version has a lot of restrictions and missing functionality, no Java SDK, etc.
There is no fritzbox internal OAuth and your connection data must be managed by a cloud OAuth service or additional hardware in your home network. Alternatives can be found here:
To run this fritzbox home skill you need to do two things. The first is to deploy the fritz-home-skill code in lambda, and the second is to configure your private Alexa skill to use Lambda.
- Go to the AWS Console and click on the Lambda link. Note: ensure you are in 'us-east' / 'irland' or you wont be able to use Alexa with Lambda.
- Click on the Create a Lambda Function or Get Started Now button.
- Skip the blueprint
- Name your Lambda Function - sample: "Fritz-Home-Skill".
- Select the runtime as Java 8
- Download the latest release jar package from (
- Select Code entry type as "Upload a .ZIP file" and then upload the 'fritz-home-skill-[VERSION]-jar-with-dependencies.jar' file from the build directory to Lambda
- Set the Handler as 'org.comtel2000.fritzhome.skill.FritzHomeSpeechletRequestStreamHandler' (this refers to the Lambda RequestStreamHandler file in the zip).
- Create a basic execution role and click create.
- Leave the Advanced settings as the defaults. Click Save (not Save and Test).
- Click "Next" and review the settings then click "Create Function"
- Click the "Event Sources" tab and select "Add event source"
- Set the Event Source type as Alexa Skills kit and Enable it now. Click Submit.
- Copy the ARN from the top right to be used later in the Alexa Skill Setup.
- Fill the environment variables with your application id (amzn1.sdk...) dyndns provider or url and create a Fritzbox user with the permission home automation.
- Go to the Alexa Console and click Add a New Skill.
- Create your language by select Add new Language (the current version only supports german)
- Set "FritzHome" as the skill name and "fritzbox" as the invocation name, this is what is used to activate your skill. For example you would say: "Alexa, ask fritzbox for device list."
- Select the Lambda ARN for the skill Endpoint and paste the ARN copied from above. Click Next.
- Copy the Intent Schema from the included IntentSchema.json.
- Add Custom Slot Type with name: 'DEVICE_NAMES' and copy the names from the included device_names.txt. Click Add.
- Copy the Utterances from the included Utterances.txt. Click Next.
- Go back to the skill Information tab and copy the appId. Paste the appId into the environment variable 'FRITZHOME_APPID', this step makes sure the lambda function only serves request from your private and authorized source.
- Enable your private test account and skip Publish stuff -> This skill is enabled for testing on your account
- The skill is now available as your own private skill, done.
User: "Alexa, frage Fritzbox nach der Temperatur im Büro."
Alexa: "Die Temperatur beträgt 22,3 Grad Celsius."
User: "Alexa, frage Fritzbox nach der Geräteliste."
Alexa: "Das Geräte xy ist eingeschaltet, die Temp..."
User: "Alexa, öffne Fritzbox und schalte Gerät Büro an."
Alexa: "Ok."
User: "Alexa, öffne Fritzbox und schalte Gruppe Außenbeleuchtung aus."
Alexa: "Ok."
User: "Alexa, frage Fritzbox nach dem Energieverbrauch von Flurlicht."
Alexa: "Der aktuelle Energieverbrauch von Flurlicht liegt bei 10 Watt."