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RNAnue - 0.1.1


RNAnue is a comprehensive analysis to detect RNA-RNA interactions from Direct-Duplex-Detection (DDD) data.


Download RNAnue source files and internal dependencies

The source files and submodules can be downloaded from github. Fort this run:

git clone --recurse-submodules <git repo here>

IMPORTANT RNAnue can only be compiled with gcc (tested with v11.4.0)


RNAnue has the following external dependencies, whereas the brackets indicate the version RNAnue has been build and tested on. Make sure the requirements are satified by your system. Segemehl and the Vienna binaries need to be located in $PATH.


On Ubuntu we recommend the installation of segemehl via apt-get.

# Update the package index:
sudo apt-get update
# Install segemehl deb package:
sudo apt-get install segemehl

NOTE Segemehl should be callable as "segemehl".

Vienna Package

NOTE From the Vienna Package, "RNAcofold" should be callable.


CMake is a cross-platform Makefile generator. For that, we provide the CMakeLists to simplify the build process. In particular, it utilizes the instructions given in the CMakeLists. It is recommended to create a "out-of-source build". For that, create a build folder (e.g., ./bin) and cmake into the root directory.

cmake ..

This is be sufficient if the dependencies are located in $PATH. Calling make builds RNAnue.




Positional Arguments

RNAnue provides different functional arguments (subcalls) for individual procedures. These include RNAnue preproc, RNAnue align, RNAnue clustering, RNAnue analysis. In additon, RNAnue complete applies the whole workflow.


RNAnue requires the sequencing files to be in a specific folder structure. The root folders of the treatments (--trtms) and controls (--ctrls) are specified accordingly. These folders contain subfolders with arbitrary conditions (e.g., treatment, cell lines,...) that in turn contain the read files, e.g.,


It is to be noted that the --trtms needs to be specified. However, --ctrls may be not set (optional).

NOTE To parse paired-end files, the filenames must end with "forward.fastq" and "reverse.fastq".


RNAnue accepts parameter settings both from the commandline and through a configuration file. For the latter, we provide a template configuration file (params.cfg) that allows to set the parameters in a more convenient fashion. This means that the call of RNAnue is reduced to the following call.

RNAnue <subcall> --config /path/to/params.cfg

Here, subcall corresponds to positional arguments.In any case, the specifying parameters over the command lines has precedence over the config file.


In principle, the results of the analysis are stored in the specified output folder and its subfolders (e.g., ./preproc, ./align, ./clustering, ./analysis). RNAnue reports the split reads in SAM format, the clusters and the RNA-RNA interactions. RNAnue reports the split reads in SAM format. Additionally, the complementarity scores and hybridization energies are stored in the tags FC and FE, respectively. We report the clusters in a custom format that includes the IDs of the clusters, its length, size and genomic coordinates.

Split Reads (.SAM)

RNAnue reports the detected splits in .SAM format (RNAnue detect). In this file, pairs of rows represent the split reads, consisting of the individual segments, e.g

A00551:29:H73LYDSXX:1:1101:7274:10645	16	gi|170079663|ref|NC_010473.1|	3520484	22	1X51=	*	0	0	AGGGGTCTTTCCGTCTTGCCGCGGGTACACTGCATCTTCACAGCGAGTTCAA	*	XA:Z:TTTCTGG	XC:f:0.714286	XE:f:-15.6	XL:i:7	XM:i:5	XN:i:0	XR:f:0.0735294	XS:i:5	XX:i:1	XY:i:52
A00551:29:H73LYDSXX:1:1101:7274:10645	16	gi|170079663|ref|NC_010473.1|	3520662	22	11=5S	*	0	0	TTCGATCAAGAAGAAC	*	XA:Z:GAAGAAC	XC:f:0.714286	XE:f:-15.6	XL:i:7	XM:i:5	XN:i:0	XR:f:0.0735294	XS:i:5	XX:i:53	XY:i:68

In the following the tags are listed that are reported in the detected split reads. Please note that in the upper segment the alignment is in reverse as done in the calculation of the complemtarity to represent the 3'-5' and 5'-3' duplex.

tag description
XC:f complementarity
XL:f length of alignment
XR:f site length ratio
XM:i matches in alignment
XA:Z alignment of sequence
XE:f hybridization energy

Clustering results

Interaction table




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  • C++ 98.8%
  • CMake 1.1%
  • C 0.1%