2021 |
Bayesian Active Learning by Soft Mean Objective Cost of Uncertainty |
Zhao et al. |
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Clssification |
Uncertainty , BNNs , None , Tra , Hard |
UCI User Knowledge dataset, center dataset |
these methods are not guaranteed to converge to the optimal classifier of the true model because MOCU is not strictly concave. |
2021 |
Active Learning with Maximum Margin Sparse Gaussian Processes |
Shi and Yu |
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Multi-class classification |
maximum-margin , Gaussian Process ,None , Tra , Hard |
generate a 2D synthetic dataset, Dermatology I, Dermatology II, Yeast, Penstroke, Auto-Drive, Reuters |
2021 |
Revisiting Model-Agnostic Private Learning: Faster Rates and Active Learning |
Liu et al. |
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Ensembles , Many Classifiers , None , Tra , Hard |
We fill in this gap by introducing the Tsybakov Noise Condition (TNC) and establish stronger and more interpretable learning bounds. |
2021 |
Feedback Coding for Active Learning |
Canal et al. |
code |
Bayesian logistic regression |
Posterior Matching , BNNs , None , Tra , Hard |
UCI dataset, vehicle, letter, austra, and wdbc. |
Information Theory |
2021 |
Towards Understanding the Behaviors of Optimal Deep Active Learning Algorithms |
Zhou et al. |
code |
Object/Intent Classification, Named Entity Recognition |
Any |
Fashion-MNIST, |
optimal data acquisition order |
2021 |
Active Learning under Label Shift |
Zhao et al. |
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Streaming |
Hybrid , BNNs , None , Tra , Hard |
We address the problem of active learning under label shift: when the class proportions of source and target domains differ. |