A demo of some of the code in action
- Have a computer running macOS
- Verify
was installed correctly npm install --global npm-check-updates changelog git-file-history tldr
The install script will
- Install homebrew if your computer does not already have it
- Install helpful applications and CLI tools using homebrew
- Set up your zsh config
I did a few preference changes to the operating system to hide away most of the icons and buttons. This makes for a minimal setup that keeps away distracting information.
In the General tab of the System Preferences, I checked the boxes that
- Use dark menu bar and Dock
- Automatically hide and show the menu bar
In the Dock tab of the System Preferences, I checked the box near the bottom that says Automatically hide and show the Dock
This project contains several standalone things that you can install selectively if you like.
The folders are as such
UI: Adds the clock and battery icons, and changes the background image and color scheme
- dark-light: The code that controls the environment dark/light color schemes
- ubersicht: The files that load the clock and battery on the desktop using the app ubersicht
window_manager: the configuration files for hammerspoon that allow for window placement through keyboard shortcuts
dateStampChanger.sh: A bash script for changing the created time on a file
connor.h: Some helpful C++ functions
command_line: Configuration that adds some cool shortcuts for terminal usage. macOS defaults to zsh, so if you don't know which to use, it is probably zsh.
install.sh: A script that installs the command line tools along with helpful software.
Cool projects I would like to steal ideas from:
git config --global core.editor "code --wait --new-window"
- Use vsCode as the default editor