This documentation contains an implementation of a socket server for Linux using the LeapC V5 library. The server retrieves hand pose data using the Ultraleap3Di Motion controller. The code for the server is written in C and the example client is written in Python. The desired client programming language does not need to be Python, as long as it supports sockets.
This documentation was tested with the following system specifications:
- Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (64 bit)
- Ultraleap 3Di (Stereo Hand-tracking Camera)
- Python 3.10.6
- LeapC V5.6.3 Gemini
First you need to install the Leap drivers and library using the instruction on their website for the fifth version of the LeapC library, called Gemini.
After the successful installation, follow these steps:
- Create Polling-file in C
First browse to the directory of the LeapC library
# General library directory
cd /usr/share/doc/ultraleap-hand-tracking-service/
# Sample directory
cd sample/
# Copy the already existing PollingData sample file
cp PollingData.c leap_server.c
Now open the leap_server.c
-file and add the functionality using the c-built-in "socket" library. An example is attached in the folder.
- Build library
Add theleap_server.c
-file to the build-fileCMakeLists.txt
by adding the following command:
#add_sample(<Output script name> <C-file name>)
add_sample("LeapServer" "leap_server.c")
Now follow the instructions in the
-file in the General LeapC library directory, mainly this is the code you will need:
# Define
# Source
cmake -S ${SRC_DIR} -B ${REPOS_BUILD_ROOT}/${BUILD_TYPE}/LeapSDK/leapc_example `
# Build
cmake --build ${REPOS_BUILD_ROOT}/${BUILD_TYPE}/LeapSDK/leapc_example -j --config ${BUILD_TYPE}
After build you can find the built file in the path ~/ultraleap-tracking-samples/build/Release/LeapSDK/leapc_example/LeapServer
. For execution run the following commands:
cd ~/ultraleap-tracking-samples/build/Release/LeapSDK/leapc_example/
The scipt can be executed anywhere on the device !
Create the Python client
Create a new Python-file anywhere on the local machine and use the example file as a template. -
Run the server and client
To run the system open two Terminals in parallel:
# Terminal 1
cd /path/to/serverfile/
# Run server c-script
Wait for the server to output Binding socket.
, otherwise the client will not be able to see an open connection.
# Terminal 2
cd /path/to/clientfile/
# Run python client file
The location of either of these files is not important, because this runs over a socket connection.
It is also possible to run the client in a docker container, here you need to make sure that the Port is opened for the docker container. One easy way to enable this by using the --network=host
sudo docker run -it --network=host hpe_ros
- "PORT already in use": run
sudo lsof -t -i:<PORTNR> | xargs kill -9
to kill all processes running on that Port
- "Connection refused": maybe the server itself is not yet ready, try again by restarting the server and then the client.