Scientific React UI components, based on MUI. Early development release.
A theme and component library to make websites at scientific installations simple to create.
Install as usual:
npm i @diamondlightsource/sci-react-ui
First use the ThemeProvider and supply a theme.
import {
} from "@diamondlightsource/sci-react-ui";
<ThemeProvider theme={DiamondTheme}>
<App />
There are currently two themes, GenericTheme
or DiamondTheme
, but you can - and should - adapt your own.
There are various components, here's an example of how to use the NavBar:
import {Container, Typography} from "@mui/material";
import {
} from "@diamondlightsource/sci-react-ui";
function App() {
return <>
<NavLinks key="links">
<NavLink href="#" key="first">A link</NavLink>
<Typography variant="h2">Scientific UI Collection</Typography>
<Typography>A collection of science based React components.</Typography>
export default App;
Documentation is created with Storybook. Read and play with it at
Code can be found at
You'll need pnpm
installed to build it. See for list of other tools used in this library
First install all packages
pnpm install
Build with rollup
pnpm run rollup
To view the components in Storybook use:
pnpm run storybook
Test with Jest
pnpm run test
Create a test app.
To test the package, you may be able to link
the package directly from source:
pnpm link <path-to-this-app-folder>
But if that doesn't work, you can try pack
, then install
In the package repo:
pnpm pack
In the test app repo:
pnpm install <path-to-this-app-folder>/diamondlightsource-sci-react-ui-0.0.1.tgz