DuckStat OSS is a Open-Source Version of DuckStat by Duck Developing Studio. The Open-Source Project is developed by OpenDuck.
Feel free to contribute to this Project!
- create and manage your own Statuspage
- create Incidents
- have a lightweight, fast and easy Statuspage!
- PHP 7.3
- Apache 2.3
(Tested on Debian 10)
Step 1: Download the GitHub Repo
Step 2: Predefine the app.ini, app3.ini files
Step 3: Setup your Login Data in the user/validation/login.php
Step 4: Login and change the Statuspage Names
Step 5: Enjoy!
This section is to answer questions and other stuff!
You can join the OpenDuck Organisation on GitHub and make a pull request to the testing branch
This branch contains contributions that aren't tested by enough people or are new. After they are tested, they'll be merged.