This is Nagios probe to monitor SRM endpoints executing simple file operations.
It's based on the gfal2 library for the storage operations and the python-nap library for execution and reporting.
The probe can query the BDII service in order to build the Storage URL to test given the host-name and the VO name.
A X509 valid proxy certificate is needed to execute the probe (configured via X509_USER_PROXY variable).
The probes runs the following passive checks in sequence:
- GetSURLs: use the endpoint passed as argument or build the SURL contacting the BDII
- VOLsDir: list the folder
- VOPut: put a test file
- VOLs: list the file previously copied
- VOGetTurl: get the TURL for the file previously copied
- VOGet: copy the file locally and check if content matches
- VODel: delete the file
the active check VOAll just combines the passive checks outcomes.
usage: [-h] [--version] [-H HOSTNAME] [-w WARNING] [-c CRITICAL]
[-d] [-p PREFIX] [-s SUFFIX] [-t TIMEOUT] [-C COMMAND]
[--dry-run] [-o OUTPUT] [-E ENDPOINT] [-X X509]
[-VO VONAME] [--srmv SRMV] [--ldap-url LDAP_URL]
[--se-timeout SE_TIMEOUT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
Host name, IP Address, or unix socket (must be an
absolute path)
-w WARNING, --warning WARNING
Offset to result in warning status
-c CRITICAL, --critical CRITICAL
Offset to result in critical status
-d, --debug Specify debugging mode
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
Text to prepend to ever metric name
-s SUFFIX, --suffix SUFFIX
Text to append to every metric name
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
Global timeout for plugin execution
Nagios command pipe for submitting passive results
--dry-run Dry run, will not execute commands and submit passive
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Plugin output format; valid options are nagios,
check_mk or passive (via command pipe); defaults to
SRM base SURL to test
-X X509, --x509 X509 location of x509 certificate proxy file
VO name, needed for interaction with BDII
--srmv SRMV srm version to use
--ldap-url LDAP_URL LDAP URL
--se-timeout SE_TIMEOUT
storage operations timeout
bash-4.2# ./plugins/ -H --voname dteam -X /tmp/proxy --dry-run -d
May 14 13:56:02 DEBUG core[1219]: Call sequence: [(<function getSURLs at 0x7f53d106d230>, 'GetSURLs', True), (<function metricVOLsDir at 0x7f53d106d2a8>, 'VOLsDir', True), (<function metricVOPut at 0x7f53d106d320>, 'VOPut', True), (<function metricVOLs at 0x7f53d106d398>, 'VOLs', True), (<function metricVOGetTURLs at 0x7f53d106d410>, 'VOGetTurl', True), (<function metricVOGet at 0x7f53d106d488>, 'VOGet', True), (<function metricVODel at 0x7f53d106d500>, 'VODel', True), (<function metricVOAlll at 0x7f53d106d578>, 'VOAll', False)]
May 14 13:56:02 DEBUG core[1219]: Function call: getSURLs
No such object (32)
May 14 13:56:03 DEBUG core[1219]: 'OK - SURLs successfully retrieved\\n'
May 14 13:56:03 DEBUG core[1219]: [1589464563] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;;GetSURLs;0;OK - SURLs successfully retrieved\n
May 14 13:56:03 DEBUG core[1219]: Function call: metricVOLsDir
May 14 13:56:03 DEBUG core[1219]: 'OK - Storage Path[srm://] Directory successfully listed\\n'
May 14 13:56:03 DEBUG core[1219]: [1589464563] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;;VOLsDir;0;OK - Storage Path[srm://] Directory successfully listed\n
May 14 13:56:03 DEBUG core[1219]: Function call: metricVOPut
May 14 13:56:04 DEBUG core[1219]: 'OK - File was copied to SRM. Transfer time: 0:00:01.456309\\n'
May 14 13:56:04 DEBUG core[1219]: [1589464564] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;;VOPut;0;OK - File was copied to SRM. Transfer time: 0:00:01.456309\n
May 14 13:56:04 DEBUG core[1219]: Function call: metricVOLs
May 14 13:56:05 DEBUG core[1219]: 'OK - File successfully listed\\n'
May 14 13:56:05 DEBUG core[1219]: [1589464565] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;;VOLs;0;OK - File successfully listed\n
May 14 13:56:05 DEBUG core[1219]: Function call: metricVOGetTURLs
May 14 13:56:05 DEBUG core[1219]: 'OK - protocol OK-[gsiftp]\\n'
May 14 13:56:05 DEBUG core[1219]: [1589464565] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;;VOGetTurl;0;OK - protocol OK-[gsiftp]\n
May 14 13:56:05 DEBUG core[1219]: Function call: metricVOGet
May 14 13:56:06 DEBUG core[1219]: 'OK - File was copied from SRM. Diff successful. Transfer time: 0:00:01.443261\\n'
May 14 13:56:06 DEBUG core[1219]: [1589464566] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;;VOGet;0;OK - File was copied from SRM. Diff successful. Transfer time: 0:00:01.443261\n
May 14 13:56:06 DEBUG core[1219]: Function call: metricVODel
May 14 13:56:06 DEBUG core[1219]: 'OK - File was deleted from SRM.\\n'
May 14 13:56:06 DEBUG core[1219]: [1589464566] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;;VODel;0;OK - File was deleted from SRM.\n
May 14 13:56:06 DEBUG core[1219]: Function call: metricVOAlll
OK - All fine
mkdir build
cd build
make rpm -f ../Makefile